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  • fiebs: $EGHT Scott any thoughts on $EGHT. Coming out of a long base and above the 50MA
  • scottrades: @fiebs $EGHT Looks like it's trying to break it's downtrend. Hard to buy a gap up like this. I'd probably look for either some strong volume and momentum higher or a pullback to support.
  • woodman: Updated #Software-Application stocks of interest (and this is just a surface scratching of this particular area and I haven't even looked at Software-Infrastructure yet): $USER $EVBG $LSPD $EMBK $BILL $PAR $EGHT $MTTR $ZI $ZEN $PYCR $DOMO $RPD $FRSH $CDNS $VMEO $DUOL $IDEX $STNE $MAPS $LPSN $CRM $ESTC $CXM $TEAM $MOGO $DOCU $BTRS $ADSK $EGAN $DDOG $ACVA. Or if you'd rather one-stop etf shopping, there's $CLOU (and $CLDL which is a 2x). And of course $ARKK which gives you software and biotech, primarily.
  • lostsheep: $EGHT another beaten down cloud bouncing
  • lostsheep: $EGHT multiple levels of support here
  • lostsheep: $EGHT finally poking it;s head above the flag
  • lostsheep: $EGHT monthly trigger at 35.75 earnings 5/10 lots of shorts to help it higher maybe 38 with cooperation
  • lostsheep: $EGHT still not ready for prime time but a bullish engulfing candle on the daily on good volume and a close above the 50. I like these setup's with the 20 curling under the 50 and providing support as it turns up and eventually through the 50. Still inside week and month. 19% short interest could add a bit of fuel. At least that's the plan. Earnings 5/10.
  • lostsheep: $QRTEA;4x earnings value retail. Like $EGHT the 20 flattening just below the 50 and beginning to establish itself as support. Not sexy but will work. Slowly building the position. Earnings 5/5 now kissing the 50 from below
  • lostsheep: $EGHT about to take out prior 2 days highs and the 50 above 33.62 syill capped but some shorts to potentially flame the fire
  • lostsheep: $EGHT continue to watch this pinch develop between the 20 and 50 while drinking the $TSLA cool aid
  • lostsheep: $EGHT held yesterdays low and the 20 added now regaining vwap and the 8 but still captive a move above thw 50 and yesterdays high would be constructive
  • lostsheep: $EGHT the short interest shows as near 20 % . The set up may be worth watching.
  • lostsheep: $EGHT getting a little traction
  • lostsheep: $EGHT if this can continue triggering short stop's it has legs.
  • lostsheep: $EGHT hod
  • scottrades: @lostsheep $EGHT Nice work on this one Sheep!
  • lostsheep: @scottrades $EGHT Had hoped for better volume and follow through. Wasn't expecting the moon but it seems if your not a large cap or in the crypto game it's tough getting attention.
  • mradams0621: #turnaround @lostsheep $EGHT Still no E's but Q loss less for the last 3, and estimates next report for neg. $0.01 to $0.00. So, if they were to report in the green, even by $.01, that could trigger some up side is my bet. Fingers crossed for an E's run to start soon.
  • scottrades: @lostsheep $EGHT Nah man, I see what you're laying down, keep it up! Nothing wrong with stocks like these, some of them turn into big movers.
  • lostsheep: $EGHT trying to resolve this flag pullback to the weekly 20
  • humble: $EGHT I'm learning. If you look at the intraday chart for this you will see a large RED bar for volume in last 5 minutes. Why is there just a line (-). Was there exactly the same number of buyers and sellers (indecision)? I have seen this a few times....the price move doesn't match the volume. (Fidelity by the way) .......Anyone?
  • Pokersmith: @humble $EGHT Probably a platform/charting issue. It IS Fidelity afterall.
  • lostsheep: @scottrades $EGHT $MSOS $EGHT time to add?
  • scottrades: Sold some $EGHT shares on this PB.
  • lostsheep: $EGHT stops being hit watch the weekly 34.71 8 ema for a potential bounce So far still an inside week
  • Yuls: $EGHT fakeout/ pb to 50d sma right now, stopped out at break even on last half, not eager to jump back in, watching
  • Bert953: @Yuls $EGHT yeah, she got me too!
  • scottrades: @lostsheep $EGHT $MSOS I'm not adding here. Want to see some strength come back in.
  • scottrades: Watching for $EGHT to firm up into the close. I have 1/3 of a position left with a stop at LOD.
  • scottrades: @scottrades $EGHT Out of this now. Sorry it didn't work out!
  • Bert953: @scottrades $EGHT Im sorry too, it looked really frisky through Friday's close, but today..... not so much - just a faker , baker, widowmaker! Only good news is that I got out early in the day on this and other previously good looking charts. Sector rotation or harbinger of doom, only time will tell.
