Consolidated Communications Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:CNSL)

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  • DrScience: #Earnings tonight. Note those wide possibilities! $HEAR +/-18.5%, $RELY /-18%, $RSI /-17.4%, $PLAN /-16.1%, $SPLK /-15.4%, $DMRC /-13.9%, $NTNX /-13.4%, $PSTG /-13.4%, $SNOW /-13.2%, $KIDS /-11.9%, $VSCO /-11.3%, $RMNI /-11%, $CHPT /-11%, $BOX /-10.9%, $OKTA /-10.8%, $AEO /-10.7%, $BBSI /-9%, $CCSI /-8.5%, $VEEV /-8.4%, $GEF /-8%, $SGFY /-7.4%, $INVE /-7.2%, $HCCI /-5.5%, $FOA /-4.2% #Earnings tomorrow $REV /-12.8%, $BBY /-12.5%, $TWI /-11.7%, $GOGO /-11.6%, $BIG /-11.6%, $EYPT /-10.6%, $BURL /-10.4%, $UTZ /-9.9%, $BJ /-9.7%, $BF.B /-8.9%, $KR /-8.7%, $MEI /-7.2%, $ABUS /-7%, $CRAI /-6.8%, $PASG /-5.7%, $GMS /-5.6%, $CNSL /-5.6%, $ATRS /-4.5%, $TTC /-4.3%, $VIA /-3.2%
  • rnrdallas1939: I have noticed a few posts about #YEILDHOGS so I thought I would post the last list that jan2138 posted on the SMM website. I have culled a few that are no longer listed or dropped the div . $AGNC $AI $ARCC $BCFS $CIM $CLNY $CNSL $LUMN (was CTL) $DX $ERN $ETJ $ETW $ETY $EXG $GSBD $HRZN $IVR $LADR $MAIN $MRCC $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRE $NRZ $NYMT $NYMTO $OFS $OXLC $OXSQ $PNNT $PSEC $SAR $TCPC $$TPVG $TSVG $TWO $UNIT $UTF $VGR I have others, that I use, but this was jan2138 list. Now remember this is just a list not a recommendation just a place to start. The system is simple buy, get div, sell "rinse wash repeat". There is more to the process but it has to your process.
  • Forexpro: @rnrdallas1939 $AGNC $AI $ARCC $BCFS $CIM $CLNY $CNSL $LUMN $DX $ERN $ETJ $ETW $ETY $EXG $GSBD $HRZN $IVR $LADR $MAIN $MRCC $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRE $NRZ $NYMT $NYMTO $OFS $OXLC $OXSQ $PNNT $PSEC $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TSVG $TWO $UNIT $UTF $VGR #YEILDHOGS Thanks, MrDallas1939, Be it noted that "BCFS" should be "BCSF" (for "Bain Capital Specialty Finance") which I've been long for quite some time. It went ex- a dividend of 0.34 today, and continues to pay out north of 12 percent. I will admit that the folks at the fund whose portfolio manager first mentioned the ticker to me refer to it as "(S)inking (F)ast", but that isn't fair on most days. The outfit continues to own quite a lot of shares. Here's hoping that you're doing well; all the best!
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $CNSL - Not one I hold ... or track ... except to read all your posts. Thanks.
  • jan2138: @superstewart $CNSL In case you did not see my reply yesterday, you should relate what you are seeing today with the recent past. This has been a real loser. Please check my posts in May and 8/1/19.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL reported this morning. Total Revenues were $333.3million vs. 338.6million in Q-2. This trend has been $359M, $350M, $348.1M, $344.8M, $338.6M, $333.5M and now $333.3M. Adjusted EBITDA was $131.0 million vs. $131.4 million in Q-2. Th ...
  • superstewart: @jan2138 $CNSL Thanks for posting! Not familiar with this company but like what I'm seeing. Will keep them on my watchlist.
  • jan2138: @superstewart $CNSL Whatever you do, do not buy this one any time soon. I will post more tomorrow.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs #Earnings this week: $AGNC, $ARCC, $CIM, $CNSL, $DX, $HRZN, $HTGC, $NLY, $OXLC,.
  • jan2138: @wildfire3d #YH List : I am long or track. Those with the $ in front, I am long. Those that do not, I track. $AI; $BCSF; $CIM; $CLNY; $CNSL; CTL; EARN; $ETJ; $ETW; $ETY; $EXG; $GPM; $GSBD; $HRZN; $HTGC; $IVR; $LADR; $MAIN; MCC; MFA; $MITT; $MRCC; $NEWT; $NMFC; NRE; $NRZ; $NYMTO; $OFS; $OXLC; $PNNT; $PSEC; $PTY; $SAR; $TCPC; $TPVG; $TSLX; UNIT; $UTF; VGR; $WHF; $WMC; AGNC; ARCC; DX; NLY; NYMT. A few that I am long, are tracking positions only too.
