AG Mortgage Investment Trust Inc. (NYSE:MITT)

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  • grcjr: Many of the #YIELDHOGS are "accidental high yielders". Prices are down. YIELDs are up. Stocks may be working up I'm watching. Added a couple nibbles. 3 examples (moving as I attempt to capture) Ticker gaintoday YIELD $CIM +12.88% 17.42% $MITT 12.9% 20.8% $MYMT $11.04% 18.02% To me, looks a bit more risky than normal
  • sgiseller: @grcjr $CIM $MITT $MYMT #YIELDHOGS My problem with the high yielders is that they all seem to drop more than the div or other than cash flow, they all wind up loosers, dependant on entry of course Just bought some $MITT
  • grcjr: @sgiseller $MITT #YIELDHOGS. I've been tracking these stocks for a couple decades or more. Looking at $MITT trading about $4.20 at the open this morning. Most often $MITT will drop a bit more than the amount of the dividend at xdiv. Div is about $0.21. So, I expect $MITT to drop a bit more than $0.21 and could be a couple times that number. Typically $MITT will drop a few more days and then take several days to recover most of the price prior to xdiv. If I'm interested in $MITT, I will wait at least 2 days, maybe 5 days, waiting to see $MITT price to begin to move back up. I try to buy near the bottom. See the attached picture. $MITT, quickly recovered most of the div drop on the third day after xdiv. This recovery came much quicker than normal ... something to do with our bullish market today.
  • Doug1: @grcjr $NLY $BCSF $CIM $MITT $GSBD $AGNC $NRZ #YIELDHOGS Thanks for posting!!
  • grcjr: #YIELDHOGS @JAN2138 several tickers to look at. I have not spent enough time on these as yet ... Yield is not the only important number. DivX today (6/29/99) Ticker, Yield $NLY 14.74% $BCSF, 14.74% $CIM, 14.98$ (watch this. They closed a recent offering that may not yet be posted.) $MITT, 12.12% $GSBD, 10.54% $AGNC, 12.77% DivX tomorrow June 30 $NRZ, 10.18% DivX Friday, July 1 $TWO, 13.57 Others with a smaller dividend can also be worth owning. Note: I generally only post #YIELDHOGS on StockMarketMentor.
  • RedLeaf1: @grcjr $NLY $BCSF $CIM $MITT $GSBD $AGNC $NRZ $TWO #YIELDHOGS #YIELDHOGS Thanks for this post and the one on 6/10/2022.
  • Wykeman: @grcjr $NLY $BCSF $CIM $MITT $GSBD $AGNC $NRZ $TWO #YIELDHOGS #YIELDHOGS $JEPI has nice daily volume. Good divey. Very nice basket of dividend paying stocks. You can trade this also.
  • grcjr: #yieldhogs $MITT - This is a yieldhog that I was in for a long time prior to the pandemic. I kept a tracking position. This is currently paying a yield of 23.73%. This is a scary number to me. They paid zero for almost a year. Earnings have dropped. Dividend payout has bounced. The stock price may have bottomed. What to do. I added a nibble ... no longer a tracking position.
  • zimzala: @tradingcyber2 #yieldhogs #yieldhogs Do your research on these as a lot were affected with last years action: $PNNT $KKR $MITT $NMFC $AAIC $WMC $TCPC $HRZN $HTGC $MRCC $GSBD $TSLX $MAIN $IVR $PSEC $SAR $BCSF $VGR $NLY $UTF $OFS $NEWT $BX $TPVG $DX $DSL $OXLC $GEO $WHF $CSWC $EARN $LADR $CIM $JPS $NRZ $ICMB $CLM $CRF $CXW $LUMN $ETB $ETJ $ETO $ETV $ETW $ETY -I sold out of all shares purchased in these and hold only the dividends earned in all of these prior to last years crash. -The only ones I jumped back into with large positions around the crash are in $BX $NEWT $SAR $ETJ $UTF.