  • humble: $EGHT Did Washington State news have anything to do with selling?
  • scottrades: My Swing notes: $SPY Under the 8EMA I get more protective. $QQQ 50 Day Test incoming? #Bitcoin Big Drop or Buying Op? $RIOT Still above the 8EMA $MARA Weaker $HUTMF OTC Bitcoin Miner $ZI Positive Earnings reaction. Watch for it to hold above the 8EMA tomorrow $CLF Watch 18. Earnings Thursday $X Good volume through the 50 Day. Watch 20. $MOS Watch 31. $DOW Breaking out. $HZO Coming out of a squeeze $EGHT Out. $VIPS Earnings Thursday $MSOS Watching 52.25 $LVS consider a stop at LOD $BEKE Coming out of a base I just realized I forgot to cover $SLV, please see below for how I'm trading that.
  • Yuls: $Eght breaking out
  • scottrades: @Yuls $Eght Buying a little here with a stop at LOD.
  • scottrades: NICE volume coming into $EGHT @Yuls. Thanks for the idea!
  • bRobert: @scottrades $EGHT WEEKLY C&H. $60+ . Magic 8 ball said. YES. to. EGHT
  • scottrades: @bRobert $EGHT
  • lostsheep: @scottrades $EGHT Daily macd cross in progress
  • Hawaiianmaxx: @scottrades $EGHT lol love it
  • scottrades: Nice close on $EGHT and $MSOS. Swinging these.
  • mradams0621: @scottrades $EGHT $MSOS Just curious, was 13 days to cover (per Schwab) on $EGHT enough short interest to be part of your decision to swing it over a weekend? Close was a little week, and droping after hrs. I did the shinny object trade at the close. Notes to self- why this?whyRHRN? Answer: Scott is swinging it, and it has a nice chart maybe trying to break out with short interest 13 days.
  • scottrades: @mradams0621 $EGHT $MSOS I think it looks pretty good on all time frames. The Short interest is a bonus, but it's above all the major moving averages, closed near the top of the range on Higher Than Average Daily volume. The high of Day was 38.15 and the close was 37.73. I don't see any significant movement after hours, other than a print at 37.25 but it came back up to 37.73.
  • scottrades: My #Swing Notes: $SPY Still in trend. $QQQ Meh. #Bitcoin $ZI Earnings Monday $RIOT Don’t tell Dan, I still have some left. $ALT A bRobert Idea….in trend. $TNA Holding the 21 EMA. $MSOS Long The Weed. Lots of Opportunity OTC, but there’s risk. $GTBIF, $CBLBF, $IIPR, etc $EGHT From the Forum, thanks to everyone who's been covering this. $PLTR BIG volume today $SNAP Nice break out of a range. $LVS Working. $CHWY Holding the 8EMA but having trouble breaking out. $ARMK Squeezing at the 50 Day. $AVID Holding the 21 EMA. $VIPS Mentioned by Mike in the forum $DECK Watch above 331.80 $HOME Breaking out of a Squeeze on Great volume. $HZO Watch 47.15 $ICHR Holding the 8EMA $JBL Tight. Earnings March 12 $MTSI Holding the 21 EMA. $MXIM Watch 98.20
  • Yuls: $EGHT squeezing nicely just over 50d sma, on watchlist
  • Sher: $EGHT - Another 13G filing by Vanguard, today - Total shares owned, 10,788,445 (10.5% of class share). Long and adding...
  • Sher: $EGHT - SC 13G, today, by Blackrock - 17,365,722 shares representing 16.7% of class – Also, Baird recently raised PT to $45 from $35 – Currently trading around $35.50 - Trending sideways in moderate squeeze for 5-6 weeks – Think $34.20 on 2/3/21 may mark temporary bottom, for now – Price about to cross back above 20 and VW averages – Small add to long position.
  • Sher: $EGHT - Earnings beat but guided inline, yesterday – Down 2%, this morning, but US Research just posted 3 PT increases: Craig-Hallum - $45 from $22 Rosenblat - $38 from $35 Evercore - $46 from 34 Sideways squeeze for 3 weeks, now - Long and adding to OTM Feb. call position – Stock currently trading $35.47…
  • Sher: $EGHT - Up 4%, today - ER, tomorrow, after the close and estimates are looking strong - I'm long OTM calls, to which I've been adding... Great chart!
  • drmike54: @Sher $EGHT It's a beautiful chart. But weren't you a 'wee-bit' nervous this morning when the stock opened below 34.50???
