C3.ai Inc. Class A (NYSE:AI)

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  • WhitePath: $AI aiming for high paid job .... Take a look at this company and their video (There is a similar feature called GitHub Copilot you can find online): https://www.cognition-labs.com/blog In summary: ChatGPT type of AI assistant is just a starting point. Generalized intelligence that can replace actual job role is not far from movie (think about JARVIS in Iron-man movies, or the computer in Star-ship Enterprise). We will need more chips.... $NVDA anyone?
  • kenb: $BBAI pulled the trigger right before the close @2.49. Starting with a small initial position on this AI spec play. Also holding $AI and $SOUN.
  • AUDREY: $AI Having fun on the short squeeze! Thanks!
  • kenb: @AUDREY $AI giddy up. Am enjoying the ride upwards as well.
  • AUDREY: @kenb $AI Scaling out some but picked up a few April calls for FOMA feelings.
  • kenb: @AUDREY $AI took a little profit off the top as well above $38, and will look to add back at a lower level. I think this is going to trade sideways at this elevated level for a bit, and will be watching another break out above or a move back down.
  • shoredriver: $AI $CRM $SNOW....report after....
  • ssoha20: $AI up 12$ had some calls of 32.5
  • ssoha20: @ssoha20 $AI 12 % up
  • kenb: @MongosPawn $BBAI AI related stocks, especially with AI in their name, got a lot of buying interest today. Why, I'm not sure. I have no position in this, but do own $AI and $SOUN as well as $NVDA and am happy that they are getting attention.
  • kenb: $NVDA getting pin action in related AI stocks as well that I hold. $AI $SOUN
  • kenb: $AI up again. SA shows 36% shorted so could be a short squeeze.
  • Auto: $AI added small long from below daily
  • kenb: @Auto $AI acting very well this morning finally. Picked up a bunch of shares when it was trading in the $24 to $25 range figuring at some point the AI investment theme will finally hit this stock. I think the $PLTR ER reminded investors that this is another play on that theme.
  • kenb: $AI breaking out this morning. Could be a short squeeze since 36% of the shares are sold short according to SA.
  • Margi1983: @kenb $AI Now it is day 3.. I am looking for a pullback to 25.7 pivot
  • kenb: $AI up 7% today, apparently due to the $PLTR earnings news. Possible resistance overhead at $26 which had been a support level before it broke below that level in mid-Jan. Looking to add if it can break through and hold $26.
  • :
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  • kenb: $AI added a little to a position as it bounced off the $24 level, which has been a support level in the recent past. If it can't hold above $24, I'm out completely.
  • wijimmy: @Boone.ruth $MSTR @DAN $MSTR $MSTR..$AI .....FUGLY falling knives... Look AWAY >>>>
  • kenb: $AI flirting with the 50d MVA, though under the 200d MAV,
  • curtis: $AI closed on 50 day moving average. Looks like it will cross 50 day moving average over 200 day in the next week or so. I think this is buyable tomorrow as it goes above 50 day. https://www.tradingview.com/x/1SF9UneU/
  • kenb: @curtis $AI agree, and watching to see how it reacts. Have a small starter and looking to add. Watching for a break through those resistance levels.
  • wijimmy: $NU ... About to make a NEW 52wk high ... $AI nice move from this morning HOD....
  • vitoB: $AI hod long dtrade
  • DAN: ...
    As expected, we are seeing some selling across the board this morning as traders book profits that they were loath to take last week for tax reasons. The precise timing of this selling pressure was uncertain, but the selling was inevitable.

