The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA)

Strategy Session June 18th, 2019

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  • joelsg1: @Henry $BA Reminds me of the late great Michael Crichton novel Airframe. Still topical almost 30 years later.
  • Henry: $BA I think i will pass on the Dutch Roll for desert
  • dgrobo: $BA higher high after inverted head and shoulders bottom
  • debeers: $BA-finally @Henry-Boeing board ready to make a decision. Hey, Calhoun, don't let the door kick you in your ass on the way out.................
  • champ: ... $BA is compensating $CPA for all of their financial damage that they might have incurred do to the FAA grounding of their 737 Max 9 aircraft........
    ....and also....their monthly Traffic numbers keep climbing month over month, for example o ...
  • shoredriver: $BA....Justice Dept ruling....not
  • traderbren: $BA - trying to get off the runway....getting a bid this morning, but ugly chart and below the 50d and 200d.
  • Cjauger: @traderbren $BA Only game on earth, (unless Elon wants to shake up that industry). And we need more planes
  • DAN: ...
    Boeing ($BA) is up this morning after they reported a non-GAAP loss per share of -$1.13 versus the consensus estimate of a $0.50 loss. The stock is up nearly 4% in pre-market trading, though there is no guarantee that the wheels won't fall off the ...
  • DAN: The wheels did indeed come of the $BA plane. Nice takeoff...but now doing a serious dive. All things considered, it was predictable.
  • Zimzala: $BA #59minutetrade Covered short at $171.
  • Ben2020: @DAN $BA as you said, you weren't really joking at all!
  • camaro69: @Zimzala $BA #59minutetrade nice
  • Zimzala: @camaro69 $BA #59minutetrade Thank you. Looks like I could have stayed longer but did not have the time. Other candidates were $TDY and $MANH but could not get fills. $MSCI was a nice swing from yesterdays close.
  • Zimzala: $BA Speaking of, not sure if this is capitulation volume on the day or?
  • DAN: @Ben2020 $BA Yeah, it was pretty clear by about 9:31 that this was just short covering. And now they are re-initiating those shorts.

    Here's the problem with a shit company like Boeing. It was formerly a great company producing great products. Bu ...
  • DrScience: @Zimzala $BA Bad news pile-on effect. Boeing shares are trading lower after Moody's downgraded the company's Senior Unsecured rating from Baa2 to Baa3. Moody's anticipates that Boeing will issue new debt to fund free cash flow shortfalls. It expects that the ongoing weak performance in commercial airplanes will constrain Boeing's free cash flow generation for 2024 and 2025. The outlook reflects a significant degree of execution risk in Boeing's plan to restore compliance and enhance quality in commercial aircraft assembly operations.
  • champ: Investors have to believe what they see..$JETS..Day-5...... and $UAL has one hell of a chart, Investors are Voting, plus $BA.. Boeing said that they are providing #Credit-memos to all of the Airliners that have MAX-9's...because all were grounded and ...
  • marklesparkle: @champ $JETS $UAL $BA $CPA $DAL $ALK $AAL #Credit-memos #easy-profits @champ I got some $CPA Friday I like this one and the march above the 50d
  • bigreek42: @champ $JETS $UAL $BA $CPA $DAL $ALK $AAL #Credit-memos #easy-profits I grabbed Jets last week after your post and seeing $UAL
  • champ: @marklesparkle $JETS $UAL $BA $CPA $DAL $ALK $AAL #Credit-memos #easy-profits...Yes this is a nice airliner, which has great management, they are a very well ran airliner, with Low expenses, with nice monthly Traffic numbers every month...... ....and they had another beat on earnings by $0.55, with their earnings at $4.47 per share, with revs at $917.93m and that also was a beat by $31m....... guess is, they are easily going to move thur their 52-week high, which was at $121., so they have room to climb. Good Luck!
  • champ: @bigreek42 $JETS $UAL $BA $CPA $DAL $ALK $AAL #Credit-memos #easy-profits....Yes great pick and as you know, $JETS is an ETF and the sector is really strong and even Now it is still a No-brainer, for both short and long term....I added again. Good Luck!
  • DAN: ...
    The longer the rates stay up at these levels--and perhaps move even higher as Powell continues to fight inflation--the closer we get to a very real crisis in the CRE (commercial real estate) market. Borrowers are missing their payments to a point w ...