  • jan2138: @champ $CNSL Even this dog is up 28% since it hit a 52 week low on 8/29/19.
  • issues: @jan2138 $CNSL amazing! And without any dividend? Wow
  • jan2138: $CNSL reported this morning. Total Revenues were $333.5 million, down from $338.6 million in Q-1. This trend has been has been $359M, $350M, 348.1M, 344.8M, 338.6M and now $333.5M. Adjusted EBITDA was $131.4M vs. $130.3M in Q-1. This trend has been$1 ...
  • wijimmy: $CNSL down at $4.50 - 9.5% anyone see news ?? earnings 8/1... NP.. looking for a bounce later today and swing into tomorrow
  • jan2138: $CNSL For those of us in the hope category, mark your calendars. They report pre-market on 8/1/19 with a CC scheduled for that same morning at 10:00.
  • gwenzee: @jan2138 $CNSL Just wishing you well.
  • jan2138: @gwenzee $CNSL Thanks. Would you say a prayer for $CNSL too =:+))
  • debeers: @jan2138 $CNSL -Prayers from me too Jan. You are so smart about stock you need no help there.
  • gwenzee: @jan2138 $CNSL It might need more than my prayers.
  • jan2138: @gwenzee $CNSL Aw c'mon, ye of little faith.
  • jan2138: @debeers $CNSL I surely do on this one.
  • gwenzee: @jan2138 $CNSL I'll save all my prayers for you. How about that?
  • jan2138: @gwenzee $CNSL I will take them for sure. Many thanks.
  • jan2138: $CNSL hit a 52 week low on 5/31/19. On 4/25/19, they announced earnings and dropped the bomb, i.e. they were eliminating the dividend which caught me by surprise as their dividend record was excellent and they were covering it easily. It has been moving up steadily since the low and is now up 36% from that low. I am hanging in there.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL Those of us still in this one can feel a little better after the last 5 sessions. It now seems to have a "5" handle in the pricing. Let's hope that 6 is not too far away.
  • jan2138: $CNSL up a bit over 6% this morning on good volume. No news.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $CNSL - curious. Recently down from about $12 to the current $4.75 The ticker is at the upperBB. The BBs are compressing. If my calculations are correct it is only an 18% VS. Given the low ticker price I'm not sure I care that it is not 6% or less. I'm not seeing an change in volume. reports an outragous 32.66% yield. Definitely on my watch list thanks to you but I'm not sure I trust this except (and a big if) for a highly speculative trade on a break out.
  • shoredriver: @grcjr $CNSL ...Thought divvie was suspended......@jan2138
  • phgruver: @shoredriver @grcjr $CNSL Please search on recent posts regarding $CNSL. It saves repeating the information. The dividend is $0.00, or 0%, whichever your prefer. I'm not picking on anyone, just politely, respectfully suggesting you search first and ask questions later...please?
  • shoredriver: @phgruver $CNSL ...DID....Went back a ways and did not find it.... ...When exactly was it posted??
  • phgruver: @shoredriver $CNSL The news was announced on 4/25, but has been revisited a couple of times since then. Most recently, I posted on 6/7, and @jan2138 posted on 6/10.
  • jan2138: @phgruver $CNSL I posted about the elimination of the dividend in my report on earnings back on 4/25/19.
  • Margi1983: @jan2138 $CNSL I assume with no dividend, you are out of this name
  • jan2138: @Margi1983 $CNSL I wish . No, I got caught by surprise when they announced it back in April. I decided to hold it after what happened with $UNIT. I sold my shares, and it recovered about 50% off of the low. I am giving $CNSL some time to see if they can show some better numbers when they report without having to pay dividends. If they do, I expect the stock will move up .
  • grcjr: @phgruver $CNSL - I did check two generally reliable source.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $CNSL - I got out end of April at $6.61.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $CNSL $UNIT - thanks for the post.
  • phgruver: @grcjr $CNSL Yeah, that happens. The brokers are really slow to update their data. TDA still shows a $1.55/year dividend. It may be technically correct, but it's very misleading.
  • jan2138: @grcjr $CNSL Looks good. I'd be very happy with that.
  • jan2138: @grcjr $CNSL You didn't check me, the most reliable source =:+))
  • champ: @jan2138 $CNSL --- Yes Sir, I agree, you are on top of your game, that's for sure....and your batting average is somewhere around 800% and thats better than Babe Ruth. However the Babe, had 714 home runs and 1,000's, of singles and doubles, that also really helps profits, I would settle for that and when you pull yourself out of the game, that news also helps profits. Those who don't follow forum posts, are always late to buy and also late to take profits. #Great-work....LOL.