  • Sher: New positions, today: $EGHT – Back in with Feb. $49 calls – PT increase by BTIG to $44 from $35 – Squeezing to the upside - Currently trading @ $37.80… $LI – Money flow and momentum starting to pick up, nicely – Grabbed a few Jan. 29 $36 calls @ $1.90. $FCEL – Day 1 of phase 3 after recent PB – Currently up 10.8% - Initiated OTM call position… long Feb. $19 @ $2.35/share – Vol. of 2,042 against OI of 5,975 – Report Thurs., B/O – Earnings Whisper projects $.03 loss… Consensus is for a $.07 loss - Current price $17.63… $CSIQ – 1st reversal day after 7-day PB – Up 5+% putting it back at VWAP – Again, went with OTM calls when noticed Vol. at the $57 strike was 1,434 against “0” OI – Anticipating return to prior $59 high – Currently trading @ $54.11…
  • Surfacetension: @Sher $EGHT $LI $FCEL $CSIQ what is your strike price and timeline for the csiq calls? what do you think about february 19th $70 calls?
  • Sher: BTC – Crazy volatility, but still dancing with long Jan/Feb call positions in $RIOT and $XNET – My caffeine stimulant replacement! Adding to $F, $GM, $GT and $SOLO positions… $EGHT – Stepping back into this cloud player, despite today’s downgrade - Recently named on several 2021 top picks lists (Needham, Oppenheimer and Evercore) – Beginning to squeeze after several weeks of sideways consolidation.
  • traderdl: @Sher $RIOT $XNET $F $GM $GT $SOLO $EGHT nice call!
  • Sher: $AG – Like the silver charts – Day one of phase 3 reversal underway - Opted to go long Jan. $12 calls. $EGHT - PT increase to $40 from $25 - Currently trade, $33.18 – Initiated new position. $PLTR – Better late than never, I think – Put on a few Jan. calls – Chart has that “pinch/pop” look… My better performers, today: $ALB, $BE, $EWW, $FSR, $ICLN, $TDOC, $TECK and $XLE…
  • SSTrades: $EGHT Breakout
  • AdrenalineTrade: @Scottrades Thoughts on $EGHT please
  • scottrades: @AdrenalineTrade $EGHT Hey Josh, not really seeing anything actionable here, for my style of trading. No sign of higher prices RHRN. Could see it pullback to the 8EMA on the daily. I'd look for some support there. No real volume lately.
  • AdrenalineTrade: @scottrades $EGHT Thanks Scott
  • scottrades: @AdrenalineTrade $EGHT This pulled back as I kinda thought it would. May offer a low risk entry tomorrow.
  • Auto: $EGHT E run
  • scottrades: Swingers of $EGHT, don't forget they report #Earnings tonight. Consider selling some or all if you took this trade idea from a few days ago.
  • AlexH: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $GDX $PINS $SDC $WORK $EGHT $FTCH $BJ $NET thx again great insight on your way of trading
  • AlexH: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $GDX $PINS $SDC $WORK $EGHT $FTCH $BJ $NET just FYI on Slack, i use it every day and i ABSOLUTELY hate it. I will never invest in this company, its a very inferior product, i even got a great job offer to join them in the past and i turned it down.
  • Jessica: @scottrades where would you put the stop for $EGHT today? And would you buy at 18.40 if it hits there? Looking at the minute chart, it would be breaking out if it broke about 18.18 rn. How do you know whether to buy in on a breakout of a minutely bollinger or daily chart? I'm trying to be more short term.
  • Brian_M: @Jessica $EGHT If you zoom out to the hourly chart looks like there is some support around $17.60 so maybe a stop around $17.55 would be realistic. For day trades I use the 1 min chart for initial entry if it lines up with the 5 min chart trend. I then pullback to the 5 min chart once the trade is on so I don't get shaken out too quickly. I've even moved to the 15 min chart if it is really going well but primarily stay with the five. I like to use the hourly chart to check for support/resistance but to each is own.
  • scottrades: From my video last night: $FTCH not acting the way we want. $BJ No trade here right now. $WORK Doing what we were looking for yesterday. $EGHT Testing VWAP $UBER Holding VWAP $LYFT Holding VWAP Posted this morning: $PINS Off The Lows on potential news. $DT Working. Going to try and do a better job of tracking followed stocks for you and stay away form shiny objects. I've found myself being a little fast and loose lately getting into a bunch of 59 min trades that are good but not great. Time to tighten up and "stick to my knitting" as @Dan would say.
  • Mikev200: @scottrades $FTCH $BJ $WORK $EGHT $UBER $LYFT $PINS $DT Thanks Scott, the updates are very helpful.
  • indigo1948: @scottrades $FTCH $BJ $WORK $EGHT $UBER $LYFT $PINS $DT - $FTCH just moved above VWAP on 10 minute chart -it looks like it wants to test upper Bollinger Band on daily. Keeping a somewhat loose stop.
