Ulta Beauty Inc. (NASDAQ:ULTA)

Chart of the Day December 5th, 2022

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  • vitoB: $ULTA at 410 feel safe with a starter. 5dema at 418, an add, below 400 get out
  • vitoB: $ULTA this 415 level seems like support, np at the moment though
  • vitoB: makin a list of tickers that have been down many days in a row to see how it capitulates at the open, as well as tickers that are not down as much as ecpected in the retail space. lookin at $ULTA $FIVE $UA $DNUT (champ's) add $SOXL and $TNA to the list, all just for potential 59ers. will be lookin to buy back some $ANF short and $SG short
  • vitoB: starter in $ULTA dtrade 447.47
  • vitoB: out of the $AFRM and $ULTA 59ers
  • traderbren: $ULTA - nice bounce trade this morning...now back above the 200d.
  • Zimzala: @Vineet $ELF Maybe because of $ULTA which is back to the 200SMA. Did not see any news.
  • Henry: @Vineet $ELF ----$ULTA presented at a JPM conference and predicted lower same store sales. ELF getting painted with the same brush
  • jwstich:
  • Vineet: @Henry $ELF $ULTA that's some bad brush! note to self - stops are important! I turned at %2B20% holding to a negative pos now - will exit today!
  • Bert953: @Vineet $ELF $ULTA beaten with ugly sticks on weak guidance from ULTA at a conference.
  • Zimzala: $ULTA In at $449.
  • traderbren: @Zimzala $ULTA - it's definitely stretched to the downside but keep in mind that there's still an open gap at 427.80 ...not to say it will get there soon.
  • DAN: @Bert953 $ELF $ULTA Ugh. E.L.F. = Eyes, Lips and Face(plant).
  • debeers: here's what i see in retail now: $ULTA down 78.83 or 15.17% $ELF 164.94 down 11.25 percent or 20.68 bucks $RH down 12.60 $BURL downh 8.84 or 3.99 Abercrombie is down 71 cents on a 130.69 dollar stock IMO this is the best of breed because the trick is controlling supply and no one does that better than Fran.
  • woodman: $ULTA moving back up.
  • Bert953: $ULTA testing the 8 & 50.
  • bigbartabs: $ULTA ... breaking back above the 50dma... selling volume dropping.
  • roddog101: $ULTA possibly uptrend all day in the making
  • roddog101: @roddog101 $ULTA looks like $ULTA might test the 543-543.80 area which is top side of vol profile for last few days.
  • roddog101: @roddog101 $ULTA looks like its going to test it
  • champ: @roddog101 ....$ULTA at $541.50, has already made a real nice move off of Fridays LOD, which was at $502.20.....and it had 4 nice upgrades after they reported, up to $630 and I'm holding a small position.
  • roddog101: @roddog101 $ULTA she trying right now
  • roddog101: @roddog101 $ULTA she peeked above a tad and failed that time
  • traderbren: @bigbartabs $UTLA #positive-guidance #Call - look for $ULTA to test the 50d. However, $ELF seems to be holding up in pre-mkt. NP
  • bigbartabs: @traderbren $UTLA $ULTA $ELF #positive-guidance #Call ... my ULTA chart looks like it already touched the 50dma this morning, and bounced a bit. We'll know in 8 minutes what its really doing.
  • woodman: $ULTA - Mom ringleader of theft of Ulta products. https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-mom-alleged-ringleader-behind-185020113.html
  • DavidK: @woodman $ULTA I thought in California it was ok to loot rob , steal whatever . Oh I see the problem. There now interpret however
  • champ: $ULTA....as we all know, they will be reporting their earnings after the close today......and I will be holding a gamblers position into their earnings. They had a real nice #Pre-earnings move....and I was trading / working the zig-zags.
  • champ: $ULTA ..is HOD and is still on a real nice #Pre-earnings move, they will be reporting tomorrow after the close....on 3/14/after.
  • champ: $ULTA Beauty ...had another upgrade this morning, to $635 by Evercore, they raised from $565...... ....and also on 3/11, Deutsche Bank raise their price target to $627 from $574........ ....analysts have price targets as high as $690...could take a look. I added another 40%....and for me, I'm just saying that this was an easy position to add onto.
