ARK Innovation ETF (:ARKK)

Chart of the Day May 19th, 2022

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  • kenb: $TSLA: Robotaxi dreams: Tesla lands $2,600 share price estimate from ARK Invest $ARKK. Wow, that is conviction! At least Cathie admits she is looking at least 5 years out.
  • joelsg1: @kenb $TSLA $ARKK She's been leaning on that "5 yrs. out" for years.
  • PTinME: @kenb $TSLA $ARKK I thought it was a 3K target but that might have been back when it was trading at 300:)
  • Auto: $COIN $ARKK working long weekly
  • bb_b: $ARKK is up big and $MSFT is down
  • Firemedic: @DAN $SPX $DJI $MDY $IWM $NDX $XLK $ARKK $SMH $SMCI $NVDA $RMBS $GOOGL $META $MSFT $PSN $MCD $TSM $SHOP $CCL $RCL Awesome message Dan . Thank you very much for the trade counseling.
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK -- Tech is up, Ark is down. Focus on what “is”, not what you think it should be.

    ATI List:
    $SMH -- UP 4% in a day is unheard of. Up 13% from the entry.
    $SMCI -- (Liquid cooling solutions address those hot AI chips). Raised gu ...
  • Margi1983: $ARKK is now up 25% over the 50 ma. Cathie Wood is having a big year mostly due to a big position in $COIN. $ARKK 50 crossed above the 200 on Dec. 12. Watching. Would love to hear @Dan on this name
  • DAN: @Margi1983 $ARKK $COIN Coin looks really good. Hard to buy here b/c you'd be chasing it. But I think the stock will continue to run because of the resurgence in crypto. As for $ARKK, it's always a bit of a canary in the coal mine -- both ways. It's the speculative traders dream (not a bad thing...just a thing). When it's really weak, the NDX is also weak. They run together both ways. When the NDX is strong, I like to look at ARKK and $FFTY -- two pretty distinct ETFs, but they all run together. Here's the comparison chart of NDX/ARKK/FFTY.
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK -- New 52-week high today. Volatile, and $COIN has been a Cathy’s best friend.
    $FFTY -- Still in base, but now the 200dma is flat and would be support on a pullback. Short term strength (overbought), but still in a base.
    $TNX -- Bonds ...
  • rverkamp: $ARKK HOD
  • traderbren: $ARKK - seeing interest in the Nov 39.50 puts this morning. Might be worth a trade if it takes out 38.70
  • Auto: $ARKK $COIN added long weekly
  • scottrades: $ARKK just under the 200 Day
  • traderbren: $ARKK v $SARK - if $ARKK breaks below the 50d and $SARK moves above the 50d it may be worth a trade to the upside. NP
  • shoredriver: $ARKK...Cathie is having a day.....
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Are we back? $UUP Lower $TNX Watch for whipsaw $TLT Great volume $SMH At the 50 Day $XLK Top of the range $XRT Mentioned Tuesday $GLD Holding the 8EMA $GDX Suuport at 22.60 $GBTC Working $ETHE Short base $XLE Holding the 200 Day $ARKK Good volume $MSFT Short trend $AMD Keep watch $NVDA Channel $TSLA at the 200 Day $V Above the 50 Day on good volume $INTC Watch 39 for resistance $META Above the MAs $ANET working $FTNT Crushed after earnings $CRWD Watch for a dip tomorrow $AI Good volume today $LULU Support at the 50 Day $RACE Gap and Go $MSTR Bitcoin Down but Crypto Stocks up $CLSK Great olume $RIOT Earnings next week $MARA Earnings next week $COIN Whippy after Earnings
  • Auto: $ARKK added long daily
  • MongosPawn: @Auto $ARKK Ditto
  • Auto: $ARKK $DECK $MSFT $DELL $MSTR added long daily
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ The Powell Pump and Dump $UUP Still Flagging $TNX Close to 5% $GLD Flight to Safety $GDX Above the 100 EMA $XLE Flight to Safety? $XLF Broken $SMH High Volume Selling $ARKK Not great $GBTC Still fine $ETHE Nice base $TSLA Watch the 200 Day $NFLX At the 50 $LNG Just under resistance $TDW Still in trend $HAL Watch for a close above 43.50 $SLB Holding the 8EMA $IMO Sloppy flag $PUMP Good volume Watch 11 $GOLD At the 100 EMA $AEM Same $WPM Same $FNV Higher Low? $RGLD Above the 50 Day $MSTR At the 50 Day $COIN Meh...
  • Henry: $ARKK sorry guys, my new post was not visible to me.
  • scottrades: @Margi1983 $VZ $T It's hard for me to say yes because both stocks are in long term downtrends. I'd rather go no divy and just buy $SPY $QQQ and maybe some $ARKK
  • Margi1983: @scottrades $VZ $T $SPY $QQQ $ARKK Thanks Scott. I agree with you, especially with $SPY and $ARKK
  • scottrades: My video notes: COTD: Is $BG is in a Squeeze? $SPY Swing support at 442 $QQQ Swing Support at 369 $DIA Above the 50 $IWM Support at the 200 Day $UUP Dollar Up, Euro Down $XLF Above the MAs $XME Working on a Breakout $URA Extended, but working $XLE Trending up $OIH Mind the trendline $SMH Support at 148 $ARKK Just under the 50 $GBTC Day 16 of the 45 that the SEC has to respond. $GOOGL Working $AMZN Trending up $TSLA CyberTruck cometh? $MSFT Above the MAs $META Backl above all the MAs $ARM Strong Start! $NVDA At the 50 $AMD Watch the 50 $SHOP Baby Wedge (do do do do do do) $UBER Still ok $GE Watch 117.40 $ATI Watch 45.30 $PCAR Watch 86.40 $COP Above a short base $CCJ Volume Climax? $ARRY Break out $AEHR On the 50 Day $CTAS Mentioned Tuesday
  • Auto: $ONON added $MU added $TSLA added $ARKK added long daily
  • scottrades: ...
    $ARKK Rejected at the 50.
    $GBTC Holding the 50 Day. More ETFs Rolling in.
    $MSOS Would like to see it tighten up.
    $QID Higher low?
    $SDS Higher low?