    Now, t ...
  • vitoB: $AI too. Of course it’s the one I actually took. Ppbbbhh
  • Nepenthe: @vitoB $AI And getting very close to the ATL suggested stop. Already took some off, and have the remaining set at 28.65--oops, there it goes and so it goes...cheers, or in this case, tears.
  • billyzeke: @vitoB $AI Yep, as the kids say I got REKT on that one. LOL The lure of a juicy short squeeze caused me to go a little heavier than I should have...but taking profits on $MSTR earlier today takes some of the sting out. Can't win em' all. EDIT: I first said $MARA but meant $MSTR...got out of $MARA too early a while back...another mistake but Im learning. lol
  • henrik511: I don't think I can remember the market selling off this hard on the last day for the year ever. Tech is especially taking in on the chin this morning. Let's see it it recovers this afternoon. Picked up some $AI on the dip, keep stop at $28.40 (gap closure 12/13)
  • kenb: @henrik511 $AI appears to be some profit taking after the run-up since late Oct on low volume. Stock is also just above the 50d MVA and looking to add a few shares if it can hold and close above that level. Analyst predictions for the start of the new year are all over the place and no one can predict what is going to happen over the long weekend and what traders and investors are going to do on tuesday, the first day of the new year. So playing pretty conservative and not taking on any major new risks.
  • DAN: Active Trade Update Adding C3AI.com ($AI) to the Active Trade Idea List. Basis 30.81 Stop: 28.65 --Dan
  • DAN: $AI -- FYI -- the short interest on $AI is up by quite a bit. In January, the float shorted was 9.2%. As if Dec 11th, it's at 38.2%. Judging by the way the stock is trading, I'd say a short squeeze is a strong possibility. Remember that the " ...
  • champ: @DAN $AI....and at Schwab they have it at $30.3%, as of 12/15, Yes could get a flash...at some point.
  • joelsg1: @DAN $AI $NYT $MSFT $SNOW $WDAY Dan Ives of Wedbush, in his sartorial splendor, is out pushing $MSFT and its CoPilot as an AI revenue generator, raising target from $425 to $450. Even with its paltry 0.75% divi, paying former CEO and current Clippers owner Steve Ballmer a cool $1B in divis each year, making him the 6th richest person in the world.
  • phgruver: @joelsg1 $AI $NYT $MSFT $SNOW $WDAY ...Of course, Ballmer didn't pay $375/share for his stock.... I'm sure his effective yield is a lot more than .75%!
  • joelsg1: @phgruver $AI $NYT $MSFT $SNOW $WDAY Saw a funny early video of him doing his best rah rah Chris Farley impression selling an early $MSFT product, that man can sweat!
  • champ: $AMD $ARM $META $AI.....I'm holding these and I would like to add at some point. I'm Locked and Loaded.
  • kenb: @champ $AI got a small starter at $30.44, would like to see it remain above $30 before adding more. The 50d MVA is moving up and seems to be support since Oct.
  • jgg8387: @joelsg1 #SchwabGlitches Yes, I was trying to follow an OMM recommendation for a Strangle on $AI. It told me I bought the stock but it wouldn't let me write a Call against it or even sell the stock. Spoke to a rep and they placed the sell order for me, but I don't think I'm doing any trading with them until they get their act together! Good luck. joe-
  • Henry: @jgg8387 $AI #SchwabGlitches Can you guys not use TOS? There was a check box on the sign in screen for Schwab customers, but that seems to have disappeared.
  • woodman: $AI $MSFT and all the other AI outfits. I was wondering when the first copyright infringement suit would be filed by the news/media agencies. This is the first, I believe. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/27/business/media/new-york-times-open-ai-microsoft-lawsuit.html
  • DAN: ...
    Good morning. This is the last trading day before the Monday Christmas holiday. This is also an extremely busy day for traveling. That adds up to a very low volume day that is likely to produce some big swings in the market. It might be tempting ...