  • zimzala: @pilotski #yieldhogs Here's a place to start though many changed there dividend payouts if them maintained since the crash: $AAIC $BCSF $BX $CIM $CLM $CRF $CSWC $CXW $DSL $DX $EARN $ETB $ETJ $ETY $GEO $GSBD $HRZN $HTGC $ICMB $IVR $JPS $KKR $LADR $LUMN $MAIN $MITT $MRCC $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRZ $OFS $OXLC $PNNT $PSEC $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TSLX $UTF $VGR $WHF $WMC Overweight $BX $CIM $CLM $CSWC $ETJ $NEWT $NLY $SAR $WHF
  • grcjr: #YIELDHOGS $MITT - This was one I held for years. I sold most of it last January and the rest in July. The dividend was zeroed for the whole past year. For this 4th quarter they are paying a $0.03 dividend for Q4 ... on a $2.90 stock. Prior to this whole year they used to pay $0.45 and before that $0.50. Tempted?? What is the yield worth? I believe that the outlook for this Mortgage Investment Trust is still iffy. I have a very small tracking position. This and others might show some recovery this year. Or not.
  • grcjr: $MITT #YIELDHOGS HASBEEN. This used to be a hog we held. It currently has no dividend and is trading near the April low. Still holding it? I closed out quite some time ago.
  • grcjr: #yieldhogs $MITT $WMC $NYMT - these were big winners yesterday. $MITT was up 110%. You might want to be looking at the old #yieldhog list. Many (not all) are recovering. Those that are not may be acquired or go under. There were others also.
  • grcjr: $MITT - winked at me (not the blink I mentioned recently). Up 38% !!! on a break out in the premarket. Friday I was wrong. Trading on this ticker was stopped at the open. Reopened. I do not see any news as yet. Fidelity is now showing a 50% yield. I don't believe it yet. Friday is showed zero.
  • grcjr: @grcjr $MITT - huge breakout - earnings might be June 18
  • grcjr: $MITT shows a 52% short!!!. I'm taking some profits.
  • grcjr: @grcjr $MITT - moving back above the 8dema ... buying in stages. Over a double today. Trying not to be too piggish.
  • grcjr: $NEWT $MITT - There were some posts earlier this week about $NEWT and other #yieldhogs this week. $NEWT is up 4.8% today and still has a good yield of 9.9%. The big question for all of the former #yieldhog companies is whether they will be around in a year. I have a full position on $NEWT. On the other side, $MITT no longer pays a dividend and is not showing any signs of recovering. I have a tracking position in $MITT and plan to cut it even if it only blinks at me. Re $NEWT I just can't buy more, it is already a top holding.
  • farview: @grcjr $NEWT $MITT #yieldhogs #yieldhog I do have a 1/2 position in $NEWT. I switched to the preferred stock of $CIM, $NRZ and $TWO. I have noticed insider buying in some of the #yieldhogs which makes me feel a little better. The preferred stock I own has preformed well and if the companys can tred-water they should be just fine.
  • sierramp: @gwenzee $MITT $WMC #yieldhogs Dana is most definitely missed. He was such a big part of the forum and such a nice man.
  • erdruido: #yieldhogs @jan2138 and others I was wondering some of you can shed some light on $MITT and $WMC. Any chance they will be able to get out of the hole? I am and have been long on both for several years now. Thank you.
  • gwenzee: @erdruido $MITT $WMC #yieldhogs Did you realize that jan2138 passed away several months ago? He is greatly missed by a lot of us whether we were divvie traders or not.
  • mharps: @erdruido $MITT $WMC #yieldhogs Searching Alpha has good data on these. $mitt could easily go bk.I have a tiny bit hardly worth selling.
  • erdruido: @gwenzee $MITT $WMC #yieldhogs ah. I did not know. That explains why I could not see recent posts from him when I searched. Very sorry to hear that.
  • gwenzee: @erdruido $MITT $WMC #yieldhogs He died on Feb. 18, 2020.
  • 86944T: #Yield Doing some work trying to figure out which yield hogs I will add over time. $CIM $WMC have larger portfolio’s of non agency back securities which make them less attractive as collateral during margin calls. $IVR has margin calls and already stated they can’t meet them. $MITT also.
  • asaraiya: $MITT anyone following this one?
  • sierramp: @asaraiya $MITT Check this out:
  • 86944T: @asaraiya $MITT I stopped out when the fall started. The few I have ventured back into have been disasters so far. Very concerned about getting into a lot of the yield hogs until the future is more certain.
  • asaraiya: @sierramp $MITT Thank you very much for sending this!
