Remitly Global Inc. (NASDAQ:RELY)

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  • Lou: Today's mantra should be, "If any of my positions is not participating, I need to kick it to the curb." Did just that with a small pilot position in $RELY.
  • Margi1983: @Lou $RELY Are you back buying $FTI? Nice bounce off the bottom BB
  • Lou: @Margi1983 $RELY $FTI - no, I'm still holding a more than full position that's up more than 100% - happy with what I have. I did cut it in half at a very good profit. I still look at it as having a good amount of head room.
  • Lou: Thinking of adding to my $RELY starter but waiting for a more decisive upward move.
  • Lou: Added to $ET and started pilot position in $RELY, Otherwise, horns still in.
  • Auto: $RELY $TGT $MSTR $COIN $META added long from below daily
  • Zimzala: $RELY Old forum favorite. Picked some up at $18.
  • bill52: @Zimzala $RELY picked some up as well. Revenue beat and also raised their revenue outlook. looks like they were hammered due to miss on bottom line. given revenue growth is more important IMHO, seems a bit overdone on the sell off unless there's something else going on but could have been it given this market,
  • mopick: $RELY, NH, BO
  • mopick: @scottrades $ARLP, what you think about $RELY here?
  • scottrades: @mopick $ARLP $RELY I think you can own it here with a $2.50 stop to start. Short term chart is nice and tight.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY 0.00% $QQQ Under resistance $IWM Trying to find a floor $UUP Sideways $TNX Highest close since August 2007 $GLD Still worth watching $GDX Perky $SMH Decent recovery $IGV Above the MAs $XLE Weekly still looks bullish $GBTC Holding the gap $MSFT News After Hours $ADBE Good volume $AMZN Under the 50 Day $ANET Watch 199 $GOOGL Still great $META Fine $NVDA Could have been worse $AMD Trendline back test $TSLA BMW using NACS $DKNG Watch for the BO $GWRE Flag $HAL Watch this key level $EQT Great volume $SLB In a good group $AXON mentioned yesterday $RELY Working
  • scottrades: $RELY just under resistance.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Just under the 50 Day $QQQ Just under resistance $UUP Going sideways $TNX Back above the 8EMA $GLD Above the 100 EMA $GDX Under the 100 EMA $GBTC Holding the gap. Larry Fink is unphased. $SMH Close to resistance $HACK Watch 53.70 $TLT Chopping near the lows $TSLA Holding the 50-Day $GOOGL Still in trend $NVDA Holding the 50 Day $META Fine. $AMD Worth watching $COIN Long here. $DKNG TIGHT $RELY Watch 27 $COST Close to the BO Point $AXON Short high base $ANET Watch 199 $CRWD In trend $ZS In trend $PLTR Holding the 21 EMA $QLYS Good volume $LULU In the S&P 500
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Lower Low $QQQ Stopped at resistance $UUP Still an issue $TNX Low Prob of a hike but could be “higher for longer” $DIA Ugly $SMH Downside reversal $GLD At resistance $XLE Back above the 50 Day $OIH At the 50 $DBC Sharp move back to the 50 Day $HACK At the 8EMA $TLT Above 84 $GBTC NO APPEAL $TSLA At the 50 Day $AAPL At the 50 Day $GOOGL Resting $NVDA Still ok $META Pulling back $AMD MA Test $SMCI Above the 50 Day $DKNG Pinching $CELH Holding the 100 EMA $JPM What in the world.. $RELY Good volume $COIN Watch next week
  • Lou: Decided to curtail the boredom @scottrades, disposed of 70% of my $RELY at about a 25% profit. Still holding the rest for now - up about 31%. Thanks Scot.
  • scottrades: @Lou $RELY Maybe you should be mentoring
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY- it's been a great ride - now out of $RELY - as the old saying goes, "stocks are like streetcars, miss one and there's always another one coming right behind it." It's been a great ride, probably a lot more upside, but I'm very happy with the trade as it's been a very large winner for me.
