Editas Medicine Inc. (NASDAQ:EDIT)

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  • woodman: This is a list of #Gene editing/therapy #Car-T stocks (#Biotech subset). I haven't updated it in some time, so it's not an up-to-date/complete list, but it provides a number stocks that are acting very well and, if you've paid any attention to this area over the years, you'll certainly recognize many of them (including $NTLA which @Dan added to his list today). If interested, kick some of their tires over the weekend (listed below in order of performance today). $ABEO $ADVM $EIGR $PGEN $QURE $RARE $AGTC $SRNE $BLUE $PRTA $CLLS $AVRO $MGTX $ADAP $KRYS $SRPT $BMRN $AMGN $ARCT $RGNX $CNCR $SLDB $TCRT $AGIO $NVS $JNJ $PFE $IOVA $NTLA $SGMO $LUMO $EDIT $VYGR $ORTX $CRSP $BLCM $BBIO
  • bRobert: $NTLA $EDIT Appetizing pullbacks to the 20d WATCHING for LOW RISK add
  • Lou: Added a little $EDIT
  • bRobert: @Lou $EDIT LOW RISK trade with stop < low of day Bounce off bottom of channel and 20d
  • bRobert: $NTLA ADD $200/$250 potential $EDIT works as well Stop < 20d
  • bRobert: $NTLA $200/$250 Brakout in motion $EDIT another $100
  • bRobert: $BEAM $135 high base $EDIT $NTLA group
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $BEAM $EDIT $NTLA Which one is your fave
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $BEAM $EDIT $NTLA $NTLA but $EDIT fine
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $BEAM $EDIT $NTLA yes...$EDIT would be my pick, technically speaking
  • Optizone1: $EDIT I could not resist buying today at break above $70. Waited a couple of weeks but it never came back to my buy zone below $57!
  • bRobert: @Optizone1 $EDIT $95+ Daily/ WEEKLY high base. target $150. long term with a WEEKLY breakout np. Pullbacks to enter/add $NTLA. Works well. too. Better buy pint closer to support
  • Optizone1: @bRobert $EDIT $NTLA Thank you... Seems like they're going to have a busy couple of months participating in a number of conferences. I'm really looking forward to see how the stock reacts or builds towards the one that is at the end of the month (19th Annual International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration (RD2021), September 28 - October 2, Nashville, TN)... In their earning conference call they said they would present their Trial Data for the first time there! I would think this could be a big deal!
  • gmj: $NTLA, $EDIT, $CRSP like these for trading Current fav is $NTLA basing since gap up end of June allowing 50ma to catch up to 20/8ma, tightening up around pivot area 155/156 finding support 152, holding abv 140 ...watching closely for vol + these have a tendency to pop.
  • bRobert: @gmj $NTLA $EDIT $CRSP $NTLA. Very. buliish technicals. $170 - $250+. potential. with low risk entry SMALL works best Pinch close to 20d/50d. EXCELLENT.
  • woodman: $EDIT still running.
  • woodman: $CRSP - holding its move above the 200d. Has more room to go if it follows the like of $EDIT and $NTLA in the space.
  • bRobert: $EDIT. C&H. breakout. $90+. potential. Pb. bounces $LABU will be taking off short term
  • lauralynnee: @bRobert $EDIT $LABU Seems like easy entry with 20 MA right below, thx
  • bRobert: @lauralynnee $EDIT $LABU Trade small and let it work for you. Explosive potenrtial
  • Cjauger: @woodman $CRSP $EDIT $NTLA Thank yo for pointing this out yeaterday. I got some yesterday and added today
  • bwcarnation1: @Cjauger $CRSP $EDIT $NTLA I added to $CRSP this a.m. nice vol so far
  • woodman: $EDIT - continuation from yesterday.
  • woodman: @Docoof $ARKK $CRSP - not Dan (I couldn't do what Dan does even if I slept a Holiday Inn Express for a week), but look at what $EDIT just did. I "found" EDIT yesterday (up 14% today) by looking at the ARKK components. Look also at NTLA (another ARKK compoenent) which is up 17% today. All three of these are in the same industry area, so to speak, but $CRSP looks one day behind. No guarantees, but it could well be the next one as it moves into the 200 day just above. That's what EDIT did, and it had a great afternoon, closing just above the 200d. Perhaps buy a little CRSP here to get in, but not enough to hurt you if it fails at the 200 day. Then add tomorrow depending on conditions as they arise. Just a suggestion (what free advice is worth).