    $AMD Still in a channel
    $AMZN Inside day
    $GOOGL Low volume pullback
    $TSLA Watch for a bounce off t ...
  • champ: @kenb $JOBY $ACHR #Global-Aerospace-Summit #every #World #Midnight #invested....and we can pick her up anytime we want, by using $ARKK.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ Holding the FTD Low $IWM At the 200 Day $DIA Want to see it back above the 50 Day $UUP Higher High $SMH Trying to firm up $ARKK Watch for a Day 2 above 44.20 $IGV Back near the highs $MSOS Want to see it back test $GBTC Close above the 50 Day $TSLA Hard to swing $NVDA At the 50 Day $APPL Bounce (watch the low) $AMZN Added to the ATL $META What? $MSFT Just under the 50 Day $NFLX Holding the 8EMA $MSTR At the 100 EMA $ADBE Earnings next week $WDAY Still good $UBER Off the 50 and on the ATL. $DUOL Watch 158 $MA Trending $V Same $ELF Trending $MEDP Trending $IIPR Weeeeed. $TLRY Want to see it hold the 8EMA. Low Dollar.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Retest of the move? $QQQ Leading $IWM Rejected at the 50 Day $DIA 3 Days down $UUP Back to the highs $TNX Headwind $XLE Ugly Close $OIH Ugly Close $URA Uranium is working $SMH Alert at 156 $ARKK Under the 50 Day $GBTC Still ok despite the giveback. $TSLA Through the 50 Day $AAPL Above the MAs $NVDA Holding the 8EMA $AMZN in trend $MSFT At the 50 Day $META 300 seems important $AMD Wedge $ROKU Curling up $AEHR Watch 52.75 $LSCC Watch 98 $KLAC Watch 517.50 $ADBE Working $ANET Flagging $DKNG At the 50 Day. Watch 30.60 $CCJ The uranium leader $UUUU great volume $NXE Low Dollar Spec
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Let’s follow up on $UBER $SPY Rest ahead of Non-Farm Pay Rolls $QQQ Tech Leaders are working $IWM Stopped at the 50 Day $DIA Pulling back to the MAs $UUP Was the other day a shot across the bow? $TNX Lower Low $SMH Above the MAs $ARKK Trying to get back to the 50 Day $GLD Fake out? $XOP Watch 150 $USO Close to a breakout $GBTC more ETF Delays $ADBE Breaking out $AMZN Actionable $META Didn’t close strong $NVDA Still in trend $MSFT Under the 50 Day still $TSLA at the 50 $SHOP Watch the low $FANG Energy still fine $AMAT Working $LRCX Great volume $ANET ATH $AMD Lagging $COIN Back into some support. $MSTR Watch the 50 Day $MARA Alert at 14 $RIOT Alert at 12.60 $LULU Watch tomorrow
  • bigbartabs: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $DIA $IWM $UUP $TNX $SMH $GLD $ARKK $XOP $XLV $GBTC $AAPL $ADBE $NVDA $AMZN $GOOGL $META $MSFT $TSLA $MARA $RIOT $COIN $MSTR $HUT $FANG $WDAY $AMAT ... Dan's NVDA target is 1200? What, for his future retirement party in 2030?
  • scottrades: ...
    Keep an eye on these crypto names: $GBTC, $BITW, $RIOT, $MSTR, $MARA, $CLSK, $HUT, $BLOK, $ARKW and $ARKK. Things might get even more interesting real quick.
  • rokey: @scottrades $GBTC $BITW $RIOT $MSTR $MARA $CLSK $HUT $BLOK $ARKW $ARKK 👌👍
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ FTD - Jolted Higher! You can be long here, imo. $DIA Back Above the 50 Day $IWM Lagging $UUP Jolted Lower $TNX Still above the 50 Day $SMH Longer Term Support at the 100 EMA $GLD Good volume $ARKK Rebound $XOP Still holding up $XLV Good volume $GBTC Guess Who’s Back $AAPL Watch for an upside Gap Fill $ADBE In a squeeze $NVDA Dan’s Target:1200. All Time Closing High $AMZN Holding the 50 Day $GOOGL Trying to break out $META Just under the 50 Day $MSFT Holding the 100 EMA $TSLA Right at the 50 Day $MARA Power Move $RIOT Back in $COIN Above the 50 Day $MSTR Back in $HUT Retest of the breakout $FANG Curling up $WDAY New High $AMAT Chart of the day
