Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX)

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  • DrScience: $SIX Jump on the roller-coaster. Nice run-up from the first of the month and today... a bull flag breakout into tomorrow's ex-dividend date.
  • jetace: $SIX all the averages converging with price sitting at 50MA. Last candle was a green hammer
  • veghead: $SIX into the gap move possibly
  • veghead: $SIX HOD
  • veghead: $SIX Nice day! keeping 25% filled most of gap
  • roddog101: anyone bottom fishing on $SIX
  • roddog101: @roddog101 $SIX just a penny or so above 52 wk low
  • roddog101: @roddog101 $SIX keep seeing several people say SIX raising or raised prices to keep thugs out,, anyone familiar w whats going on?? I know the thugs does keep some from going... This could be a silver lining but I need to do more digging, anyone know??
  • shoredriver: @roddog101 $SIX ...not feeling the urge.......
  • veghead: @roddog101 $SIX watching NP
  • veghead: $SIX trying to bounce @20.66 day trade Tight leash
  • DAN: ...
    $SIX -- Nope
    $PTON (down 95%). Is $AMZN going to buy? That rumor ended fast.

    $SPY -- trend remains intact
    $QQQ -- no change in trend.
    $DBC -- Commodities are still rising.
    $USO -- oil still ramping.

    Stocks To Watch:
    $LLY -- New support at $320. N ...
  • bRobert: @DAN $HHS $CCL $RCL $LIND $SIX $PTON $AMZN $SPY $QQQ $DBC $USO $LLY $HAE $DQ $TAN $OLLI $JKS $SMH $CDNS $SNPS $NVDA $MU $TXN $TSM $STM $INTC $AVGO $LRCX $QCOM $MPWR $SWKS SHORT $SMH group for a while We discussed some VERY low targets many months ago based on the WEEKLY H&S tops galore 200w targets for all eg $NVDA $120 Some with more Classic set ups Been tracking $AVGO game lately The last weekly H&S top left to drop
  • efrain007: $SIX On the one hand might work for a bounce, on the other hand each test of support weakens that support. Either way approaching a low risk entry.
  • efrain007: @efrain007 $SIX Breaking support and that 5min chart is ugggly.
  • efrain007: @efrain007 $SIX Flipers/traders... low risk entry with 30 minute hammer.
  • DrScience: $SEAS, $FUN, $SIX Seaworld offers to buy Cedar Fair, Six Flags pin action.
  • bRobert: $SIX H&S top acquired at $36 Done? It Could test $30 after a bounce
  • Motorman: @bRobert $SIX Heard of a shutdown due to release of Chlorine gas at one of the parks in TX.
  • bRobert: @Motorman $SIX And $DIS Something goofy happening there
  • Motorman: @bRobert $SIX $DIS Don't know about $DIS, but last checked can't find tickets to get in, gave the kid a Minnie Mouse doll ;)
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $SIX $DIS because it's a mickey mouse operation
  • scottrades: @Pokersmith $SIX $DIS Ha!!!
  • Forexpro: Re: $SIX, Markets