  • Lou: I've owned a small watch position in $BA for some time and have been waiting for it to arrest its downward plunge. Based on those observations, I have a feeling that the 170 area is about it. I continue to watch that price point and am contemplating building a position. It's too important to US industry to suffer the fate of $TSLA and, IMO, to become irrelevant like $TSLA. I'm bracing for the arguments from $TSLA fan-boys.
  • PTinME: @Lou $BA $TSLA I can only Imagine the pain the TSLA bugs have suffered the last 3 years. Many might have started buying in the 400 range. I bought 100 shares at 161 thinking that was support in the past. Then thought the 52 week low around 151 would hold. I'm a better trader than I was a few yeas ago? I would say yes. Should have sold had a stop. But I'm still a "less bad trader." A few years ago I would have bought more on the way down to the point where I was maxed out with margin. When it dropped further, I would have sold all the positions to buy calls to somehow turn the trade into a break even.
  • debeers: $BA-Bought this at 170 because A. This level worked for me before and B. I don't think any employee will be allowede to go to the bathroom unless escorted by a supervisor. Right hnow, i don't give a ---- about the number of planes that will be produced. I just don't want life endangering screw ups. C. I know i can count on you, Lou, to lock me in my room and point out to me just what a dumb move we both made-----if we did.
  • Lou: @debeers $BA - right there with you, I though I'm too old to join you in a locked room. From 170 I think $BA will make us some money.
  • Bert953: @debeers $BA Well, BA has been flattening out over the last 5 days which is allowing the 8dEMA to fall near to the stock's price. This while the overall market is weakening out. Scott's analysis on Tuesday was quite insightful.
  • DavidK: @Lou $BA been looking for signs it’s time to trade this . I think I am going to watch a little longer . All it takes is for one of these DEI specials to come apart again and down the stock goes . ( hopefully not a plane )
  • vitoB: $BA dare i say it might have halted the nosedive.. earnings next wed, headlines might ease up till then..spec position still
  • DavidK: @Henry $BA yea , you don’t find the NBA drafting 5’11” guys to play Center . $BA better leave that DEI scam alone going forward .
  • traderbren: $BA - still looking for a landing strip! Will look to close out my Apr-12th - 180 puts today.
  • Henry: @traderbren $BA As Ron White says, "this plane will fly all the way to the crash site."
  • traderbren: @Henry $BA - well said! ;-)
  • Lou: I'm not bold enough to step in here, but I've gotta believe that $BA is at a good price. It's still very important to our defense industry and able to compete with AirBus one it gets its stuff together. I'm trying to talk myself into a starter, but not quite yet.
  • Lou: @champ - I'm with you there - that's why my post below re $BA. Have to figure out which bloody corpse will recover well.
  • champ: @Lou $BA ....Yes sir and $BA is on my Watch-List....
  • champ: @Lou $BA...Most all will recover,....the ones that I'm looking at..... ....exactly, Who's on First and I also see Who on Second and Third-Base.... ....however I'm waiting for the right pitch..... and I don't know which Pinch-hitter, I'm going to put in, at a critical point, in this Market-series..... ...I live and work off of #timings..... ....however for me, $BA is near the bottom of my list, he's on the bench and he might even get cut.
  • Lou: @champ $BA #timings - possibly - I just started a tiny position at 173.08. Just to keep me interested and watching.
  • traderbren: @Lou $BA - yep, tough to step in here...but if you are looking to roll the dice on a bounce landing, then you could consider the June 170 / 200 Call vertical for 10.50
  • champ: @Lou $BA #timings...OK..I got it....If you want to be Happy, just marry an ugly stock.... that tune......
  • Lou: @traderbren $BA - I don't want to speculate - I only purchased 10 shares to keep it in sight. At this moment I'm down $2.91
  • Lou: @champ $BA #timings - well, my little spec in $BA, were I to sell it now is up enough to buy a dozen doughnuts from $DNUT.
  • champ: @Lou $BA $DNUT #timings....Thats really #sweet and you could make a lot of New friends if you would pass some of them around........ ....and I'm off to get a Hair cut and a little gym time. However...Let's be Ready for some possible Trade-able Action tomorrow. Good Luck!
  • vitoB: got the couldnt help its and started some $BA...was above vwap right before it had a really bad final minute to close at vwap...172.50 is the new line in the sand for now, no need to use priority boarding for this one...just a starter
  • Henry: @vitoB $BA Are you calling the last cockroach? 🤣 I understand it's a duopoly but my goodness, the bad stories never end.