  • bigbartabs: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $UUP $TNX $GLD $XME $XOP $XLE $SMH $ARKK $XOM $SLB $PR $COP $FANG $MTDR $FTAI $AAPL $NFLX $TSLA $NVDA $V $UBER ... looks like this morning that traders of $TSLA might be liking the 100dma
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Is $UBER ready to ride? $SPY/$QQQ Day 2 $IWM Above the 200 Day but no power $DIA Same $UUP The Headwind $TNX New High $GLD Trying to find support under the 200 Day $SMH Watch NVDA Earnings Wednesday $XOP Holding the 8EMA $XLE Holding the 21 EMA $URA Breaking out? $IGV Watch Friday’s Low $ARKK Holding the 200 Day $XLV Above the 50/200 Day $NVDA Upgraded before Earnings $AMZN 50 Day Support $ADBE Support at the 50 Day $ANET Still fine $TW Watch 85 $LRCX Holding the 50 Day $AMAT Above the MAs $LSCC Above the 50 Day on low volume $NOV Watch 21 $COP Watch 119 $FANG Watch 150.70 $OXY Sitting on the 8EMA $PR Huge volume
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ It’s a Day Traders Market $UUP Currency Wars $TNX Market is still deciding about Inflation. $GLD Not a Safe Haven $XME Near the MA Cluster $XOP Above the MAs $XLE Choppy but up $SMH Holding the 100 EMA $ARKK Bounce off the 200 Day $XOM Around all the MAs $SLB Above the 21 EMA $PR Made a new high today $COP Watch 119 $FANG Watch 148.70 $MTDR Trending $FTAI Short Base $AAPL Sloppy $NFLX Down near the 100 EMA $TSLA Watch the 200-Day Magnet $NVDA Under the 50 Day $V At the 50 Day $UBER Watch 45
  • kenb: $ACHR Cathy Wood's $ARKK is loading up - bought 646,849 on Tue and 2,694,309 shares of this stock yesterday. I'm not sure if it was adding to position or starting a new one.
  • Henry: @kenb $ACHR $ARKK well that's the kiss of death.
  • kenb: @Henry $ACHR $ARKK LOL. I'm hoping that her many disciples read this and load up as well.
  • PhilHarmonic: @kenb $ACHR $ARKK Cathy Wood's is looking into the future, using information that isn't avialable to folks like us, and purchases companies that she believes will be very profitable. She has probably spoken to company principals and experts in the Industry prior to her investment choices.
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK -- Nope. Base breakout failure.
    $DIS -- This analysis wasn’t even hard.
    $GOOGL -- This one wasn’t really hard either.
    $NTNX -- stop below 50-day MA. This has potential, but the market is not forgiving now and isn’t rewardi ...
  • DougL: $ARKK found support 100 sma. Down 16 percent in 10 days.
  • DougL: $ROKU hod - 9.4 percent of $ARKK
  • vscottg: @LFYoda $TSLA Cathy Woods $ARKK started dumping another $19 million of shares this morning
  • Docoof: @scottrades $NOPE I didn’t know it was taken to be the “Anti-$TSLA ETF” (at least according to Barron’s): “A vocal critic of stocks such as Tesla, and of celebrity bulls such as Cathie Wood ($ARKK), will close the exchange-traded fund he launched to put his skepticism into practice. “George Noble announced Wednesday that his Noble Absolute Return ETF (ticker: $NOPE) will stop trading on Aug. 24, and liquidate its $19 million in assets—after cumulative losses of nearly 60% since the ETF’s launch last September.”
  • sincity45: @DAN $ARKK
  • scottrades: $ARKK Down near 50 Day
  • scottrades: @scottrades $ARKK Just under, not finding buyers yet
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK was stopped out the other day at 46.95. So I'm taking this off the list.