    Hi, Friends,

    I try to read as widely as possible in the financial press; there are good ideas (and, yeah, plenty of the other kind) to be found in even unlikely places. Most of the pieces that I read are analyses of fundamentals, ...
  • Bs7518: @Forexpro $SIX Really enjoy your daily views
  • Forexpro: @Bs7518 $SIX Thanks, Bs7518, I'm glad that you find my scribbles worthwhile. Here's hoping that you're well, and thriving; cheers!
  • Ern: @Forexpro $SIX I read all your posts as well, I find all your insights very helpful. I thank you for sharing.
  • Forexpro: @Ern $SIX Thanks, Ern, Much appreciated. All the best!
  • cooper.cardinale: Noob Question. Is end of day volume, last five minutes Highest Volume of the Day. Examples. $SIX $DHI ...shorts covering or institutions coming in? Is there a specific volume amount that would tell you one way or the other?
  • Henry: @cooper.cardinale $SIX $DHI the last half hour of trading is said to be institutional trading, especially when it happens on big volume. I don't know why anyone would be short a housing stock these days, but it's only 2% of the float. Similarly why be short Six Flags at the end of a pandemic? It''s short interest is 7% If this were the early days of the GME Reddit revolt you could judge that to be short covering, gamma squeeze.
  • cooper.cardinale: @Henry $SIX $DHI Thanks for the answer. I think maybe overall my question highlights my ignorance on fundamentals. I ignore them almost completely which might be a problem HAHA. Thank you for your answer and time! Much appreciated. Fundamentals 101 here I come! :P
  • Henry: @cooper.cardinale $SIX $DHI you can find Short Interest on I don't think it is updated more than twice a month, maybe only once a month. Maybe somewhere someone has a subscription product that updates shorts on a more frequent basis. If so it's probably beyond our wallets.
  • debeers: $AAPL/$BOOT/$LAD/$LUV/$MSGE. For today, $SIX outperforming $DIS.$AAPL only one down.
  • Bert953: @lostsheep $PLAY be careful, this is a "high traffic" company like $DIS, $SIX, $CCL etc. '
  • lostsheep: @Bert953 $PLAY $DIS $SIX $CCL Just trading the chart and short interest Have never been to one although they are building one in our area. Similar to $CAR which I've never rented from but has worked well.
  • DAN: Good morning. We'll be opening up the trading room at 9:15 ET for some live trading. There are plenty of potential opportunities this morning, so active traders can definitely benefit from some big pre-market moves. Here is my scratch sheet for the morning, showing some of the stocks I'll be watching. $SEDG -- Upgrade will extend yesterday's move to nearly 25%. Three day rule? Gap Up on earnings/guidance: $STMP $ZG $DPZ $CAR Gap Down: $TVTY -- CEO resigns and bad earnings. $SIX $NVTA Snap back: $AEM -- 3rd Std Dev reversal? Movers: $TSLA $SPCE $AMZN Select SMM STOCKS: $RGEN -- Gap down. Potential add. $INMD -- Below AVWAP. Big resistance. Would not own here. $DT - complete reversal of yesterday's move on news of stock sale by major shareholders (non-dilutive) Scott also has a separate list of stocks. Hope to see you there. --Dan
  • petergreen: @jan2138 $SIX Thank you! Are there any long term dividend holds you can recommend?
  • petergreen: $SIX seems like a dog in the long run but it really took a beating and buyers finally stepped in. Got in at $35.36 with a stop just below $35. Might be good for a day or two.
  • petergreen: I didn't even notice that $SIX has a dividend that is bigly. Over 7%. @jan2138 do you think they'll have to cut it?
  • mopick: @petergreen $SIX, not jan2138, however, I wouldn't touch it! Pre-announced, revenue miss plus their Chinese partner has major problems. Why bother, there are other more secure dividend/total return plays better than this one imho.
  • jan2138: @petergreen $SIX Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner. I agree with @mopick. The news is all bad, there have been at least 2 downgrades by brokers'analysts. With today's 18% gap down, the yield has risen to 9.23%. That said, this one looks extremely risky and should be avoided unless you are a gambler. I am not.
  • wijimmy: @jan2138 $TPVG .. Jan, Thanks again... I added to my position this morning at $14.15.. my position price is now around $13 over 2 years... Riding your coat tales...has been FUN and Successful for me... If you get some free time over the holiday weekend.. Check out $SIX for some yield with growth.. ex.div today also... It's out of the box for a yield hog....$SIX was recently beat down a little ... and raised divide this Qtr...... it's not so vanilla..
  • wijimmy: $SIX ... Trading at all time low..... could be over done .. ??
    Down 12% around $44.85... started a small position
    ...yields around 7.3% at $45.... pays .82 a quarter..
    Earnings this morning...
    Good News ::: Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE ...
  • wijimmy: @wijimmy $SIX ...2 different headlines from 2 different sources.... Press/News can print anything... But the numbers are the same..Gotta dig more.. 1st ..Comtex from my chase account reports $SIX today announced Record September year-to-date attendance and revenue. Revenue was $621 million for the third quarter of 2019, a $1 million increase over the same period in 2018. The increase in revenue was attributable to attendance growth of 3 percent, or 440,000, to 14.0 million guests in the third quarter of 2019... ... 2nd... From Amertrade account ... Marketnews wire .. $SIX Revenue declined 0.2% over 3 month period ended 9/30/19 compared with same quarter last year falling to $621.2 million and trailing the $643.9 million consensus call.
  • traderbren: $FUN - may see a turn given the recent takeout interest by $SIX. $FUN rejected the all stock off of $70. NP but have alerts set if it gets traction...
  • Hans_Schultz1: @Hans_Schultz1 $IRBT $ALGN $TSLA $NSC $SAVE $PTC $CALX $SIX $TUP $RIO Couldn’t find much today from this list. Holding some $NSC but it’s not really doing too much
  • Hans_Schultz1: 7/24/2019 Gap Downs to watch tomorrow. In no particular order. (Some of these are day 2+ down) $IRBT $ALGN $TSLA $NSC $SAVE $PTC $CALX $SIX $TUP $RIO Day trade / 59 min trade candidates.
  • 1winkie: ...
    $SIX was reiterated as Neutral with a $51 price target (versus a $50.18 close) at Wedbush Securities, but the firm did note that its investor meetings point to multiple paths for upside.