  • Docoof: @woodman $ARKK $CRSP $EDIT I’m very happy to receive your input—Thanks @woodman!
  • woodman: @Docoof $ARKK $CRSP $EDIT - my pleasure.
  • woodman: @Motorman $CRSP - yep. This is a replay of $EDIT and $NTLA (same biotech area) in the making, just one day behind. I bought it today.
  • woodman: $EDIT - sandwiched between lower 50 day and higher 200 day. After a long move down, it made a nice move through both of them from mid-June to early July, then pulled back to current spot. Has potential to run higher.
  • woodman: $EDIT lots of volume this afternoon and into the close above the 200d.
  • bRobert: $EDIT H&S top resistance under the 20/200d $30 POTENTIAL
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $EDIT stopped out for a loss last week 😁. Back on the watchlist it goes...maybe sets up again.
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $EDIT Don't jump in Don't get too comfortable with any long exposure for more than a day trade with defined risk Best of breed stocks
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $EDIT I'm NEVER too comfortable with spec plays. Exposure is small, risk always defined ☝️
  • Pokersmith: Filled the gap of 6/28, see: $EDIT
  • Pokersmith: Pulled back to its 21 ema/200sma convergence....check out: $EDIT We like ?
  • gmj: $EDIT added on this bounce off yesterday low and 20ma, phase II complete will add more on b/o abv 56.50 or pb bounces, looking for this to close abv the 8ema
  • Pokersmith: We like $EDIT , right? anyone?
  • bugpack28: @Pokersmith $EDIT very bouncy, found support at the 200d yesterday. Put a stop at the 21 day ma?
  • Crodmm: @Pokersmith $EDIT . I have $CLLS. Same idea. Nice action today
  • Pokersmith: @bugpack28 $EDIT 👍 yes ! imho
  • Motorman: @Pokersmith $EDIT Holding $CRSP
  • Pokersmith: @Motorman $EDIT $CRSP high correlation ...
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $EDIT Low risk. TRADE. Defined risk. Bullish on $XBI related in general longer term Shorts here when in motion
  • bRobert: $EDIT $70 target with higher high Flag trigger Shorts Alerts
  • bRobert: $BEAM. WEEKLY./daily C&H like base $170 - $200 potential. Evaluating pullback bounces. for a low risk entry. WEEKLY can get much more overbought. 16% short 10+ days $EDIT I posted the LOW risk entry/add just over the 200d on the pullback bounce $70.target measure move in play A pullback bounce from there sets up a $100 potential. Pullback bounces. SMALL works best. A higher maintenance trade
  • bRobert: $EDIT. . $70. target potential. A friendly pullback. Looking for the bounce. Long $BEAM. not much given back. yet
  • bRobert: $EDIT. pullback......bounce. $70 potential with higher high. shorts
  • gmj: $NTLA, $EDIT, $CRSP therapeutics continue to move took more porfits on $NTLA outside 3 St Div BB holding my pos in the others
  • bRobert: $EDIT $70 with higher high Breakout. Pullback retest/bounce. Nice. cup base. SHORTS
  • sierramp: @bRobert $EDIT I like this set up, started position.
  • traderdl: $NTLA, $CRSP, $EDIT, $BEAM - new highs
  • bRobert: $EDIT. $60/$70. in motion.triggered. Shorts. Pullback bounces.
  • sierramp: @bRobert $EDIT Thank you for suggesting we look at $EDIT this morning.
  • bRobert: @debeers $NTLA $BA No edge on $NTLA. Long $EDIT. technical trade $60. target acquired. $70. still in play. $100+. potential with that big cup base retrace Animal spirits in the space. Respect the technicals
  • debeers: @bRobert $NTLA $BA $EDIT -congrats on the edit. i am too late on it but look forward to the next one you spot. imagine being able to edit out even a procliovity for disease through this mechanism. Wow
  • bRobert: @debeers $NTLA $BA $EDIT They are working on one to edit out bad trades ;)
  • bRobert: $EDIT Breakout to target 1 $50 Larger cup with $70 potential Look for pullback bounces Shorts about $PTON Look for Pullback bounces post breakout $170 $NVDA Hardest thing to do is hold a winner $1000+ potential Look at the weekly This stock makes HUGE runs after breaking out Difficult to get back in if over trading it
  • bRobert: $EDIT ADD pullback bounce Shorts $70+ potential Stop < yesterday low just under 200d $CRSP flag pullback Watch for the trigger $180 potential
  • bRobert: $EDIT shorts 18% 10d
  • gmj: $EDIT, $NTLA, $CRSP therapeutics moving up on vol + sm pos in all three. $EDIT nice cup/handle trace the 8 ema on daily chart with b/o abv 39, bottomed in May now abv all moving aves T1 48, T2 66 volume spikes in Dec 2020 indicate this can move quickly ... watching closely
  • bRobert: $edit reversal base could run to $50+/$70 Shorts 18%. 10d Alerts.