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY - let's look for some more boredom!
  • Lou: Ditto - @Scottrades boring stock - $RELY
  • scottrades: @Lou $RELY Boring you all the way to the
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY - the only thing that's keeping me from adding again is the relatively small number of shares that trade daily. Exiting a stock with a small float is kind of like having a herd of elephants trying to abandon a sinking ship through a single porthole.
  • Lou: A fool and his money are soon parted. That said, added to $ARDX and $RELY this morning.
  • kenb: $RELY for @LOU and anyone still with patience to hold this. Up another 4 1/2% today on what looks like an analyst upgrade.
  • kenb: $RELY up 33% after ER last night.
  • scottrades: @kenb $RELY Daaaaamn!
  • phgruver: @scottrades $RELY Big earnings beat! They only lost $.11 cents/share instead of the expected -$.16/share.
  • sierramp: @scottrades $RELY Looks similar to $ACHR's move after ER. Not in $RELY but I'm in $ACHR.
  • Lou: $RELY reported and is being bid up in AH.
  • scottrades: @Lou $RELY Nice one Lou!
  • kenb: @Lou $RELY yeah, good news, this is finally moving. And glad in an upwards direction. Sometimes it pays to hold on a little while.
  • Lou: I started a small position in $RELY - followed @Scottrades into it. He got "bored" and kicked it out. I just let it ride and am still holding that placeholder starter. It's been acting decently going into earnings tomorrow after market close. Seriously considering adding today or tomorrow. Doesn't trade in adequate volumes for me to consider options. Anyone else in it?
  • scottrades: @Lou $RELY ADD kicked in.
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY - I'm adding as well - after all, I'm sitting on a bout a $12 profit!
  • Lou: Big earnings day for me tomorrow - in addition to $RELY, I'm waiting for $OXY post-, and $ARDX $BRSP $ET, all pre-.
  • Lou: Added $RELY - partial (call it half) position.
  • kenb: @Lou $RELY yep, still holding a small position up about 4%, initiated when @Scottrades mentioned it. Was waiting to add if it could break above $20 and hold. It did break out, but came right back down. Still trading in a $2 range, it hasn't broke down below $18, so sitting on it waiting for some catalyst to drive it either up or down. Holding through earnings to see how it reacts and going to make a decision on my future relationship with this stock depending on price action. It is getting boring now, just as Scott mentioned a few weeks ago. I guess, being older, I have more patience than the young gunslingers.
  • Lou: @Scottrades got bored and bounced $RELY out of his portfolio. I've been holding this do-nothing starter all of this time, am equally bored, but it's not taking a lot of room in my portfolio and looks decent. Holding, bored, unenthusiastic, but hopeful.
  • Lou: Nibbling on a little $RELY. Held scout position that I planned to enlarge. May be early, but who knows?
  • kenb: @Lou $RELY holding some as well. So far it can't break above that $20 level and hold, and $18 seems to be support. It has been consolidating in that range about 6 weeks, and the 50d EMA is creeping up to the current price.
  • Nepenthe: @scottrades $FTNT $PLTR $SHOP $ACLS $ELF $AMD Scott, you mentioned our old friend $RELY recently. BB's are squeezing. How would you play this? Cheers.
  • Lou: @Scottrades - time to reenter $RELY? Holding tracking position - looking to build on upside break.
  • kenb: @Lou $RELY double bottom at around $18, and bouncing above the 50d EMA today along with crossing above the 8d and 21d EMA's as well. Making another run at $20 resistance. It's been trading in a tight range of $18 to $20 for over a month now. Holding a small position and waiting for a breakout above $20 to add.
  • scottrades: @Lou $RELY Coming right up to resistance. could be a good starter day
  • Lou: @kenb @ Scottrades - thanks, right there with you. Waiting for buy signal for $RELY
  • Lou: @scott - still in $RELY - I know you thought it was boring. I thought so too, but some times boring isn't bad. Nice pop today.