    $ACLS reported earnings and is down 3.23%, trading at 180.59 today. It is holding the 50-day moving average and I'll just keep this on the list. It's really not somet ...
  • scottrades: My video notes: COTD: $FSLY was up on an ugly day $SPY Weekly Red Bar $QQQ Weekly Red Bar $UUP Pullback Bounce $TNX New High, Then a Pullback $GLD Stopped at the 50 Day $IWM Weekly Red $SMH Holding the 50 Day $DBC Above all the Daily MAs $URA Trend is fine $OIH Still above the MAs $ARKK Coming to the 50 Day $GBTC Not terrible. $MSFT Dan’s Warning Stock $GOOGL Not a good look $AMZN Watch for a Gap Fill $AAPL Gone Moldy $COIN Channel $MARA At Support $RIOT Needs help $FTNT Back to the Gap $KBH Still fine $LEN Up today $PHM Holding the 21 EMA $MHO Flag $TOL Holding the 50 Day $LSCC Still ok
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/$QQQ Trend is up $UUP Above the 200 Day $TNX - Fed Members are signaling no need for a hike. $IWM Holding the 8 EMA $SMH Backtesting the highs $ARKK Holding the 8 EMA $IGV Working $XLK Working $XHB Back near the 2022 Highs $HACK Cyber Security breaking out $XOP Working $DBC Building a handle $BLOK Holding the 21 EMA #Bitcoin - Less Volatile than S&P Tech and Gold $META Flagging $MSTR Earnings $AMD Earnings $PLTR Working (Eanrings August 7) $CRWD Mentioned in the forum $ADBE Holding the gap $WDAY Working on dropping volume. $MRVL Holding the 8 EMA $LSCC Power move $MPWR Power Move $AVGO Holding the 21 EMA $RIOT Holding the 21 EMA $MARA Same $ONON Working. $PANW Curling up
  • scottrades: ...
    Most SPDR ETFs are above all their key moving averages, which gives me, and should give you, confidence in this market. If only one or two sectors were in uptrends, we would be worried, but the strength in things like $ARKK $XLK $SMH and subsequent ...
  • DAN: ...
    All of our Active Trade Ideas are up this morning. Ark Innovation ($ARKK) was technically stopped out yesterday, though my suggestion on this ETF is that it is breaking out of a long term base and is therefore subject to swings that can knock you ou ...
  • jpoko13: @DAN $ARKK I believe we were stopped out of $MDB as well.
  • champ: $TQQQ $UPRO $ARKK....these are action-able, this move might continue and I'm holding these ETF's....and I'm trailing....have to Trail all positions.
  • sgiseller: $ARKK STC Stock @ 49.20 STO Aug 4th 47.50 puts @ .37 for a reload
  • DAN: @jpoko13 $ARKK $MDB Yep. You're right. Missed that! Thanks.
  • geotheo: @sgiseller $ARKK Followed you on those puts. Got .38. Trying to reload also after I got stopped out. I rather own in low 47s than 49s.
  • champ: $ARKK....$ Spec...because it fell @DAN's entry.
  • DanAz: Looks like we got stop out of $ARKK
  • DAN: Active Trade Update -- Adding $ARKK Adding Ark Innovation ($ARKK) to the Active Trade Idea List again. Basis 48.35 Stop: 46.95 NOTE: This is a good stock to be owning in this market. We had a good trade on it and closed for a nice profit. Now it is finding new support so I want to stay involved. --Dan For a complete list of all Active Trades, click here:
  • sgiseller: @DAN $ARKK in about the same price a week ago, sold Aug 4th 51 calls
  • DAN: @sgiseller $ARKK 8-)
  • bud_ozborn: I am seeing movement out of tech names and into pharma and banks RED $DDOG $SPLK $ARKK $CRWD green $ABT $LLY $BMY $MRK $PFE $KEY $PACW $SCHW $GS $STNE $NU
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK - 44.00 Raising stop from 46.80 to 48.10
    $MARA - 11.06 Stop: 16.40. Holding the 8 day ema.
    $MSTR - 328.10 - 329.70 - 2023-06-21 - Put stop at 426. Protect this position if you are still long.
    $MDB - 405.00 Stop: Raise from 364.90 to 397.90
    $ ...
  • champ: @DAN $CROX $SKX $ARKK $MARA $MSTR $MDB $DKNG $DT $PLTR $NET $ONON $ACLS $NFLX $TSLA $AAPL $MSFT........ @DAN or who-ever, can I find this Video in todays Strategy Session....for the trade on $CROX....????
  • debeers: @Ian $ARKK -When you go to a restaurant do you have to order everything on the menu? NO you order what you like. Same with stocks. IMO investing in most funds is a lazyass way to go.
  • Mounty: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $UUP $IWM $XLP $SMH $XLF $XHB $XLV $ARKK $BITO $BLOK $GOOGL $AAPL $TSLA $NVDA $CPRT $AEHR $ACLS $TMDX $CELH $WDAY $DASH $ABNB $MSTR $MARA $RIOT Really good strategy session!!
  • Ian: $ARKK Investors Are Bailing on Cathie Wood’s Popular ARK Fund Wall Street Journal July 16, 2023. (Summary) ARKK once managed $30 billion. Now $9 billion with $717 million withdrawals in last 12 months. Top holdings Tesla (11% weight of the fund), Coinbase, Roku, Zoom, and Block. Only Tesla and Zoom are profitable. Finished selling Nvidia position in January. NVDA subsequently tripled in value. Fed rate hikes have crushed the unprofitable tech companies in the portfolio. ARK Investment Management charges 0.75% annual fee, almost double other actively managed ETFs
  • DAN: Active Trade Update No changes to the Active Trade Ideas on $ARKK $MARA $MSTR $MDB $DKNG $DT $SHOP. Have a good weekend. (Scott is handling the videos today). --Dan For a complete list of all Active Trades, click here:
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY / $QQQ Earnings incoming! $UUP Breaking down $IWM Gap Fill $XLP just under the 50 Day $SMH Looking tired $XLF Bank Earnings Selloff $XHB New high $XLV Tightening up $ARKK Trend is still up $BITO US Gov Selling? $BLOK Consolidation $GOOGL Still fine $AAPL Same $TSLA Going sideways $NVDA High volume selling $CPRT Breaking out $AEHR Gap and Go $ACLS Added to the ATL $TMDX Still fine $CELH Watch 155 $WDAY Holding the 21 EMA $DASH working but extended. $ABNB Extended $MSTR Bitcoin resting $MARA Trend is fine $RIOT Nothing wrong with taking some profits.
  • DAN: ...
    ARK Innovation ($ARKK) is up 4% today. Consider raising your stop from 43.30 up to 46.80.