  • vitoB: bad news for $BA again on lighter deliveres, and with the broader market turning lower this is almost unchanged...if bad news stops takin this down, could be ripe for a turn at180 seems to be support, as we know the CEO is leaving end of this year, so new management catalyst is still out there imo, gonna keep a placeholder on this for now.
  • Henry: @vitoB $BA More bad news NYT reports FAA is investigating whisteblower claims
  • scottrades: @jpoko13 Maybe something headlines. Bloomberg not saying anything...they were interviewing someone about $BA
  • Lou: @scottrades $BA - Iran - Israel flareup. I don't think Iran would dare. If they do, massive retaliation.
  • TraderGeekSam: My clients and me owned two of the top S&P 500 Index $SPX performers for the quarter: $NVDA and $MU. To be fair, we also owned two of the worst performers: $TSLA and $BA. Which goes to show, that even if you bat .500 in this business, as long as your winners outperform your losers by a wide margin, then the batting average doesn't matter much. We also added to $DIS during the quarter in the $80's, and that was the top performer in the $DJIA. I'm also proud to announce that our assets under management exceeded $100,000,000 for the first time in our firm's history this quarter. #braggart
  • Cjauger: @TraderGeekSam $SPX $NVDA $MU $TSLA $BA $DIS $DJIA #braggart Congratulations!!
  • djgustoso: @TraderGeekSam $SPX $NVDA $MU $TSLA $BA $DIS $DJIA #braggart Wow congrats! What are you guys eyeing for the next quarter ;)
  • Zimzala: $BA Inside day and picked some off the 8EMA.
  • Henry: $BA CEO is stepping down at the end of the year, stock up 2.3% in pm
  • bwcarnation1: @Henry $BA along with Kellner resigning in May and Deal effective immediately. Too bad Calhoun not leaving sooner imo
  • DAN: @bwcarnation1 $BA I hear they are interviewing Dylan Mulvaney for the CEO slot. DEI forever...except when it's DIE for passengers.
  • DAN: ...
    Good morning. Futures are down a bit this morning as we head into the last week of the first quarter. It's been a pretty good quarter if you look at the S&P, which is up nearly 10%. I really don't see anything on the horizon that will stop the ...
  • bigbartabs: @DAN $BA ... Dylan Mulvaney... along with signing an advertising contract with Bud Light, on their in flight seat backs.
  • joelsg1: @DAN $BA Had to look him/her up to get the joke, not top of mind.
  • DAN: @joelsg1 $BA It, not him/her.
  • Onthemark: Started $BA, no doors or wheels fell off today.
  • Mikev200: @Onthemark $BA It's still early :)
  • Lou: $BA - very tempting. How low can it go? Once called An American Treasure and now in the doldrums. I'm very tempted to take a starter RHRN.
  • woodman: @Lou $BA - Nearing yet another bottom - Needs to hold 176 if it continues lower. That could be a good spot to try for a bounce. It's a shame it's such a shit company, though, at least on the consumer side. Good thing it's an oligoploy and doesn't really have to worry about their civilian products competing or regulations or failing safety tests. People need to fly, and flapping one's arms is ineffective.
  • Cjauger: @woodman $BA LOL
  • DrScience: @woodman $BA Yep, I've never been able to take off by arm-flapping. But, it sure does garner a lot of attention...

    01:25 PM EDT, 03/14/2024 (MT Newswires) -- Boeing (BA) could face suspension of the indirect approval of its aircraft production in Eu ...
  • woodman: @DrScience $BA - I'm heading to Greece next month. I'd try the arm-flapping method, but I figure I might tire over the Atlantic.
  • ZMan2: @woodman $BA LOL!!!!!!!!!!
  • Bs7518: @Lou $BA I work in the industry, Boeing has a Safety Culture problem. I've seen it before in companies we have acquired, until Upper level management is purged the stock has nowhere seen the bottom. IMO $145-150 is when I'll bite.
  • shoredriver: $BA......whistleblower John Barnett found dead in Charleston ...self inflicted gunshot....
  • DavidK: @shoredriver $BA nothing to see here .Just like the hearings today special council on Biden classified docs . I am taping the rest of the hearings but what I saw this am is total corruption. Biden on tape saying to his ghost writer for his book , i ...