  • jan2138: @champ $CNSL #Great-work Thanks, @Champ. Your handle is right on the money. I don't know how you do it, but you do stay on top of so many different tickers with success. You are a "champ". #Great-work.
  • jan2138: @dougcomz $CNSL The yield is 0%. They announced in their last earnings report that they would be cutting the dividend. I suggest that you do a search in the forum for posts about any high yield issue and usually, you will find some information. Check out my post on 4/25/19 re: $CNSL.
  • dougcomz: @jan2138 $CNSL I'm new to dividends, but I bought a small position in $cnsl today, seeing that the yield is above 34% according to TD Ameritrade? Is that for real?
  • phgruver: @dougcomz $CNSL $cnsl @jan2138 is out for the afternoon. On 4/25/19, they eliminated their dividend. That's why the stock dropped so much. Frankly, I don't see anything in the chart to encourage holding the stock for a turn. I'd suggest selling first thing Monday. On high yielders, anything above 9% is suspect. You really have to do your research, and even then you may be left holding the bag. These stocks have high yields precisely because they are high risk. I have several, but they make only a small percentage of my total portfolio.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL Surprise, surprise. It's up another 4% this morning. Yield 0%.
  • jan2138: $CNSL: Surprise, surprise. Up over 5% rhrn.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL FYI: The CEO added 10,000 shares @ $4.34 on 5/24/19 bringing his total holdings to 333,884 shares. I hope he knows what he was doing.
  • issues: @jan2138 $CNSL Maybe he will bring back some kind of dividend and make CNSL gradually move back up:?
  • TradeOn: @jan2138 $CTL $CNSL are you still holding $CNSL?
  • jan2138: @TradeOn $CTL $CNSL I hate to admit it, but I still have a position in $CNSL. I do not have any $CTL.
  • issues: @jan2138 $CTL $CNSL Dana I have to give you the award for faithfulness. I thought I was doing great holding CNSL as long as I did but you got me beat. I finally stopped out of CNSL at $4.95. I kept thinking "I wonder what Dana would do. I bet he's holding on." Sure enough you are. I remember UNIT, I sold it only to see it gradually come back 1/2 of what it lost. I try to hold on, but I just can't seem to do it like you. Thanks buddy!
  • jan2138: @issues $CTL $CNSL You may be smarter than I. I have to admit what happened with $UNIT is the main reason I have held on. I gave away a lot by selling $UNIT when I did only to watch it come back.
  • issues: ...
    $EDU $XLNX $YETI $MXL $ACHV $FOXF $NVTA and I finally sold $CNSL!

    I bought $VRTU on this drop/bounce. I like the chart and it's in a good IBD industry group computer tech. ALso in the group is $CDW which we used to own but sold in March. VRTU has a ...
  • jan2138: $CNSL The ultimate irony. I noted that one of my accounts holding this ticker was credited with a dividend, the last of the Mohicans.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $CNSL - yup. For me, showed up May 1. I think I also got a voting request for one of my "no longer holding" hogs.
  • jan2138: $CNSL Up over 6% rhrn.
  • PJMR11: $CNSL hat is everybody doing today with this dog? Anything?
  • stairm01: @PJMR11 $CNSL I sold at the open yesterday. Glad I did.
  • PJMR11: @stairm01 $CNSL Good move. I made a little yesterday by averaging down but am out now for a big loss overall. Just waiting for the law suit to recover pennies while the lawyers end up with millions.
  • jan2138: $CNSL Get this folks. Consolidated Comm Hldgs Raised to Outperform From Market Perform by Wells Fargo. Price Target Cut to $8.00/Share From $11.25.
  • jan2138: $CNSL And then, there is this. Consolidated Comm Hldgs Cut to Sell From Neutral by Guggenheim.
  • wijimmy: @jan2138 $CNSL Seen that this morning and had to Laugh .... Raised out look and cut price target... it's a like backhanded compliment ,.... " You look so great ...I didn't even recognize you " " Your VERY PRETTY.... for a plus size girl " ... " You're a good driver.... for a woman."
  • jan2138: @wijimmy $CNSL I liked the differences of opinion considering what happened. The WFC analyst has to be embarrassed.
  • jan2138: @rnrdallas $CNSL It seems to me a much better approach would have been to cut the dividend in half which would have enabled them to begin to achieve a start to their goal to deleverage without totally leaving so many shareholders out in the cold.
  • wijimmy: $CNSL... getting some action into the close... "Insiders" all dumped last week.... and Now Getting Back in ???
  • issues: @wijimmy $CNSL holding by a thread!