    DraftKings ($DKNG) -- up another 3% today. Consider raising your stop on some of the position to $28.50.

    Dynatrace ($DT) is up 1.75% today and in an &quo ...
  • psa512: @DAN $MSTR $MARA $ARKK $DKNG $DT $SHOP Hey Dan, why don't you have $RIOT as an active trade?
  • DavidK: @DAN $MSTR $MARA $ARKK $DKNG $DT $SHOP Damn Dan , I have been visiting Lake Erie lake house playing golf this week . 72,67 senior tees , 73 today from the back tees just to make sure my game is ok just like this irrational market . Sell Mortimer sell. It’s getting way way over bought . .
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK is working after a big move yesterday. $CCL is holding at $19, which is good because we've got a 16.50 basis in the stock. $DT had a big move yesterday and closed up more than 3%. $DKNG broke out yesterday in a big way, closing up more than ...
  • MtChet: $ARKK - Added on breakout
  • scottrades: $ARKK Looking good today.
  • BocaRick: $ARKK $45.01
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Don’t sleep on this Breakout from $TPX $SPY Going sideways $QQQ Resting $IWM Nice recovery $DIA Holding the 50 Day $OIH Extended $SMH Holding the 21 EMA $XLK Great volume $IGV Look at the volume $ARKK Working $BLOK Going $BITO Watch the 50 Day $DT Nice recovery $SQ Mentioned this morning $META Fine $FTNT Nice volume $DKNG Good follow through $TPX Mentioned by Dan $ADBE Volume pick up $CRM Holding the 50 Day $TMDX Close to the highs $ACLS Holding the 21 EMA $AMD Bounce off the 50 Day $ON Trending $MRVL Pinching $MPWR Close to long-term resistance $MSTR Up 20% Since Dan was on Fox Biz $RIOT Working $MARA Same $COIN Still good $WULF Gone Para! $CLSK Same
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK -- In at 44.00. Stop is 42.40. No change. The stock is still in a bit of a base, but it's looking good for this actively traded ETF.