  • bRobert: $BNGO. $15. potential. Renaissance favorite $EDIT. $50+. Shorts.
  • bRobert: $EDIT. breakout test. $43/ $50. potential. Shorts
  • jpeden: $EDIT out of squeeze
  • bRobert: @jpeden $EDIT High shorts
  • traderdl: $EDIT JUL50C buyers

    Gan, I covered these stocks on Monday, and I want to give you an update. They are all looking good, but there is some chart commentary that needs to be made.

    $IBB -- putt his on the active trade list today. Ba ...
  • DAN: ...
    $EDIT -- squeezing.

    $GLBE-- Covered this on Thursday. Tough to buy. It’s so strong.
    $PLBY -- still in the base building process.
    $UPST -- still working on the breakout.
    $NGMS -- Very strong. Momentum is very good. Big swings. Trade c ...
  • bRobert: $EDIT note Shorts. 18%. 7+. days. Daily 5/13 cross Barely. Breakout. attempt./ Pullback. retest. I like those. $40. high base target 1 with resumption Much higher potential if this base enlarges. Sounds familiar Great set up ARK investment trashed with the group $ARKK. reversal 5/13. cross and trading ABOVE the 20d. Now. support $125 POTENTIAL. Speed. bump $115. Many. components rallying. off their recent lows $TSLA. 10%. component
  • gmj: $NTLA one of my sm spec trades working nicely as it approaches the 50ma broke abv the 68.40 level with vol over the last three 30 min bars, be watching the 70.50 level to take 2/3 off. Still following $CRSP, $EDIT in this area.
  • gmj: $CRSP, $EDIT, $NLTA interested in gene editing started new pos all three, couple of shares in each to make me watch. Just saying as they are catching a bounce today.
  • sierramp: @gmj $CRSP $EDIT $NLTA I haven't been in $CRSP in a couple of years but it looks interesting again.
  • gmj: @sierramp $CRSP $EDIT $NLTA I like the fact that all three are abv the 8 ema; I have a box set on each one and would be a nice trade to the top of the box. Be watching for some vol
  • cshanggu: $edit looks good?
  • scottrades: @cshanggu $edit Nice support at the 50 Day.
  • cshanggu: @scottrades $edit I think I will add some if it pull back, don't want to chase right now
  • DAN: ...
    $EDIT -- Holding at 50-day MA. Would put stop at around $63.
    $MCRB -- Set your alert at $30 bucks. What will you do if that alert is hit? Decide. Alert $30.
    $SQ -- anatomy of a shakeout.
    $NVTA -- Still working on a base...but Friday’s low ...
  • Yuls: $EDIT $NTLA $BLFS and other genomics ($ARKG) keep setting up, maybe into next week?
