Eagle Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:EGBN)

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  • champ: $XLF, the markets need positive earnings news from these financial/banks, to keep the markets on track...$CATY $TKB $EGBN $BBT $EWBC $WAFD $FNB $KEY $MTB $MS $SBNY $STI, a flat market really works for my profits.
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: $EGBN BTC 2/16/18 60.0 PUTS @.70 STO 1/5/18 @3.00 ;>) Thanks @Lou. Luv ya.
  • GOOSE: $EGBN My $EGBN 1/19/18 65.0 Calls looked like a slam dunk this morning, but the stock went up 2.75 points. Currently at 63.85
  • Lou: @GOOSE -I haven't been thinking about the market much in the last few days. We lost our very dear young friend Tuesday evening and have it's been a major shock. A vicious virus, perhaps pneumonia or flu took her before the team of physicians and medical devices being flown in from Mexico City even landed. Goosie, I am glad $EGBN worked for you. More upside to go.
  • indigo1948: @Lou $EGBN - sorry to hear such terrible news - condolences.
  • RedLeaf1: @Lou $EGBN Condolences, Lou.
  • woodman: @Lou $EGBN Very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Lou.
  • GOOSE: OPTION EXPIRATION, 1/19/18 $EGBN 1/19/18 55.0 PUTS EXPIRED $EGBN 1/19/18 65.0 CALLS EXPIRED Closed @64.95 Whew! $NTNX 1/19/18 35.0 CALLS EXPIRED $KODK 1/19/18 10.0 CALLS EXPIRED Closed @9.95 Whew! Was a rush watching the MM's pining these stocks $KODK 1/19/18 12.5 CALLS EXPIRED $KODK 1/19/18 15.0 CALLS EXPIRED A safe and good weekend everyone.
  • GOOSE: $EGBN @Lou Hard to figure out EXPECTED move with this, as the strike spread is 5 points. I came up with 3.50, + or -. Since all my calls and puts are 3.5 points over or under I won't be impacted by a 3.5 move up or down. What do you think? ;>)
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - good for you! Take your victory lap and buy a few shares for long term. I wouldn't know how to trade options on this terrific but small cap bank. IMO it continues to recover from the attack by the shorts and goes a good bit higher over time.
  • GOOSE: @Lou $EGBN Hi Lou, Thanks for your response. I do have a starter in$EGBD, a 1/5th position. I sell calls against it, but they are always several points away, so I haven't, so far, been assigned away. ;>) GOOSE Did you see @DrScience's response to this query?
  • GOOSE: $EGBN Highest close since its fall from grace. ;>) Last minute TRADE: BTO $EGBN STOCK 60.50 STO $EGBN 1/19/18 60.0 CALLS @1.80 I didn't expect to be taken, as I was just fishing to see how much margin I was going to use, and put in my bid @.20 above the ASK, and boom, they gave it to me. No problems, I like the stock, and have made nice money with it..............so far. ;>)
  • GOOSE: TRADE: $EGBN STO 2/16/18 60.0 PUTS @3.00. Speculative, as the DELTA is .50.
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: $EGBN BTC 1/19/18 60.0 CALLS @1.75 Lost $146 dollars. Stock seems to be recovering, and didn't want to be caught short with these calls. ;>)
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: First, last, and only for today. $EGBN 1/19/18 STO 60.0 CALLS @1.25 Somewhat risky.
  • GOOSE: $EGBN @Lou Since you're the ax on this, besides the new lawsuit, is there any other info??
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - nothing new - as I previously mentioned, this is a very small cap stock, until the recent short attack it traded by appointment, large spreads, and a small buy or sell order tended to move the price a lot. In the long term there will be a buyout at a very high price as it has a pristine balance sheet, great earnings and asset growth trajectory and it continues to dominate community banking in DC, Southern Maryland, and Northern Virginia. I've been holding for more than 17 years and have no idea as to when a buyout may occur but I expect that my heirs will benefit from it.
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: $EGBN STO 1/19/18 60.0 ITM PUTS @2.50 Will accept assignment if necessary. An @Lou stock.
  • GOOSE: TRADES: $AA STO 12/29/17 46.0 CALLS @.30 $EGBN STO 1/19/18 55.0 PUTS @1.00, an add to the 60.0 puts. EDITED
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: $EGBN STO 1/19/18 55.0 PUT @1.20 Back door entry. Should have had more faith in our @Lou.
  • GOOSE: TRADES: Glad to see $EGBN starting to move a bit. @Lou NP $VRX BTO STOCK @22.21 An add to. $VRX STO 12/15/17 22.50 CALLS @.45 Covering
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - thx - gotta way to go but it will get there. I'm very patient with this stock as I'm sitting on a 2,000% LTCG and have held it for 19 years.
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: $EGBN STC STOCK @56.35 , while I still had a profit. Will watch it though.
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - nice trade!
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: Almost bottom fishing. $EGBN BTO STOCK 54.50
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - I know that LT for you is about a week but I hope that you are able to just own this stock and forget about it for a while. I think that this terrific community bank will overcome the scurrilous attack by anonymous short sellers and it will be acquired at some point for far more than its current trading price.
  • GOOSE: $EGBN @Lou A curious thing is happening. On my 3 minute chart, every 3 minutes, 833.33 shares trade, and the stock loses, .15 to .20. Shorts taking it down?
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - probably - it is still early after the takedown on Friday for it to fully turn. I look at this as a $60+ buy out at some point. I suffered a massive reduction in my net worth on Friday but my per share cost is about 2.80 so I licked my wounds and will wait until the true story, not the lies spread by the shorts, is accepted.
  • GOOSE: @Lou $EGBN Thanks for the reply. Like I mentioned, I only have a starter position, so no big deal. GOOSE
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - good luck. Because this is normally a thinly traded stock and, absent the events of the last couple of days, trades with very large spreads, it is not a trading stock and should be purchased only if one wants to own it long term. As a trading stock the spreads will eat up most of the profits.
  • GOOSE: @Lou $EGBN My buy today had only a .05 spread.
  • Lou: @GOOSE $EGBN - it's got good volume today and as I type spread is only 10 cents. Today is an unusual day because it is recovering from the bear attack. After it normalizes, spreads will increase. NIce buy @GOOSE!
  • jan2138: @Lou $EGBN I am seeing a .05 spread rhrn.
  • GOOSE: A TRADE: $EGBN STO 12/15/17 60.0 CALLS @.75
  • Lou: ...
    Third, I was asked whether I would take some profits RHRN. My answer, an emphatic NO! I got where I am by keeping lots of eggs in one basket and watching the basket. I own one stock, in size, since it's IPO (I got friends and family shares) many ...
  • ROSEY: @Lou $ETE $ETP $EGBN Thanks Lou. Interesting.
  • janner0814: FYI @Alexandra: Pre-Market Earnings: $ABT, $APH, $ASML, $BABY, $BBT, $CP, $DOV, $GPC, $HAL, $MS, $MTB, $NTRS, $RAI, $STJ, $STX, $SVU, $TUP, $UNF, $USB Earnings after the Close: $ $AXP, $BDN, $BJRI, $BRKL, $BXS, $CATY, $CCK, $CLB, $CNS, $CTXS, $CVBF, $CVTI, $EBAY, $EGBN, $EGP, $EWBC, $EXPO, $FNB, $FTI, $GGG, $HLX, $HNI, $HXL, $KALU, $KMI, $LHO, $LRCX, $LSTR, $MAT, $PKG, $RLI, $SCSS, $SLG, $SLM, $STLD, $TBI, $TSCO, $UMPQ, $URI, $VMI, $WDFC, $XLNX $VXX $NUGT $XIV $SVXY #ETN #FEES #WIDOWMAKER
  • Lou: @SierraJW - I wasn't online until just now so I missed your $EGBN question.