  • debeers: $ULTA-@champ- now if they could only stop folks stealing their stuff! NP $ANF-announced yesterday their debut: “The A&F Wedding shop is a comprehensive, curated destination that reflects what we know our customers crave and what we are uniquely positioned to deliver.” 'The A&F Wedding Shop' is a shopping destination for brides, bachelorettes and guests looking for the perfect outfit for any wedding related event.1 day agoLONG
  • vitoB: @debeers $ULTA $ANF ...we'll see how it plays out, I buy their stuff, but I dont view this as a formal brand and not sure the majority of the customer base is focused on weddings
  • ssoha20: @debeers $ULTA $ANF I took a position in $ANF as it has reversed from support level
  • natural: @champ $ULTA Looks like $SKIN has a nice report. Would love to see $ULTA have a similar reaction!
  • champ: $ULTA at $561.88...I did get back-in for another #swing-trade, I took profits near HOD.
  • champ: @natural $ULTA....my guess is, they are going to have another real nice beat, even better than their last quarter....because their #Holiday sales quarter, is there #best quarter of the year..plus they also have nice onLine sales. Good Luck!
  • champ: $ULTA....this swing is still working and is on a #Pre-earnings move, zigzagging higher.
  • natural: @champ $ULTA #Pre-earnings Are you holding through earnings?
  • champ: @natural $ULTA #Pre-earnings...still 3-Days left before earnings...and I'm thinking about holding a position into their earnings...because I'm expecting a nice surprise.
  • natural: @champ $ULTA #Pre-earnings Excellent, many thanks. I'm with you on this one.
  • champ: @natural $ULTA #Pre-earnings...This sector is always really strong for X-mas gifts and all I need to do is walk into $ULTA and they will tell me what to buy....and both $ULTA and $ELF and telling traders what's going on.....
  • champ: $ULTA is HOD...up $7.
  • champ: $ULTA Beauty is HOD at $544 and is on a #Pre-earnings move, with a New upgrade this morning, with a price target at $627, by Deutsche Bank....... ....and it doesn't really get any better than that, for a stock that is on Pre-earnings move....I'm trailing....... ....they will be reporting on Thursday, after the close, 3/14/PM. ~~~~~Watch for Entry................
  • champ: $ULTA....they will be reporting their earnings on their #Holiday-Sales quarter, with 25,000 products, plus also with their onLine-sales, they should beat again on all lines, seems like a No-brainer. ....Plus we all want to look as good as we can during the Holidays, especially for women.... because they always have their Hair and Nails done, during the Holiday....... ....plus Ulta is a great place to buy X-Mas gifts, for women.
  • champ: more info on $ULTA.....$USB...raised their price target to $690, on 3/5... because they also said that they will have a great Holiday Sales report...take a look.
  • champ: more info on..$ULTA.....$ELF...also reported a beat and raise on 2/6, for their #Holiday-Gift-quarter....
  • traderbren: $ELF - continues to be the monster in the cosmetics! $ULTA not acting as well in this tape.
  • debeers: $ELF/$ULTA-Look--maybe you cannot afford to splurge right now but there are such things as affordable luxuries: Cosmetics in good companies that are DOMESTIC will thrive IMO. A long time ago i said- "Put the dishes on the shelf----be a tasty dish yourself." 1. Good skin is in as are things that makes you look prettier--no matter if you are a guy or a gal. 2. There are NO PROGRAMS WHICH OFFER REWARDS TO CUSOTMER5 FOR LOYALTY that should suffer 3. Smart companies which show you how to apply product are the best 4. i especially like the companies with successful "inflencers." 5. There is nothing as insecure as teenage girls and i t6hink you can make book off of it. 6. All of the above IMO.- should have said "influencers."
  • Henry: @debeers $ELF $ULTA Do you prefer one over the other?