  • champ: @DavidK $BA ....looks like a nice set-up for a movie.
  • woodman: $BA - BA is a disaster - figuratively and literally. All of these articles about different aspects of the company just today!
  • curtis: @shoredriver $BA Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself, either.
  • Bert953: $NVDA is visiting Cramer's house o' pain. Looks like institutional selling. now testing 8dEMA. $BA more bad news in the sky as people get taken away in ambulances, but no details yet. Run away, run away! $MSTR $COIN gap and crap so far. $AAPL may have found the low as it is now testing the 8dEMA after spending 4 days below the lower 2 std deviation Bollenger Band. Possible entry for those who are brave in an apparently weakening market that appears overbought.
  • Cjauger: @Henry $BA #Fake_news Good point
  • Henry: @Cjauger I wish you safe travels but notice how many of the so called "news" reports it as a $BA problem. #Fake_news Boeing isn't responsible for tightening the wheel lug nuts forever or keeping the pilot from running off the runway.
  • Henry: $BA $UAL The gift that keeps giving, a tire fell off on takeoff from SFO. The headline is it was a BA plane. However UAL should get the blame.
  • Lou: @debeers $ANF $BA $COST $WMT $DIS $FANG $MS $NVDA $TOL Thanks for the reminder! #slap #slap - Done
  • debeers: @Lou $ANF $BA $COST $WMT $DIS $FANG $MS $NVDA $TOL #slap #slap Anything for you Lou!
  • debeers: ...
    $BA-Damn them! i was just about to claim freedom from this stock because Boeing Rehab was going so well and then it wooed me again when FAA cracked down and smacked them for being irresponsible.
    $COST/$WMT high and low end retailers doing the rig ...
  • stairm01: @debeers $ANF $BA $COST $WMT $DIS $FANG $MS $NVDA $TOL ANF has earnings premarket tomorrow morning.
  • vitoB: @stairm01 $ANF $BA $COST $WMT $DIS $FANG $MS $NVDA $TOL .........200 yolo calls...absolute joke tbc
  • DavidK: @debeers $ANF $BA $COST $WMT $DIS $FANG $MS $NVDA $TOL $ANF - look at the 1 year then 5 year chart . Hockey stick . Their earnings and growth projections do not support this price . But it is what it is . Be careful . Carter worth said the same about a week ago when he examined the chart . As Ali use to say , it’s a white tawnado ( tornado )
  • Wolf: $BA $SPR Boeing is in talks with $SPR to acquire. If I remember, Boeing sold them in 2005.
  • debeers: @champ $BA -DON'T do you know what is going on Thursday morning???
  • debeers: $BA-dumped premarket.DOJ will file charges IMO.
  • champ: $BA at $205....moving on new #News, Trailing...maybe #Watch-for-Entry.
  • Cjauger: @champ $BA #News #Watch-for-Entry Nice pop of f the bottom. Picked up a few shares
  • champ: $BA...HOD...but dancing around...this new Day-trade, might have legs, for a possible Swing, off of this new News....a #FAA-update, Check-it-Out.
  • debeers: ...
    $BA-The FAA gives Boeing 90 days to clean up its act. Sometimes you gotta threaten folks when time after time they screw up.
    So now that management can't threaten folks who whistleblow my bet is they actually do their job. What a concept!!
    $DIS- u ...
  • champ: $BA...hanging-in nicely, I'm going to swing my position.
  • AndStars: @DavidK “Hey Siri, how many bolts do I need to secure this door on the $BA 737 MAX?”
  • Henry: $BA @Debeers here is the Dilbert take
  • DavidK: @Henry $BA next option when booking a flight , $50 upgrade for a parachute
  • woodman: @Henry $BA - BA will soon run out of executives to force out of the company for its F-ups.
  • debeers: @DavidK $BA -I learned how to pack my own years ago at a local drop zone. Rather do that than have the plane decide to drop!!
  • debeers: $BA-news flash. Has been Renamed BAh Humbug! as far as @Henry is concerned why don't you focus on $NOW now instead of dumping on me?
  • Henry: @debeers $BA $NOW I only kid the people I love. Wish you told me to buy NOW yesterday.
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Stock Price $153.29
Change -0.84%
Volume 13,910,300

Boeing Co, together with its subsidiaries designs, develops, manufactures, sells, services and supports commercial jetliners, military aircraft, satellites, missile defense, human space flight and launch systems and services.

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