  • kenb: @Lou $RELY hanging in there with you, as long as it doesn't go much below $19. That level seems to be support, and $20 seems to be resistance. Giving it a little time to decide which way it wants to go - under $19 or over $20. Could be building a tight base and break out or down at some point. Right now, patience is the key, though that only goes so long. Good luck to both of us.
  • scottrades: Selling the last of my $RELY. A bit slow and broke below some short term support.
  • kenb: @scottrades $RELY hit the $19 level, which appears to be support, and bouncing back for another run at $20. Still holding.
  • kenb: @scottrades are you still in $RELY? It keeps being rejected at the $20 level, goes down a little and then try's again. I remember you trimmed some last week, and was wondering if you are still holding. I still have a position up above 5%.
  • scottrades: @kenb $RELY Super small. I might sell it just because it's boring me to death.
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY - at some point, some of us reach an age where boring isn't bad
  • kenb: $RELY closed right at the $20 price (to the penny as Carter Worth would say). And looking strong with that as resistance. Still holding.
  • scottrades: My video notes: COTD: Shockwave just needs a little jolt. $SWAV $SPY / $QQQ No FOMO into FOMC $UUP Yellen: “SHOULD EXPECT SLOW DECLINE IN DOLLAR AS RESERVE CURRENCY.” $IWM Coming out of a flag $MDY Same $XLF just under the 200-day $ARKK Added to the ATL $SMH $NVDA leading the way. Others are tired. $BLOK Still above the 50-day $XBI Nice volume pickup $XHB Still in trend. $JETS Taking off (Watch for a landing strip) $AI Mentioned this Morning and added to ATL $TSLA Extended $F Same $GM Same $LCID Laggard $NIO Bottom fish? $BYDDF In trend $JPM Trying to come out of a base $MS Above the 200-Day $CRWD Curling $FTNT Long some $DT Long some $DKNG Watch 26.40 $CMG Basing $RELY Slow but working $IT Looooong Base
  • scottrades: Just sold a little $RELY
  • kenb: @scottrades $RELY still knocking on the $20 ceiling reached yesterday before it backed off a little. Guessing that you don't think it will succeed?
  • scottrades: @kenb $RELY No, I just think it's a round number that it might rest at and I was up 7% on my trade. Still long but locked in a little.
  • kenb: $RELY back to the $20 level again, maybe this is the day it can break through.
  • scottrades: @kenb $RELY Keeps knocking on the door
  • natural: @scotttades thanks for that $RELY swing idea. I think you're still long? I'm taking my $. Thanks, my man!
  • Lou: @natural $RELY - and I'm thinking about adding RHRN.
  • kenb: @natural $RELY I added into the weakness yesterday, and holding. So far the $20 level seems to be resistance and needs to break above to really work. Keeping a tight stop while waiting.
  • kenb: $RELY knocking on the $20 level, will it break through or rebound lower? Watching to see what happens at the close, has a habit of going up as we head into the close.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Holding up $QQQ Holding up $DIA Support at the 50 Day $IWM Added to the ATL $MDY Added to the ATL $SMH Holding the 8EMA $XHB Trying to break out $ARKK Working $BITO Highest volume in a month $ACLS Watch 167.50 $AMAT Small Flag $AMD Strong close $FTNT Holding the 8EMA $GOOGL Curling up $MHO Good volume $KBH Breaking out $SHOP Breaking out of a channel $COIN Highest Volume of the Year. $RIOT Coinbase is getting Sued, Bitcoin doesn't care. $MARA Great volume $DT Upside reversal $RELY Still working $DKNG Still trending
  • Mikev200: $RELY HOD
  • kenb: @scottrades $GOOGL $META $MSFT $AMZN $RELY nice call on this, working well this morning, up 2%.
  • scottrades: The short-term chart on $RELY looks good despite the ugly start. Still long a little, looking for an add spot.
  • scottrades: Adding some $RELY into the close
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY - what's your stop?
  • scottrades: @Lou $RELY I bought this yesterday so I'm just at today's low.