  • debeers: $ELF/$ULTA here you go,@Henry 1 year return is 129.03% for Elf 74.13% for Ulta 3 year return 466.15% for ELF 91.29% for ULTA 5 year return 1,038.40% fior $ELF 91.29% for ULTA You do the math, H. nevertheless---BOTH BETTER THAN A SHARP STICK IN THE EYE and sice "vanitas vanitas et omnia vanitatum", nothing has changed since the days of the Romans. Also, if anything, the audience has widened dramatically IMO.
  • woodman: @Henry $ELF - Wow, $ULTA! No position in that but I'm holding $ELF.
  • Henry: $ULTA up $40 on earnings. np
  • debeers: ...
    $BA finally caught an upgrade----. Its about damn time: News to you--- they don't need China-
    They neede to start knocking out the damn planes.
    Hard to say about the chips IMO
    $AAPL/$BA/$ELF and $ULTA/ $PANW-
    Slivver of gold
    $PANW-especia ...
  • joelsg1: @debeers $ELF $ULTA $BA $AAPL $PANW $MSFT $HD $PANW ATH-L.
  • gmj: $ULTA started a new position today curling nicely on the wkly and b/o on the daily at 417 and its the right season T450
  • debeers: $ULTA/$ELF-Oliver Chen is the top retail analyst that i have ever relied on. And per Oliver it is skin and beauty that will be the top of the heap this Christmas season---not clothes so for all of you who want to stay in a trade for awhile, leave the dishes on the shelf, be a tasty dish yourself. IMO
  • champ: $ULTA... had a nice entry off of $385.75.
  • champ: ...
    ....however I took full profits on these bounce-Day-trades....$TQQQ $URPO $SSO $SOXL $INTC $EXPE $MSFT $HLF $TSLA $HSY $ULTA....and I hope I can add back on Monday.....
    ....and I'm sorry to say, that I missed all the others, I thought that I was too ...
  • champ: $ULTA...fell back to $394...I did get back-in, for another trade.
  • LeAf: @champ $ULTA what is your outlook on this? A pre position anticipating a break of the 50d
  • champ: @LeAf $ULTA ...I had a post yesterday....and I got back-in for another #Spec-trade, after taking profits and this stock needs the Market, just like all stocks, before it will start a better type of move....
  • LeAf: @champ $ULTA #Spec-trade thanks....looked up your post from yeaterday.
  • champ: $ULTA...I took small profits and because I didn't want to swing, with a small cushion.
  • champ: $ULTA......follow the money, the $$$$......
  • champ: $ULTA is HOD.
  • Dig44north: @champ $ULTA ER 30 Nov, maybe another earnings run? np
  • champ: @Dig44north $ULTA....Yes could be, kinda early but I'm in with a small-Spec- swing....because the new News today was, Evercore-ISI came out an initiated, with an Outperform-rating, plus they also came-out with a price target at $460...... ....and that could start things rolling/could start a zig-zag move up the Wall of Worry and this stock has always been a zigzagger, before ER..??... ....and as usual, stocks never do what we expect them to do, so we always need to be careful. LOL
  • champ: $ULTA..$417....looks like they are getting ready for that Big dance on Friday, extending its bounce off its lowest price level since June..... ~~~~~Could watch all of these pretty Ladies dance........
  • traderbren: $ULTA - getting close to filling the downside gap at 427.17 NP
  • champ: $ULTA...HOD....could turn into a real nice #Pre-earnings mover..and I'm holding a small swing, waiting to add-on.
  • champ: $ULTA....HOD....and this could be #Entry-timing day, for a #Pre-earnings move.... .......Watch for a small Entry that will Hold and then Build........
  • Dig44north: @champ $ULTA #Pre-earnings yes, it looks like it is moving towards the 100/200d at $482. Nice run into ER
  • champ: @Dig44north $ULTA #Pre-earnings ....Need to have a #dance-Plan....because this stock is also a dancer......I always need to #Pre-figure-Out how I'm going to handled all of the zig-zags........can work with small #numbers........ .....because 20 here and 20 there, will Build me a nice position, at a price level, that will work for me,...........however I Never want to be in a position, where I have to pick-up my marbles and go home, with my head hanging low, so I always have to play my way, the way Fast Eddie taught me. Could also trade around a Core-position........ ........because the Markets are all screwed-up.....because Traders are in Charge..... ...because #Computerized-trading, those computers, are #set-up to just keep dragging #their Profits-off, with small #Continuous-moves, over and over and over and over and they never stop. LOL
  • champ: $ULTA $DKS....my Retail trades are both Green this morning...and $WMT is down a little.