  • asaraiya: @86944T $MITT Very helpful information thank you so much
  • grcjr: $NYMT $MYMTO also unable to meet margin calls. $MITT halted. $TWO, $LADR and others down a lot. Many of these should have been stopped out already.
  • Cokeman1959: @grcjr $GSBD $HRZN $LADR $MAIN $MITT $NEWT $NLY $NRZ $OXLC $SAR $TCPC $TWO $WHF $WMC #YH #YHs #YH where do you see these 3 weeks later. I’m trying to price in divvy cuts in future quarters. Some of these like NLY and OFS, have taken such a haircut, I wonder how much further they could be hurt by divvy cuts.
  • mepcc1: @grcjr $AGNC $ARCC $BCSF $CIM $DX $ESG $ETJ $GPM $HRZN $HTGC $IVR $MAIN $MITT $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRZ $NYMT $OFS $OXLC $PNNT $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TWO $UTF $WMC #YH - Ditto - holding the same except for $OXLC & $AGNC - also some tracking, some larger positions.
  • grcjr: @grcjr #YH $AGNC $ARCC $BCSF $CIM $DX $ESG $ETJ $GPM $HRZN $HTGC $IVR $MAIN $MITT $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRZ $NYMT $OFS $OXLC $PNNT $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TWO $UTF $WMC - other possibilities to watch. All the charts look much the same. Let me know if I missed one of your favorites. I have positions in all of these. My faves may have.a large or even larger position, others just a tracking position. Trackers may be sold, others have been buy and hold. Some I have had for 12+ years.
  • grcjr: #YH - with the market down almost everywhere I've closed a number of positions. In additions I have started looking for support to come to the #YHs. I believe it will take quite some time. To me the primary question is whether they will be able to pay the dividends at the current level. I see no reason to believe that they would not be immune. In additions, I am trying to decide whether to trim some of my #YH positions. At this time: $GSBD down 2% $HRZN down 6% $LADR down 6.6% $MAIN down 3% $MITT down 2.2% $NEWT down 5.33% $NLY down 3.5% $NRZ down 3.8% $OXLC down 5.2% $SAR down 6.2% $TCPC down 2.9% $TWO down 3% $WHF down 2% $WMC down 3.5% and more
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs #Ex-Dividend In addition to $NRZ, the following are ex-div. today: $NYMTO, $CIM, $CLNY, $EARN, $MITT, $GSBD, $BCSF, $UNIT, $AI.
  • RedLeaf1: @jan2138 $NRZ $NYMTO $CIM $CLNY $EARN $MITT $GSBD $BCSF $UNIT $AI #Ex-Dividend Thanks for the posts. Received my dividends in $NEWT today. Nice.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT declared a dividend of $0.45 per common share for the fourth quarter of 2019. The dividend is payable on January 31, 2020 to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 31, 2019, with an ex-dividend date of December 30, 2019. Yield is 11.63%. The .45 dividend was a cut from .50 in Q-1 and if core earnings do not improve, they will have to cut it again. Be watchful on this one.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reported yesterday, 11/4/1019. GAAP NI was $.19 per share vs. .47 in Q-2. Core Earnings were $.40 per share vs. $.36 per share in Q-1. The recent trend for Core Earnings has been $.51, $.50, $.59, $.55, $.59, $.47, $.45, $.36 and no ...
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reported yesterday, 11/4/1019. GAAP NI was $.19 per share vs. .47 in Q-2. Core Earnings were $.40 per share vs. $.36 per share in Q-1. The recent trend for Core Earnings has been $.51, $.50, $.59, $.55, $.59, $.47, $.45, $.36 and no ...
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $MITT - I've been watching this recently. The daily and weekly charts continue to make me think I should bail.
  • jan2138: @grcjr $MITT Probably a good idea.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $EARN $MITT report AH today.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT will report AH on 11/4/19. The CC is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on 11/5/19.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 $MITT - the daily and weekly charts are trending down. Large dividend but I'm not inclined to buy. Thinking of trimming.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT is up over 1% today on light volume. The 52 week low was hit on 10/3/19 and since then has moved up 3.3%. The yield is 11.87%, but I would be reluctant to bite. The current .45 dividend is a reduction from the .50 they paid in Q-1 and Q-2. I would wait to see if their results for Q-3 are any better and can support the .45 dividend.
  • sierramp: @jan2138 $MITT Thank you.