    $MARA -- In at 11.06 with a stop at 12.48. Consider raising this stop to 14.45 on part of your position if ...
  • scottrades: My video notes: Chart of the Day: Nice Weekly Breakout on $RIOT $SPY $QQQ EOD Selloff $IWM Nice weekly consolidation $DIA Bad Daily, Nice Weekly $XLE Energy is trying to find a floor $OIH Oh, Hi. $IGV Software weak into the close $ARKK Holding the 21 EMA $BLOK Tapped Weekly resistance. $BITO Above the 50 Day $UUP Dollar Down $AMZN Still ok $MSFT Going sideways $NVDA Same $SLB Energy Boom $HAL Big volume $IT Held up ok $DT Added to the ATL (My fault) $FTNT In trend $DASH trending $DKNG Great volume $MSTR Still good $RIOT Biggest volume since April $COIN Looking a bit tired $MARA Trim and Trail $RIVN Wait for a PB $DXCM Still holding the 21 EMA $EME Trending
  • scottrades: ...
    $ARKK Cracking but not broken yet
    $BLOK Surprising Strength
    $BITO Holding the 50 Day
    $GBTC Another Bitcoin trade
    $TBT Rates Up
    $UUP Dollar trying to break back up

    $AAPL Working
    $GOOGL Support at the 50 Day
    $MSTR Dan’s biggest position
    $MSFT ...
  • scottrades: My notes: Watching for a breakout in $CRM $SPY Nothing-Burger $QQQ In trend $IWM At the 8EMA $MDY Lower Low $DIA Lower High $SMH Support at the 21 EMA $ARKK In trend $BLOK Working $BITO “Bitcoin is an international asset” - Larry Fink $AMZN Basing $GOOGL Above the 8/21 $META Great volume $TSLA Working $ADBE Basing $NFLX Good volume $MSTR Up on a Red BTC Day $MARA Working $RIOT Working $HUT Working $CLSK Working $WULF Clean Bitcoin Miner $NET Tight along the MAs $DKNG In trend $MDB Going sideways
  • DAN: ...
    $ARKK -- Up 1.85% from a 44 entry .

    $MSFT -- Up 1.7% from a 329.25 entry.

    To OMMers: I'll be rolling the puts on several of our open positions, including the covered straddles on $DKNG AND $CCL.