    There is no change in my opinion - best in class DC area community bank by far. It is the go to bank among local businesses. Management is outstanding the bank has been gr ...
  • SierraJW: @Lou $EGBN Thanks for the update. No problem with the response - I am in the Pacific time zone, so it is still evening, and I will be looking for a good entry point - Pre-Market is showing a price of 41.47, -8.80%. Here is the only news I found: $EGBN: Eagle Bancorp Inc (EGBN) Discloses Form 4 Insider Selling : Eagle Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:EGBN) : On Friday heightened volatility was witnessed in Eagle Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:EGBN) which led to swings in the share ... Continue reading at American Trade Journal: http://www.americantradejournal.com/eagle-bancorp-inc-egbn-discloses-form-4-insider-selling-exec-charles-c-brockett-sells-10000-shares/628675/ I will be up for a little while yet. thanks, Jim
  • SierraJW: @Lou $EGBN You posted in January - any thoughts/info on the pull-back or reasons? Earnings 7/22/15 looked pretty good, IMO.
  • Lou: oined @GreenGhost by buying a starter in $CAT; STO $TWTR June 40 puts for 5.65; watching my $EOG continue to perform well. Otherwise, getting slaughtered. Exceptions - $JUNO $KITE $NRF $ACAS $EGBN $SUI.
  • Lou: Done for the day and, since tomorrow is Friday, probably for the week. Having a massive day so far with earnings/dividend runs in $NRF and $NSAM continuing, $FB $ACAS $GILD $C moving nicely, done with my $DIS efforts, having fun -small - with @GreenGhost in $BABA spreads, and creme de la creme, one of my biggest positions, purchased in a friends and family IPO, many years ago at 2.79/share, $EGBN, reported a blowout quarter and now is trading at 33.96. Going out to buy something, maybe a great bottle of wine. Enjoy the day and weekend all.
  • Lou: ...
    2. Selection - The fundamental premise I try to follow is that I want to only invest in outstanding companies. Whether they are old ones like $SLB or newer ones like $FB, they all share a number of characteristics - great management, sound finances ...
  • Aiko: ...

    Zacks5 New
    $ACTG ...
  • Lou: $EGBN - Easy come, easy go. That big 34% bump was a one day phenom and this morning the stock is back to a more realistic range. Thanks for the email comments to those of you who were kind enough to offer opinions/analysis. @Lou
  • Lou: Thanks @evanesce. I'm OK with the portfolio management part of this thing. My concern is that the quick bump on Friday will reverse now that the @Russell 3000 buying of $EGBN is/may be over. I am looking for info as to how stocks added to the index trade after the big bump when they are added. I'd love to capture some of the additional profit from the bump and am trying to figure out whether I need to do it on the open or have the time to do it gradually. Another complication is that the spread on these small caps is gigantic. I guess I'll take my time and work it out. The saving grace is that both banks are very good ones and that ultimately they work higher still. @Lou
  • Lou: ...
    Noticed something yesterday -- may be an anomaly, or not. Two local DC area, relatively small cap but well run and clean banks popped beyond any of my expectations. For business/professional reasons I've been a long time investor and noticed that ...
  • Lou: ...
    In a prior post I mentioned that I had outsized gains on Friday in two bank stocks -- $EGBN & CFNL. Both traded on massive volume and, by private email, Burt kindly pointed out that they likely are in the process of being added to the @Russell (pro ...
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Stock Price $23.41
Change -4.68%
Volume 283,865

Eagle Bancorp Inc, through EagleBank, provides commercial banking services to its business and professional clients as well as full service consumer banking services to individuals living and working primarily in the Bank's market area.

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