  • jbuc5222: $CNSL eliminated dividend
  • mikespear: @jbuc5222 $CNSL ugh....
  • mikespear: @mikespear $CNSL i assume you would suggest selling any position we have?
  • ag1: @jbuc5222 $CNSL Thanks I was waiting to add. Where did you find this?
  • wijimmy: $CNSL..... DOWN 30% pre market trading around $6.30 ... They Eliminated Dividend thats - 1.55 a year.. to focus on deleveraging .. This yield hog was just brought to the SLAUGHTER HOUSE !!!! Now we know why the VOLUME has been doubled and tripled the past week.... Thought something was rotten, now we know ..... WALL STREET still dirty as ever.... ( Damn insiders )
  • wijimmy: @wijimmy $CNSL ...expected to post quarterly loss of -$0.09 per share.. POSTED loss of -.03.... Revenues are expected to be $338.35 million, down 5% from the year-ago quarter.... Reported Rev.. of $338.6
  • mikespear: @wijimmy $CNSL agree. yield hogs are great, but this is a big setback if one had any size in the position
  • Margi1983: @mikespear $CNSL Thank god I had only a tiny tracking position. I think we can officially call $CNSL a "YieldDog". And of course the insiders knew what was coming and dumped the stock the past 6 days. Lots of retail investors left holding the bag
  • efrain007: $CNSL might work over day high
  • efrain007: $CNSL in 6.95 stop day low
  • efrain007: $CNSL didn't work out 6.60
  • wijimmy: @efrain007 $CNSL ... nope ... NOT LISTENING but 10am CC not looking like its helping...
  • efrain007: @wijimmy $CNSL Looks like it's trying to reverse, I'm tempted but will stick to my rules. Was in for a trade, got stopped out, won't revenge trade.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL Wow, what a surprise. With the recent action, it is obvious to me that this elimination of the dividend leaked out. More later.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL reported this morning, and the big surprise was the elimination of the dividend after paying the .3874 for 55 consecutive quarters. If you take a look at the chart, it almost seems obvious that this decision was leaked to some who to ...
  • jan2138: $CNSL: As more folks find out about the elimination of the dividend, the share price keeps dropping. It's trading at the lows of the day rn. I don't think now is the time to sell.
  • issues: @jan2138 $CNSL Dana I know you won't sell it here because of what you did with $UNIT. But is there a point when you will sell it?
  • PJMR11: @jan2138 $CNSL Agreed. Just dead money for now. Probably a lawsuit down the road so maybe we can recover something there. No doubt they leaked going to zero on the Dividend.
  • jan2138: @issues $CNSL $UNIT Absolutely but I will wait 'til the knee-jerk reaction is over.
  • stocking: @jan2138 $CNSL is it possible they would reinstate the dividend sometime down the road if the company improves?
  • jan2138: @stocking $CNSL I would think so but not until they achieve their goal of deleveraging in order to get the best terms when they refinance their unsecured debt in 2021. I wouldn't hold my breath.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $CNSL $UNIT - I've been completely out of $UNIT for quite some time and out of $CNSL more recently.
  • phgruver: @issues $CNSL $UNIT You can still get $5.61 for your $CNSL stock. I'd ditch it. The same thing happened to $WIN and $FTR. When the dividend goes, there goes the only reason to hold these stocks. Landlines are a dying business. They aren't going away, but their use will decline steadily. This is a negative growth business. Not where you want to be. I used to own $WIN and $FTR. I still own some $UNIT, $T, $VZ and $CTL. A very disappointing sector.
  • jan2138: @phgruver $CNSL $5.53 bid.
  • jan2138: @grcjr $CNSL $UNIT I am out of UNIT, CTL and WIN a long time ago.
  • jan2138: @jan2138 $CNSL Moving up 5.64 bid now.
  • Wolf: @jan2138 $CNSL No Dividend, I done with it except maybe for a few day trades, probably to the short side.
  • jan2138: @Wolf $CNSL I will be but not yet. I sold my UNIT too soon.
  • Wolf: @jan2138 $CNSL I sold @ 5.83, and then shorted a very large position for about a .10 gain. Revenge trade, but couldn't help it.
  • PJMR11: @jan2138 $CNSL I will be out at some point but not now. I want to let the dust settle.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $CNSL A reminder that these folks will be reporting before the market opens tomorrow. The CC is scheduled for 10:00 a.m tomorrow. Lets hope that what they have to say will reverse the trend.
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Stock Price $4.72
Change 0.00%
Volume 13,549,400

Consolidated Communications, Inc. is a telecommunications services company. It offers services including local and long-distance service, high-speed broadband Internet access, video services and digital telephone service among others.

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