    $STLD was downgraded to Hold from Buy and the price target wa ...
  • DrScience: $SIX For the last 3 years, the stock has jumped in September in anticipation of October earnings release of Summer numbers. This year could be different as secondary indicators are pointing a different direction. So, rather than bank on a turn-around and run up here at the 200 DMA, I'll settle for a SEP 67.50 Covered Call @ 65.70ish. This offers a 2.66% return (40% annualized) for a 28-day hold. It also gives an opportunity to capture the .78 dividend on 8/29, which bumps the return to 3.89% (65% annualized) if called away.
  • mharps: $SIX starter
  • magriver: Thanks to all! My initial thoughts were to dump them and hold cash while looking for stocks that showed some promise. Might still do that but I'll look at everyone's suggestions. Right now I have positions in $AIG, $MIME, $NI, $SIX, $SYK, $V, $VEA, and $VO. I have the following on watch list $MYGN, $HCI, $PSTG, $IPHI, $CGNX, and, $JOUT
  • Bridget: $SIX bearish engulfing pattern on earnings. Full reversal on a failed breakout. Very bearish signal.
  • DrScience: @Bridget $SIX Trader note circulating that CEO will be on "Mad Money" tonight.
  • GaVaHokie:
  • Trixie: @Bridget $EXPE most of that Leisure group from idb looks pretty rough.. the cruise lines are another group that looks to be taking on water pretty good. $RCL, $CCL, $NCLH. $SIX seems to be holing the 200ma and $WYNN looks like it might be in the process of some kind of base down here.. Seems to have attracted a lot of volume down here.. Could those 2 lows around the 50ma be the start of a double bottom.. Or do we need another bounce at 50 or just around there to scare those who thought it was a double bottom out.. I know a move over 75ish would tell us we'd be moving higher on this one
  • champ: $SIX - On earning they beat by 0.11 and the stock was up to $50.45 in the AH but now dropping down to $45.02....that why I always take the $$$$. You never known what's going to happen. No position on this stock but thats why I sold $SCON in the AH.
  • GreenGhost: @champ $SIX $SCON No trades AH today last trade 3:59 when stock was .26 and down over 4% ; $SCON =wrong ticker? Doubt you're screwing around with some crappy little 26 cent stock
  • champ: @GreenGhost $SIX $SCON- Should have posted $SONC.
  • GreenGhost: @champ $SIX $SCON $SONC suspected you weren't messing with a 26 cent pink sheeter
  • Seth: @woodman $NAT $LEAF and $SIX
  • champ: $MNST..I'm long and it sure looks like it wants to move up going into earnings...just like Dan, said. $LYB ..I'm also long this stock going into Investor Day on Wednesday 4/29 ..all good news ..big beat on earnings but it did miss on revenue. $SIX took profits on the open....out. Anybody have a target on $JD ...I have a position.
  • champ: $SIX - HOD and all time high RHRN....I'm still long.
  • champ: $SIX - $49.60 - Cramer was pounding the table on CNBC this morning about the great earnings report that $SIX had. I'm sure he will be going over the report on his show today and pounding the table again with a strong buy. The CEO will be on his show this afternoon. The stock is up but was higher earlier today. This stock should open up in the morning and climb higher during the day I'm thinking after the retail buyers jump in and buy this fun stock ...for their kids they will say. Cramer will move this stock higher. I'm long with a swing trade and so is his trust fund.
  • Jadee: @champ I am a member of Cramer's "trust fund" also known as AAP and he does not own $SIX as part of that portfolio. In fact i do not see it ever being in there.
  • champ: @Jadee - $SIX - Sorry about that...I heard him say this morning that it was an easy stock to hold because of the dividend but maybe I just assumed that it was one of his holdings after he said that. Thanks, for pointing this out.
  • pcotton: #scanResults - right upper corner, pullback to 20 or 50 dma $ABC $ABMD $ACT $AET $AHS $AMC $ANTM $AVGO $BR $BURL $CBRL $CTB $ESPR $FTNT $G $HNT $HOLX $HUM $IBKR $MHK $MMS $PFPT $RHP $SIX $SKUL $SLGN $TGT $TM $TSS $TXRH $UNH $VMC $WCG
  • champ: $SIX - This stock should jump because Gramer is having the CEO on Fast Money today.
  • hawk327: @Jadee Getting fully invested. Make a shopping list. Wait for the items you want to go on sale and buy "right". Patience. Here is what I have in one account. $LMT, $Q, $FB, $DD, $SIX, $SO & building energy position again. Make you ...
  • hawk327: @GreenGhost $DIS $SIX $FUN Six flags & Cedar Fair don't have the over seas exposure that we see impacting Disney. Of the two I hold $SIX for long term investment. The 4.7% yield is the draw there. Also hold $DIS in another account for a very long time. The other business besides parks ESPN, movies, so strong. Need some holdings (low maintenance) that I'm looking at a 5 year chart on. I think any of these will fit that.
  • GreenGhost: @hawk327 $FUN That's a nice stable of LT horses. Nice work! just some food for thought to consider. $DIS is more of an content /entertainment play and earnings driver /cash cow is ESPN franchise so let's set that one aside for the moment. The other t ...
  • vazv: Huge Earnings week highlights – Stay sharp! Many market movers! 4/21 – 4/25 - (confirmed unless noted) 4/21 Monday am - $HAL - pm - $NFLX, $RMBS, $HSTM 4/22 Tuesday am - $CMCSA, $SBNY(unconfirmed), $LMT - pm - $DFS, $GILD, $ILMN, $ISRG, $MANH, $PKG, $NBR, $SWKS, $VMW, $IRBT, $JNPR, $CBST, $YUM 4/23 Wednesday am - $BA, $BEAV, $BIIB, $MDCO, $TMO, $JAKK, $DAL,$SIX, $MDCO - pm - $AAPL, $ALGT, $FFIV, $FB, $QCOM, $CLB, $NXPI, $ALGN, $ORLY, $XLNX 4/24 am - $ALXN, $MMM, $CRR, $CELG, $HOT, $ODFL, $RTN, $HP, $LAD - pm - $AMZN, $BIDU, $V, $AFOP, $MAS, $SYNA, $CUDA, $GIMO, $HWAY, $WYN, $SBUX, During - $BBD, (unconfirmed) 4/25 am - $ALK Source - I did my best but please reply with corrections if you find errors.
  • Tim S: Notable earnings before Wednesday's open $CCC, $CNK, $DVN, $DX, $EV, $GEO, $GRMN, $HCN, $HL, $HST, $LAD, $LL, $MDCO, $MGM, $NM, $NOR, $OCR, $SAVE, $SIX, $SUNE, $TX, $WAB, $XEC, ZBRA
  • Tim S: Notable earnings before Wednesday's open $AEP, $AMAG, $ARG, $ATI, $BA, $BEAV, $BMY, $BPOP, $CAT, $CKSW, $CMC, $CP, $DPS, $EAT, $ECA, $EDU, $FDML, $GD, $GRA, $HCBK, $JAKK, $LAD, $LCC, $LL, $LLY,LO, $MDCO, $MOLX, $MSA, $MSI, $MTH, $NDAQ, $NLSN, $NOC, $NSC, $NYCB, $OC, $OCR, $OSIS, $PLD, $RES, $SIX, $TMO, $TUP, $WLP, WYN
  • russellleach: $SIX Volatility #squeeze in late November. Now looking at phase 3. Also related industry $FUN two days out of a Vol. Sq. Long half position in SIX.
  • gold2stocks: ...
    Six Flags rated new Hold at Keybanc
    $SIX was initiated with a Hold rating, Keybanc said, Valuation call, as the stock has already gained 40% year-to-date.