  • issues: @grcjr $NRZ I sold for a loss yesterday. I don't like the macro (downtrend since May). $MITT is another "border line" for me but I am still holding it.
  • jan2138: @wildfire3d #YH List : I am long or track. Those with the $ in front, I am long. Those that do not, I track. $AI; $BCSF; $CIM; $CLNY; $CNSL; CTL; EARN; $ETJ; $ETW; $ETY; $EXG; $GPM; $GSBD; $HRZN; $HTGC; $IVR; $LADR; $MAIN; MCC; MFA; $MITT; $MRCC; $NEWT; $NMFC; NRE; $NRZ; $NYMTO; $OFS; $OXLC; $PNNT; $PSEC; $PTY; $SAR; $TCPC; $TPVG; $TSLX; UNIT; $UTF; VGR; $WHF; $WMC; AGNC; ARCC; DX; NLY; NYMT. A few that I am long, are tracking positions only too.
  • jan2138: @antfarm $MITT #Yieldhogs They meant what they said in the Earnings Report and so it was not a surprise. I guess that's why it is up pre-market. Yield is still attractive @ 11.84%.
  • antfarm: @jan2138 $MITT #Yieldhogs Yes. I wonder if it will be enough. With the falling Earnings per share it doesn't hold promise to me. I exited my small position and may get back in if things clear up. Safe travels.
  • grcjr: @jan2138 #yieldhogs - I've been looking to add to my hogs having been a bit lucky recently with my swing trades. Been reviewing your posts, updating my notes. A couple of my favs are $NEWT and $NRZ but my plates are full. $SAR is one I have been adding to but has been a bit tough. You mentioned $MITT this morning but to me the chart shows a downtrend. It is below the 50dma, 150dma and 200dma. Currently it has come up to the 20dma. I have not closed my position but I'm reluctant to add. I believe you are negative on $PSEC and a few others. Watching for an opportunity on $TCPC and $OFS after x.
  • antfarm: $MITT @Jan2138 #Yieldhogs As expected they cut the dividend from 0.50 to 0.45. September 6, 2019 4:15 PM EDT AG Mortgage Investment Trust, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2019 Dividend of $0.45 Per Share. I exited my position with the deteriorating earnings report last quarter.
  • antfarm: $MRCC $MITT Exiting my 2 small positions in these. Patience has run out.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reported AH yesterday, 8/5/19. GAAP Net Income was .47 per share vs. .84 per share in Q-1. Core Earnings were .36 per share vs. .45 in Q-1. The recent trend for Core Earnings has been .51, .50, .59, .55, .59, .47, .45 and now .36. ...
  • antfarm: @jan2138 $MITT Dana Thanks for your reporting. It would seem that with the announced divi cut the stock would get spanked. I'm guessing this makes the company more, what, stable to big investors?. Or at least removes the shock of a future cut. The question I have is will it be enough. It is hanging in there at the 20d having bounced off the 50d yesterday. Small position on this one.
  • jan2138: @antfarm $MITT I too question whether a cut to .45 is enough. Core earnings for the last 3 quarters were just barely or not enough to meet even the .45 level.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT will release second quarter 2019 financial results after the market close on Monday, August 5, 2019. The Company will host a conference call to discuss the results on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT Take a look. It went ex on the 27th. A pattern similar to $GSBD.
  • mepcc1: @yieldhogs @jan2138 $MAIN $MITT $CIM $GSBD $IVR $NRZ $NYMTN $WMC - Of the ones I track these are all going ex-div this week - most on Thursday 6/27 except for #NRZ,; $NYMTN (preferred) & $WMC go ex div Friday 11/28 - keep an eye on them in case an entry presents itself. #IIPR will also go ex-div on Thurs. 6/27 by $0.62.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT declared a dividend of $0.50 per common share for the second quarter of 2019. The dividend is payable on July 31, 2019 to shareholders of record at the close of business on June 28, 2019, with an ex-dividend date of June 27, 2019. The dividend history has been good since 1/2016. Prior to that they were paying .60. Then, they cut it to .48 which they paid until 4/2018. In 10/2017, they paid a special of .10. In 7/2018, they raised the regular qtly. div. to .50 which they have been paying since. Yield is 12.57%.
  • jan2138: @issies $MITT I see you posted that you bought some of this last week. May I ask why?