  • Dig44north: $ULTA still moving into E, 24 Aug amc…thru 21 d decisively, solid move today
  • champ: $ULTA...$558....upgrade to $640, ER on 8/24.
  • champ: @Dig44north $ULTA ...Yes looks like... could be starting a #Pre-earnings move.
  • Dig44north: $ULTA…nice move, trying to take 50d…possible earnings run 24 Aug? 100, 200d higher, small position
  • mopick: $ULTA, added. Clear sailing up to $480.
  • wijimmy: @DAN .. $ULTA was crushed on 5/25 due to ER.. it's slowly filling the gap up.. also received a few upgrades after ER... $ULTA is close to breaking threw 50day on weekly ($461) and the 200day on daily ($472) The 50 day is above the 200 day on both charts... @DAN your thoughts on $ULTA chart would be greatly appreciated
  • mopick: $ULTA. another upgrade. In from below.
  • traderbren: @debeers $ELF - LOL ...well said. @Woodman family has been propping up this stock. When they flip their buying habits to $ULTA, I will follow. ;-) Sadly, no position in $ELF but I did trade it on multiple occasions.
  • debeers: @traderbren $ELF $ULTA -1st rate CUT- slivver of ULTA but i have to say ( as a makeup snob!) some of the $ELF stuff is terrific.
  • debeers: @traderbren $ELF $ULTA -there is no beter techie ( or nicer person) in the forum than @Woodman-not IMO-fact.
  • woodman: @debeers $ELF $ULTA - You are much too kind to me. I hope you don't get mad at me for respectfully disagreeing with you, as there are many excellent "techies" and extremely nice people here (and many here with a variety of skills I wish I had), but I appreciate your sentiments nevertheless. (Oh, and thanks for making me blush.)
  • Roadrunner: $EL swinging from yesterday $ULTA looking to close gap - np
  • champ: $NFLX ..$ULTA...both are still working....Trailing.
  • bigbartabs: @champ $NFLX $ULTA ... I presume by trailing, you mean a % fall stop?
  • champ: PLL and $ULTA....both are HOD.
  • champ: @champ $ULTA...$PLL....
  • traderbren: $ULTA - starting to chew into the upside gap.
  • wijimmy: @traderbren $ULTA.... Fintel reports that on June 13, 2023, Loop Capital upgraded their outlook for Ulta Beauty (NASDAQ:ULTA) from Hold to Buy . Analyst Price Forecast Suggests 27.91% Upside As of June 1, 2023, the average one-year price target for Ulta Beauty is 543.52. The forecasts range from a low of 353.50 to a high of $672.00. The average price target represents an increase of 27.91% from its latest reported closing price of 424.91.
  • champ: $ULTA...HOD..up $17.40....working nicely today, nice slow, small moves...
  • champ: @champ $ULTA....working off of 2-upgrades this morning.
  • vitoB: @Docoof $S 59er er of the day, 13.24 lows of March, 12.69 lows of year. corporate (headquarters in EU) just put this on my phone last year, big contracts just slower.also $ULTA looks like it wants to kiss 400 but could be a good snap trade today.
  • scottrades: $ULTA potential rebound trade.
  • wijimmy: @scottrades $ULTA ..I'm in ...Slow moving and Low volume... should close the gap due to earnings overreaction IMHOP...
  • Rizen1020: @scottrades $ULTA $ELF same sector, but ELF looks like a decent spot here
  • Henry: @debeers $FB #OT Thanks kid. You missed my post yesterday, what happened to $ULTA's earnings?
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Stock Price $369.46
Change 1.70%
Volume 1,022,910

Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrances, Inc. is a beauty retailer that provides one-stop shopping for mass and salon products and salon services in the United States.

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