    $MARA is free to run after we closed the short ca ...
  • mopick: $FBCG, Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF, nh. Was actually beating $ARKK, now up 41% ytd. Top ten, alll the tech faves: $AAPL, $MSFT, $NVDA, $AMZN, $META, $TSLA, $MRVL, $UBER, $NFLX & $GOOGL. This is the top performing actively traded ETF. 3 year annual returns, %2B11.7% vs. -`13.7% for ARKK. Assets of just 564 mil vs 8.1 billion for $ARKK.
  • DAN: ...
    Our active trade ideas are all performing well. They are: $MSFT $ARKK $MARA $MSMTR $MDB $CCL. I'll get a video update out later today but before the close. I'm also on the lookout for new ideas, though the trading room is your best resource aside ...
  • DAN: ...
    The other stocks on the short list ($ARKK, $MSTR, $MSFT) are all working just fine and holding their recent pullbacks. The list is meant to be representative trades for learning purposes. I have my preferred setups on a few different types of char ...
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY Buyers at the close $QQQ Holding the 21 EMA $IWM Above the MAs but supply above $MDY Same $DIA Holding the 50 Day $SMH Chip News $FFTY Threating a Breakout $BITO Bitcoin ETFs incoming $BLOK New High for the Year $ARKK Working $AAPL Working $MSFT In trend $GOOGL Holding the 50 Day $TSLA Above the MAs $AMD Above the 50 Day $LSCC Nice volume increase $MU Up on Earnings and Guidance $ASML Above the MAs $HUBS Watch 533 $MDB Added to ATL $FTNT Near the highs $MARA Still working $RIOT Watching for a breakout $MSTR When Saylor Buys, Bitcoin falls. Every. Time. $TTD Trying to break out $TMDX Working
  • Cjauger: QQQs have had a nice run since breaking out in mid May, my account is at a post [FED rate raise] bear market high. About 8% above the 50 day and looking like a top, Powell speaking to congress. Red days in my tech holdings $NVDA, $ARKK, $META, $QLD yesterday and today have been offset by green days in my crypto holdings $BITO, $MARA. Yesterday started moving into cash. With the exception of the $MARA and $BITO trades that I initiated yesterday, I am in cash
  • Docoof: @debeers $TSLA I thought this was interesting. Barron’s (over the weekend) on why it’s likely a problem for $ARKK to hold $TSLA as opposed to trimming more its position. (On Friday, $ARKK sold 62,415 shares of $TSLA.) “The problem is more likely structural: Tesla stock comprises more than 11% of the Innovation ETF’s portfolio. Practically speaking,10% seems to be a rule of thumb for ARK: When things get above a certain percentage of the portfolio, the company trims. ARK may not be done selling, since Tesla’s stock price performance has pushed it beyond 11% of the innovation ETF.”
  • debeers: @Docoof $TSLA $ARKK -Maybe you can explain why Wood thinks the stock is an 1000 dollar stock?
  • joelsg1: @debeers $TSLA $ARKK Thought it was at least $2k based on their ridiculous Monte Carlo multiple inputs model. Ark is good at research, but terrible traders, and their self-imposed 10% rule should be at least partially waived but probably can't when they're so "transparent".
  • Docoof: #FollowUp $ARKK sells 9,856 shares of $TSLA. $ARKQ sells 20, 142 shares of $TSLA. $ARKW sells 1,591 shares of $TSLA.
  • scottrades: $ARKK Holding the 8EMA
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Breakout! Watch your FOMO $UUP Breaking Down $IWM Holding the 8EMA $MDY Nice volume pickup $XLF Just under the 200 Day $XBI Holding the 8EMA $XHB Still working $ARKK Trending $TNA Holding the 200 Day $AAPL New ATH $AMZN Good volume $GOOGL Holding the 21 EMA $JPM Right at Resistance $MS Holding the 200 Day $META Trending $MSFT Great volume $TSLA Watch for Consolidation $CRWD Mentioned in the forum $FTNT Finally moving $AI Squeezing Shorts $DT At resistance $BA Holding the 8EMA $MCK Watch 400 $HUBS Support at the 21 EMA $MDB Flag $MNDY Bounce off the 21 EMA $SWAV Tentative.
  • SophAgogo: Long time watcher wanted to share some trades that are just getting started for me $AA,$FCX,$CAT my theory is that the market HAS to broaden the rally and a non recession will drive these higher. Positions I've been in for a while $F, $ARKK, $ARKQ, $TSLA ... thanks
  • DAN: Adding ARK Innovation ($ARKK) to the Active Trade Idea list: Basis: 44.00 Stop $39.95 --Dan For a complete list of all Active Trades, click here:
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Stock Price $46.90
Change -1.10%
Volume 5,751,400

The investment seeks long-term growth of capital. The fund is an actively-managed exchange-traded fund ("ETF") that will invest under normal circumstances primarily (at least 65% of its assets) in domestic and foreign equity securities of companies that are relevant to the fund's investment theme of disruptive innovation. Its investments in foreign equity securities will be in both developed and emerging markets. The advisor currently intends to use only American Depositary Receipts ("ADRs") when purchasing foreign securities. The fund is non-diversified.

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