  • antfarm: $MITT @Jan2138 #Yieldhogs AG Mortgage Investment Trust, Inc. (NYSE: MITT) announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a dividend of $0.50 per common share for the second quarter of 2019. The dividend is payable on July 31, 2019 to shareholders of record at the close of business on June 28, 2019, with an ex-dividend date of June 27, 2019.
  • jan2138: @antfarm $MITT #Yieldhogs I posted this and some additional info. this morning.
  • antfarm: @jan2138 $MITT #Yieldhogs Thanks. Didn't see that. My bad.
  • issues: I bought the following today: $MITT $THERF $IOVA $ZYNE.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reported AH on 5/2/19. GAAP Net Income was .84 per share vs. a loss of ($1.45) per share in the previous quarter. Core Earnings were .45 per share off from .47 per share in Q-4 2018. They had been earning the .50 dividend until the ...
  • 86944T: @jan2138 $MITT I was out of the market most of last week. Sat down this am and read all of your earnings reports. Thanks so much for all the info you provide.
  • jan2138: @Drkay $AGNC Take a look at $MITT & $WMC. The mtg. reits got hit pretty hard in Q-4 2018 because of what happened with interest rates. I think these 2 deserve a look. I have only recently been reentering $WMC because they have improved operations significantly under a new CEO. Check my post on 3/6/19. I posted about $MITT on 2/27/19. Their dividend record has been good since the 1/2016. payment. BTW, $MITT reports on 5/2/19 and $WMC reports on 5/7/19.
  • Jazman0013: @jan2138 $AGNC $MITT $WMC $AGNC out. Maybe it stabilizes and maybe it continues to decline. Cash better allocated elsewhere... better a smaller loss.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs ; $MITT will report AH on 5/2/19. CC @9:30 a.m. on 5/3/19.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs #Ex-dividend: Quite a few go ex tomorrow: $MFA; $MITT; $GSBD; $CIM; $EARN; $IVR; $CLNY;$AI; $PSEC; $NLY; $AGNC. Perhaps, opportunities to enter will develop for some of these with the adjustments and action in the following sessions.
  • jan2138: @Cokeman1959 $MITT Yes, I am long $MITT and have been for quite some time.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT declared a regular qtly. div. of .50. Ex-date 3/28/19; pay date 4/30/19. Yield 11.36%.
  • Cokeman1959: @jan2138 $MITT ive read your posts on this, and im unclear if you already own this or are considering starting a new position.
  • jan2138: @Cokeman1959 $MITT I am long this one.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reported late last night, and the results were affected by the widening of spreads in December causing mark-to-market adjustments and a GAAP loss of ($1.45) per share. Core Earnings were .47 per share, a tad shy of the .50 dividend. ...
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reports AH tomorrow.
  • mepcc1: @jan2138 @yieldhogs $ARCC $NRZ $MITT $NMFC - Just quick notes as have to leave for an appointment. - $ARCC reported this morning and raised dividend by $.01 - $NRZ reported also - $MITT has stock offering at $17.05 & $NMFC has stock offering at $13.57.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT "announced today that the public offering of 3,000,000 shares of its common stock has priced at $17.05 per share, resulting in gross proceeds of $51.2 million, before deducting underwriting discounts and estimated offering expenses. In connection with the offering, the Company has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 450,000 shares of its common stock. The offering is expected to close on February 14, 2019." The last reported Book Value was $19.16 so it is dilutive to current shareholders unless when they report Q-4 results, BV has decreased significantly.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT will report AH on 2/26/19. The CC is scheduled for 2/27/19 @ 9:30 a.m.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT: I was thinking about adding with the 3% gap down caused by the equity offering but recalled a recent announcement by the company which has made me hold off. With the Book Value off 10% in Q-4 per this announcement, I am not sure wh ...
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs #Ex-dividend FYI, 13 issues go ex on Friday, the 28th. Some have some pretty generous dividends so the moves will be significant. They are $GSBD, $NRZ, $EARN, $AI, $CLNY, $CIM, $UNIT, $MITT, $MAIN, $DX, $NYMTO, $NLY, $AGNC.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT declared a dividend of .50, consistent with last quarter. Ex-date 12/28/18, pay date 1/31/19. BTW, this .50 dividend was an increase from .475 @ Q-1. The yield rhrn is 11.43%. The dividend is safe as earnings have been higher consistently than the dividend and book value has been slowly moving up, i.e. 7% over what it was 2 years ago. This is a good income holding.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT reported on 11/7/18, and imho, it was a good quarter in that they covered the dividend of .50 with an increase in Core Earnings, and they grew Book Value. Core Earnings were .59 per share up from .55 @ Q-2. This trend has been .57, . ...