  • Firemedic: I find it difficult to enter after the big drop and now a nice pop on a couple stocks im interested in. Concerned if I enter too early it will sell back off. But if I wait too long it may cause me to chase even higher entries. How many minutes/ candles do you wait until making a decision . $AI and $TSLA Im interested in.
  • woodman: @Firemedic $AI $TSLA - Pre-market movements are of questionable reliability/meaning, as often is the first hour or so of trade.
  • Mounty: $AI any news? It took a 2:00 nose dive down 7.5%
  • woodman: @Mounty $AI - ask ChatGPT.
  • scottrades: @Mounty $AI Couldn't see anything newsy. Looks like profit taking and stop triggering.
  • Firemedic: @Mounty $AI appears to be dumping with market in general
  • joelsg1: @woodman $AI It's probably possessed too.
  • ssoha20: $AI is up 10% today what is the news ?
  • DAN: Active Trade Update Adding C3.AI ($AI) to the Active Trade Idea list. It is up 9% today, but only 3% above Friday's intraday high, which is the latest pivot point. Basis 33.25. Stop: 30.75 (just below today's intraday low. If the stock completely retraces today's move, I don't want to be in this stock. You may want to set a tighter stop. Your choice. I always consider the % risk I am taking on a trade and adjust my position size accordingly. Small % risk allows for a bigger position. Large % risk requires a more modest position. Percentages count...but money counts more.) --Dan For a complete list of all Active Trades, click here: https://stockmarketmentor.com/active-trades-list/
  • MongosPawn: $AGQ $LABU $INZY $AI Added a little.
  • ssoha20: @DAN $AI I traded this stock multiple times. most of the time this stock gives away all the gain with in the day. best time to trade this sock is with in 1st hour of trading window. This is my observation I did gain multiple times doing that.
  • DAN: ...
    $AI -- New trade idea today. The AI stocks are under accumulation, and AI is coming out of a base after crossing through the 50-day moving average and now back above the 200-day moving average. The suggested basis is 33.25. I had considered putti ...
  • Henry: @DavidG $AI You have the wrong guy or the wrong stock. My trade was on $MARA. Haven't been in Ai since July when we were selling calls and puts.
  • DAN: @ssoha20 $AI I don't disagree with you on that, ssoha20. $-)
  • DavidG: $AI bit of a blow off today on high volume. Im long from below @ 27.5. I have a 22Dec $35 covered call which I think will expire worthless although this AM wasn't that sure.
  • Wolf: $AI Starter position @ 31.63. Entered on a higher low on 5 min chart.
  • traderbren: $AI - looks like it bumped up against the ceiling again. Maybe it can plow through tomorrow.
  • Cjauger: $LRCX my largest position and $AI great performance today
  • DavidG: $AI rebounding off yesterday's post-earnings low. I bought some. Also have short put option $25 strike from before earnings.
  • MongosPawn: @DavidG $AI I added near the open.
  • ssoha20: $AI added today morning up around 6%
  • ssoha20: @ssoha20 $AI booked profits . normally this stock gives away gains by the end of the day.
  • vitoB: $AI dont get it...they dont see positive cash flow until 2025? in the AI boom...np cause my broker wont let me short it
  • natural: @vitoB $AI I've always thought that $AI benefits from having the ticker symbol $AI. Huge deal for those that don't really understand what C3AI does (or doesn't do). Easy to say "I've got shares in AI" when you actually own a ticker $AI. Probably better bets to short since the short trade is pretty crowded here.
  • kenb: $AI earnings after close today. No position, but watching price action for a potential entry tomorrow morning.
  • stairm01: $AI Earnings AH. Up $1 for now.
  • phgruver: @stairm01 $AI $AI As we noted on Monday, the anticipated move was %2B or - $4.31. We'll now see how accurate that is..... I sold a covered 35/26.5 call/put that should stay out of the money....
  • Henry: @stairm01 $AI The CEO is supposed to be next up on CNBC. I've not seen the actual earnings reported on TOS
  • Henry: $AI earnings (0.13) vs (0.19) est Revs 1 mil below estimate. CI sounds upbeat np
  • DAN: ...
    Some notes about the Active Trade List -- and I'll be covering it in more detail this afternoon:

    $SMCI -- The stop was hit at 269. That was a hard stop. It's off the list. You should not still be holding it.

    $AI -- This is in a 3 day reversal, w ...
  • DAN: ...
    $AI -- The suggested stop remains at 27.30. with a 29.20 entry.

    $SMCI: Raising the stop on $SMCI from 264.50 to 269.

    $META -- Still holding the 8-day exponential moving average and drifting sideways on light volume, which is what we want to see. ...
  • DAN: ...
    Other stocks that are looking good are $MSFT $META $AMD $PLTR $AI and $SMCI, several of which are on the Active Trade List and/or the OMM option trade list.


    Stocks on the Active T ...
  • metal: @DAN $NVDA $MSFT $META $AMD $PLTR $AI $SMCI $NVO $TSLA Concerning being thankful: I saw a sign outside a church one time that read "A Thankless Heart Is A Joyless Heart." I have found this to be true as I am sure you have.
  • DAN: @metal $NVDA $MSFT $META $AMD $PLTR $AI $SMCI $NVO $TSLA Good sentiment. I've also seen and experience in my own life that the person who is prone to judge others harshly is an unhappy person. Taken to the logical conclusion, narcissists are the most unhappy people you will ever meet. You'll never feel good around them...and it'll be tough to live a life of gratitude. Make sure you keep your house clean when it comes to friends (and family). Only surround yourself with people who engender gratitude, love and respect. When you surround yourself with good vibes...it is super easy and natural to walk in gratitude.
  • debeers: $AI/$MSFT-@Woodman- No matter what happens IMO Microsoft is the winner here b'ecause Satya will continue his relationahip with the firm
  • shoredriver: @debeers $AI $MSFT ...Microsoft does not own or have a relationship with $AI...it is with OpenAI (privately held and 40% owned by $MSFT) that Altman left and joined $MSFT.......not $AI..
  • heyjack: $AI looks to be recovering some of yesterday's decline
  • Docoof: @heyjack $AI SA: C3.ai gains as Oppenheimer upgrades on 'accelerating growth,' margin expansion Nov. 21, 2023 9:02 AM ET https://seekingalpha.com/news/4039084-c3ai-oppenheimer-upgrades-accelerating-growth-margin-expansion
  • MongosPawn: $AI Back in with starter at the open.
  • jonwest88: $AI Deo Gratias actually made some money this am as I did not have the stop on yesterday so I popped out @ $29.98 and $29.78 from a re entry a few days ago @29.09.When I got on the road at 130 the stock was up near 31. When I checked it at 30 it was down below 28!!! Glad I am out and made a few. BTW in the previous week I day traded this sucker for a few bob. Thanks to Oppenheimer for putting out a buy this a.m.
  • woodman: @debeers $AI $MSFT - I had AI as a pure trade. When it fell apart yesterday, I got out. I do have $MSFT, which is more of a hold - call it a hold/trade, if you will. I'm more willing to give it some room and even to add on an pullback.
  • Robert1965: @Dan $AI Is $AI still on Active Trader list I got stopped out yesterday at $27.63
  • Docoof: @Robert1965 $AI Email notification yesterday: Active Trade Update -- Closing $AI $AI -- AI has reversed on news that employees were fired across several departments last week. That's not good. Close any long positions you have on $AI. Better to shoot first and ask questions later. --Dan
  • DAN: Active Trade Update The 27.65 stop on $AI was hit yesterday, so I'm taking it off the list. The stock is still in a healthy consolidation phase, but I really don't see any compelling reason to hold the stock after our stop was hit. A stop is a stop. If you don't honor it, then why set it? Sorry this didn't work out better. The company reports earnings on December 6th. --Dan For a complete list of all Active Trades, click here: https://stockmarketmentor.com/active-trades-list/
  • DAN: @Robert1965 $AI Just sent out an email about this, Rob. Sorry it didn't work out better.
  • DAN: @Docoof $AI Thanks for posting about this, Docoof. I appreciate it.
  • ray: $AI $MSFT At least in the early minutes of trading, what does it say when a high-profile figure/leader leaves one company and joins another.... and both stocks are up for the day?
  • shoredriver: @ray $AI $MSFT ...Altman did not work at $AI......
  • ray: @shoredriver $AI $MSFT Thank you for the correction!
  • sgiseller: $AI would have expected a beat down on the news. Not so far
  • shoredriver: @sgiseller $AI ...see previous..Altman is not affiliated with $AI......only the names are similar.....
  • woodman: $AI nice move today.
  • Cjauger: $AI tanking, any news?
  • scottrades: @Cjauger $AI The news is they are cutting jobs, and citing performance and costs.
  • stairm01: @Cjauger $AI Dang. Dropped $3. Thank goodness for stops. Captured %2B$1.60 of todays gains and just sold the 28 puts for this week to get back in at lower price.
  • vze23rcm: @Cjauger $AI briefing.com 15:02 AI C3.ai shares falling following report that the company is expected to eliminate jobs across multiple departments
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Stock Price $27.73
Change 3.32%
Volume 2,757,210

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