  • scottto_2: @Yuls - Thanks for the list! Converting tickers to drag over for easier investigation: $FLGT, $APPS, $ETSY, $FUTU, $DQ, $GRWG, $COWN, $QDEL, $AEIS, $EXPI, $FVRR, $FBC, $SWBI, $LOB, $CELH, $ZM, $CRWD, $HOME, $PTON, $IIVI, $MBIN, $TSLA, $HALO, $LMPX, $CRSR, $XPEL, $LOGI, $HOLX, $CROX, $UCTT, $MTSI, $FCX, $AHCO, $IPHI, $JD, $HTH, $PFSI, $XPER, $PINS, $HZNP, $LRCX, $SHOP, $MED, $EDIT, $HZO, $APT, $AOSL, $MELI, $LAKE, $LOVE
  • scottto_2: Wanted to bring the guts of @Yuls nice post to the top since it might have gotten lost from yesterday: @Yuls - Thanks for the list! Converting tickers to drag over for easier investigation: $FLGT, $APPS, $ETSY, $FUTU, $DQ, $GRWG, $COWN, $QDEL, $AEIS, $EXPI, $FVRR, $FBC, $SWBI, $LOB, $CELH, $ZM, $CRWD, $HOME, $PTON, $IIVI, $MBIN, $TSLA, $HALO, $LMPX, $CRSR, $XPEL, $LOGI, $HOLX, $CROX, $UCTT, $MTSI, $FCX, $AHCO, $IPHI, $JD, $HTH, $PFSI, $XPER, $PINS, $HZNP, $LRCX, $SHOP, $MED, $EDIT, $HZO, $APT, $AOSL, $MELI, $LAKE, $LOVE I've already found a new member of the #WhaleClub in there. Added a spot for $HOME
  • scottto_2: @Yuls - You bet. Thanks for your contributions! $FLGT, $APPS, $ETSY, $FUTU, $DQ, $GRWG, $COWN, $QDEL, $AEIS, $EXPI, $FVRR, $FBC, $SWBI, $LOB, $CELH, $ZM, $CRWD, $HOME, $PTON, $IIVI, $MBIN, $TSLA, $HALO, $LMPX, $CRSR, $XPEL, $LOGI, $HOLX, $CROX, $UCTT, $MTSI, $FCX, $AHCO, $IPHI, $JD, $HTH, $PFSI, $XPER, $PINS, $HZNP, $LRCX, $SHOP, $MED, $EDIT, $HZO, $APT, $AOSL, $MELI, $LAKE, $LOVE
  • sierramp: $EDIT is moving on vol.
  • bRobert: @sierramp $EDIT I like the chart but I. prefer. $LABU. or. $XBI. for the diversity. Many high flyers are in there
  • sierramp: @bRobert $EDIT $LABU $XBI Thanks, started a position in $XBI too.
  • joelsg1: @pakelly $CRSP A Cathie Wood favorite, big part of her etf $ARKG, $EDIT too.
  • sierramp: I bought the PB/bounce of $EDIT. 6.4% short interest.
  • joelsg1: @sierramp $EDIT $ARKG Cathie Wood etf has them all.
  • sierramp: @joelsg1 $EDIT $ARKG I am in $ARKK but at this point not $ARKG.
  • joelsg1: @sierramp $EDIT $ARKG $ARKK Heard her say she thought the genomic fund was better positioned going forward.
  • sierramp: @joelsg1 $EDIT $ARKG $ARKK Thank you for that tidbit. I am amazed they tell me every day what they have bought.
  • scottrades: @wanda1616 $CRSP Along with $EDIT and the other $ARKK stocks.
  • Bert953: @scottrades $CRSP $EDIT $ARKK seeing lots of shorts. $BLDP $ETSY $CHWY $SPWR $FSLR $APPS $ALK $ARWR. Sadly, none of these look like good entries because they've already fallen quite a bit. Looking for evening stars, br engulfings, tombstone doji's etc.
  • wanda1616: @scottrades $CRSP $EDIT $ARKK super nasty sell off on so many things...presumably year end shifting. hard to understand why they want to book profits 3 days before end of year. so many high fliers torched
  • HGIGuy: @wanda1616 $CRSP $EDIT $ARKK Tricky to try to figure tax related selling. Many of the large pools are tax-exempt and many funds will use these gains to offset losses.
  • CdrJake: It was yesterday that was the great day....Got my first SARS CoV-2 vaccine, everyone so excited that its here. Nurse who gave it to me said she gives around 80 a day. Government-funded capitalism at its best. Thank you , Pfizer. $CLNE Still going bonkers, premarket indicates vertical open $BEEM, $BEEMW Still going bonkers, taking a little bit off the table if it moves below open. My 3rd biggest gainer ever. $NNDM gonna take a breather after a secondary announcement. $EDIT strong pre-market $QCOM same $WPRT same $SKLZ same
  • martyrb3: $NTLA $CRSP $EDIT Gene editing stocks all up strong. Long the genomic ETF $ARKG
  • scottrades: $EDIT coming out of a base
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Stock Price $3.77
Change -3.58%
Volume 5,769,840

Editas Medicine Inc is a research stage company dedicated to treating patients with genetically defined diseases by correcting their disease-causing genes.

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