  • scottrades: Move your stop up on $EGHT if you took this today.
  • seanwb: @scottrades $EGHT Good call on this one. Where do you suggest moving the stop? Got in this morning at 18.61.
  • scottrades: @seanwb $EGHT You're in a good spot and have some options. The 18.40 zone makes sense. because that's the higher low and close to your entry. That should give it enough room to fall back to VWAP if it does and keep you in if it wiggles.
  • seanwb: @scottrades $EGHT Thanks
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY Back below the Daily 8 EMA. Sellers need to prove it now. $QQQ Tech is strong but the index is running into resistance. $GDX Nice and tight intraday but broke to the downside. $PINS Nice move off the bottom. $SDC I tried this one twice today. $WORK Choppy is just how it trades. I think you need to zoom out on ths one. $EGHT 11 Days of Short Interest. Strong off the 50 Day Today. Earnings Next week. $FTCH 7 Days of Short Interest and Earnings Next week. Potential Gap Fill to 17 $BJ Nice base and above all the MAs. Kinda looks like $NET
  • bRobert: $EGHT Reports tonight No edge Long spec
  • bRobert: $EGHT Breakout attempt Not a buy point. Long consolidation. Short interest 18% will matter
  • bRobert: $EGHT $32 WEEKLY c&h target Potential short squeeze with momentum Bridget props
  • bRobert: $EGHT Head out of rabbit hole nh 18% short 14days Reports 7/30
  • bRobert: $EGHT breakout $32 high base target Kudos to Bridget Long
  • bRobert: $EGHT WEEKLY c&h $31+ Short squeeze candidate 10d to cover
  • bRobert: $EGHT WEEKLY target $32 c&h Bridget find. Long
  • Bridget: $EGHT nice uptrending stock. In consolidation. 50dMA has now caught up. Support currently at $23. You can buy it here near the 21dMA.
  • gig1: @Bridget $EGHT Thanks Bridget. I very much appreciate your suggestions on SMM. They have been very valuable to me. I especially appreciate your commentary on what you are looking at in driving your decision.
  • bRobert: @Bridget $EGHT Like the WEEKLY. $30+ with trigger
  • greenpatrol: @issues $EGHT It is currently at $24.50
  • bsnceo: @issues $EGHT $ISSC $AIR $KTOS different from the health ins. stock on GSL - 1 letter different in symbol
  • Bridget: @gig1 $EGHT You're welcome. This site is all about teaching you how to read charts and make your own decisions. I don't want to just tell you what to do. :)
  • Bridget: $EGHT is consolidating near all time highs
  • Bridget: $EGHT in a daily squeeze, recovered from the recent pullback. STacked moving averages, near all time highs.
  • Bridget: Daily squeeze in $EGHT. Recovered the 21dMA. Stacked moving averages.
  • TunaHelper: pop on $EGHT. Can't find any annoucement/explanation.
  • TunaHelper: @TunaHelper $EGHT rumor that it is working with $MS to sell the company.
  • Bridget: $EGHT new 52 week high and starting to come out of consolidation on the weekly. ER next week.
  • woodman: Some on my #Tech watchlist that look interesting: $ATEN $CARB $MASI $EGHT $EMKR $BCOV (to add) $MITK. Wanting to buy $GIMO back but it's not in a great spot right now. I sold it too early.
  • woodman: $ATEN $CARB $MASI $EGHT $EMKR $BCOV $MITK $GIMO #Tech - I forgot $FIVN which is moving up again thru resistance, but too extended for me.
  • dieb: @woodman $SIMO $OCLR $NTPN $EXTR $MITK $EKMR $MEET $BCOV $MZOR $GIMO $EGHT $XNCR #TechStocks - Are the symbols $NTPN and $EKMR correct? tos can't find them. Thanks for your list of stocks.
  • woodman: My #TechStocks list: a list of tech stocks I either own or keep on a watch list for combined fundamental and chart based reasons. (Fundamental reasons come mainly from a friend of mine who focuses on certain kinds of tech stocks; I've learned over time that he knows his stuff pretty well): $SIMO $OCLR $NPTN $EXTR $MITK $EMKR $MEET $BCOV $MZOR $GIMO $EGHT $XNCR. (I have a position in the first five, fwiw.)
  • rdtrader: $EGHT - 8x8 breaking out
  • rdtrader: $EGHT - may break out
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Stock Price $1.89
Change 0.00%
Volume 2,343,070

8X8, Inc. offers voice, video, mobile, and unified communications solutions for business of all sizes. It is focused on delivering reliable business solutions that are easy to use, incredibly advanced and much less expensive than traditional solutions.

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