  • Lou: @scottrades $RELY - thanks - Enjoy the weekend.
  • bobbybwana: @scottrades $RELY $RELY strong into the close. Looking to add above $19.25 on volume
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Highest level since August $QQQ Working $DIA Through the 50 Day $IWM through the 200 Day $SMH In consolidation $XLK Working $ARKK Starting to come out of a base $GLD Not so much $BLOK Bitcoin Miners trying to move out of the base $TSLA Holding above the 200 Day $NVDA In consolidation $AMD Same $RMBS Same $ON On Watch $AEHR Working $AAPL Still fine $GOOGL In a base $MSFT Fine $DT Long $RELY Long $DKNG In trend, Good Volume $DOUL Off the 8EMA $ARRY Do you dare? $RIOT Following Bitcoin, sorta, but not really $MARA Same $CLSK Sloppy $HUT Slow
  • rverkamp: $RELY moving higher
  • scottrades: $RELY Looking actionable for a starter.
  • scottrades: @scottrades $RELY Bought a starter with a stop under today's low.
  • kenb: @scottrades $RELY I'm following you in on this, with a small starter. Chart looked good in your video last night.
  • scottrades: Looking to swing $RMBS $DT $RIOT and $RELY
  • Geewhiz: @scottrades $RMBS $DT $RIOT $RELY The Three R's of success. Nicely done
  • DrScience: #Earnings tonight. Note those wide possibilities! $HEAR +/-18.5%, $RELY /-18%, $RSI /-17.4%, $PLAN /-16.1%, $SPLK /-15.4%, $DMRC /-13.9%, $NTNX /-13.4%, $PSTG /-13.4%, $SNOW /-13.2%, $KIDS /-11.9%, $VSCO /-11.3%, $RMNI /-11%, $CHPT /-11%, $BOX /-10.9%, $OKTA /-10.8%, $AEO /-10.7%, $BBSI /-9%, $CCSI /-8.5%, $VEEV /-8.4%, $GEF /-8%, $SGFY /-7.4%, $INVE /-7.2%, $HCCI /-5.5%, $FOA /-4.2% #Earnings tomorrow $REV /-12.8%, $BBY /-12.5%, $TWI /-11.7%, $GOGO /-11.6%, $BIG /-11.6%, $EYPT /-10.6%, $BURL /-10.4%, $UTZ /-9.9%, $BJ /-9.7%, $BF.B /-8.9%, $KR /-8.7%, $MEI /-7.2%, $ABUS /-7%, $CRAI /-6.8%, $PASG /-5.7%, $GMS /-5.6%, $CNSL /-5.6%, $ATRS /-4.5%, $TTC /-4.3%, $VIA /-3.2%
  • janner0814: At 2:30 PM today, 21 stocks gaining 50% in a month. A Close of Twenty (20) stocks gaining 50% in a month is my benchmark, for a larger pull back. So expect this pull back to come 2-4 days of the days of the FIRST closure =>20. There is a chance that this number dips below 20 ATC. This is when the highly speculative stuff begin flying. SERIOUSLY, how many stocks can you think of, that has gained >50% in 25 days (one month)? (A number of the following stocks are not recognized by Finviz): $ADXSW $ALDR $BPMC $BRDR $CORI $GEVA $GKNT $HRTX $MOMO $NHTC $NPTN $ONCS $QLTY $RARE $RELY $SEDG $SRNE $SRPT $TCX $ZEUS $ZSPH Full Disclosure: Don't even try to "google this on the web." You'll only get this info if you have written the PCF to extract this data from "Common Stocks" (5788 today).
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Stock Price $14.13
Change -0.84%
Volume 2,718,100

Remitly Global Inc provides integrated financial services to immigrants, including helping customers send money internationally in a quick, reliable, and more cost-effective manner by leveraging digital channels. It supports cross-border transmissions across the globe. Its revenue is generated on transaction fees charged to customers and foreign exchange spreads between the foreign exchange rate offered to customers and the foreign exchange rate on the company's currency purchases.

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