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT: Mark your calendars. They report AH 11/7/18. The CC is scheduled for 11/8/18 @ 9:30 a.m..
  • jan2138: @mepcc1 $MITT Looks like your add was timely. The ex-div. adjustment took it down through support, the 200 day sma where it is hanging out. If you look at a weekly chart, it was down in this territory early in the year before moving up. The .50 dividend is a recent increase which was good news when it was announced. The 11.03 yield is attractive, the dividend looks safe, and there is a good chance this could make its way back up through the 200 and head higher. This scenario will be influenced, obviously, by earnings coming in a month.
  • mepcc1: @jan2138 @yieldhogs - $MITT - this one is bouncing after gong xdiv today by $.50 providing a good entry - I am adding small now and will watch to see if this level holds - today yield is 11.08% according to Schwab.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs #EX-div. Many go ex on the 27th and 28th. If you might be interested in adding, you might see an opportunity develop. On the 27th: $PSEC; $AI; $MITT; $CLNY; $GSBD; $CIM; $EARN; $AGNC; $NLY. On the 28th: $NRZ; $NYMTO; $MFA.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT More good news. They have declared a regular .50 qtly. dividend, ex-date 9/27/18; pay date 10/31/18. This was increased from .475 2 quarters ago. Yield is 10.70%.
  • jan2138: @Wolf $MITT I replied to your post of yesterday late last evening.
  • Wolf: @jan2138 $MITT Thanks. Unfortunately, I set a stop and it got triggered today and of course it rebounded. I am getting low on cash in my yieldhog account, so it was not a bad thing.
  • Wolf: $MITT @jan2138 Any thoughts on the dip the last 4 days? Add or sell?
  • jan2138: @Wolf $MITT I would not sell. I'd be more inclined to add. It hit the 200 which has held up every time it hit it since 5/23/18. The last 2 times it hit the 200, it bounced and moved up. They had a good quarter and a recent increase in the dividend. Please check my post on 8/7/18 for more information. The yield is 10.75%. The dividend is safe. It's one to sit back, collect the dividends and wait for the share price to go up. It's trading at a slight discount to NAV reported for 6/30/18 but NAV rose 2% since then so, the discount is more pronounced. Thanks.
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT (yield 10.55%) reported AH yesterday, and it was a pretty good quarter. Core Earnings were .55 per share vs. .59 per share @ Q-1. This trend has been .57, .41, .47, .51, .50, .59, and now .55. KIM that the quarterly dividend is .50 ...
  • jan2138: @yieldhogs $MITT: will release second quarter 2018 financial results after the market close on Monday, August 6, 2018. The Company will host a conference call to discuss the results on Tuesday, August 7, 2018, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
  • antfarm: $MITT @Jan2138 #YieldHogs FYI AG Mortgage Investment Trust, Inc. (NYSE:MITT) (the “Company”) announced today that it will release second quarter 2018 financial results after the market close on Monday, August 6, 2018. The Company will host a conference call to discuss the results on Tuesday, August 7, 2018, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern
  • mepcc1: @jan2138 #Dividends #XDIV - there are also a few hogs going xdiv on Thursday 6/28 - of those I track I show - $UNIT $.60 -$MITT .50 - $GSBD .45 - $MFA .20 - preferred $NYMT/N $.50. Also $NYMT .20 - June 27 Wed.. Check out the respective charts to see if these xdiv amounts will bring the price down to a good buying point and for comments on the viability of any of these, search the forum under the ticker symbol and past month or past year for timeframe. @jan2138 - if you see this, pls correct me on any errors or make any additions that I may have left out.
  • antfarm: $MITT #Yieldhogs MITT is pushing out on day 2. Still above 2nd Std BB.
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Stock Price $7.78
Change -1.64%
Volume 359,263

AG Mortgage Investment Trust Inc is invest in, acquire and manage a diversified portfolio of residential mortgage assets, other real estate-related securities and financial assets.

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