    TCF Financial downgraded at JP @Morgan
    $TCB was downgraded from Overweight to ...
  • Bobo: @Russell 2000 Rebalance, Hello Team, I went through most of the new additions to the @Russell 2000 and the following is a list of those with insider buying. I haven't had time to review all of the charts but maybe we as a collective can analyze the fundies and charts and share thoughts on these companies. CPWM - $ESSX - $FDEF - $FRNK - $GKNT - $GM - GSIC - $HNH - $HCA - $HTBK - INEV - $INSM - $KOS - $KRO - $LUB -LYB - $MDW - QPSA - $RMTI -SGA - $SIX - $VC - VGZ. Have a good and profitable unpcoming week.
  • moneytaker: ...
    $SIX 6 2* 7 3* 5 1 -20 78.45
    $HF 6 2* 7 2* 3 0 -20 16.24
    $GIS 5 3* 11 3* 0 -20 ...
  • JohnMT: $SIX, $SFUN ect. - Interesting article:
  • JohnMT: $SIX - Look at this bottom left to upper right
  • cking7575: ...
    So with year~end / month~end here's some downside numbers if Gibraltar decides to give way; $FIVE WEEK LOWS #1167.80 / $SIX week lows would be #1155 on 10/19/10

    OCT 27th @ #1167.80 (5 week Lows)
    OCT 21st @ #1167.50
    OCT 20th @ #11 ...
  • taylor: ...

    MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Oct 28, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- VIVUS, Inc. (Nasdaq: VVUS) announced today that it received a Complete Response Letter (CRL) from the U.S. Food and Dru ...
  • slowtime: $BP - @dagdog Yes you are absolutely correct. I own $BP on $LSE as well as on the NYSE. $BP in the medium term, will have a huge move up both on $LSE and NYSE because of their very strong position in the Gulf of Mexico. Although the forex difference between the # and the $ is minor, nonetheless it is exaggerated $SIX times because the ADR holds 6 $BP shares. @slowtime
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Stock Price $32.00
Change 0.00%
Volume 16,922,000

Six Flags Inc. is a theme park operator. It owns and operates regional theme, water and zoological parks.

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