REE Automotive Ltd. (NASDAQ:REE)

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  • mradams0621: ...
    -0.45% $REE Rare Element Resou 0.22 1000
    -0.11% $UTG Reaves Utility Inc 26.09 3400

  • TRICIA: $MCP, $REE, rare earths ... etc... I guess 60 minutes is flexing it's muscle again... all the RE's are up nicely today!
  • hooked1: $XME - $REE FCX and others working.
  • clefferts: $FCX - started a position today $REE - broke out from a volatility #squeeze today, no position
  • Iceman: ...
    Wednesday, July 10, 6:35 PM Molycorp (MCP) +1.8% $AH after surging 16% during regular trading, as other rare earth (REMX) names also rose today: $REE +11.7%, $AVL +15.2%. A Euro Pacific analyst ties the move to reports from China that say the price ...
  • rah: ...
    Because of the weather, I did watch the market a bit -- actually quite a bit. @Steve is a big trader and he is like a woodpecker in a lumber yard during market hours. He just can't get enough and is always saying, "Hey, that was great! What else ...
  • SeaKingA: $MCP - $REE showing same pattern
  • boba: $REE - A big move up the last 2 days but I think it is based on news of a new proprietary processing system and not a change in the current poor market for rare earth materials.
  • taylor: $REE, $MCP - I think $REE is just following $MCP higher. JMHO.
  • K8e8n8t8: $MCP another one to keep on the radar is $REE which is supposed to start producing from their operations.
  • dagdog: $MCP @ ruskinq2 ...just saw this and thought I'd pass it along: 9:49 AM Ford (F) says it's cutting consumption of rare earths used in its hybrid and electric cars by 500K lbs./year and will save hundreds of dollars per car in the process. But shares of rare-earth leader Molycorp (MCP +5.6%) shoot higher anyway, adding to gains a day after China announced a 40% cut in the number of permits to mine rare earths. $REE +5.7%, $AVL +4.5%.
  • Tricia: $DDD @Bigbartabs ...... did you get into any of these? ... ALso I justed looked at $REE, you are right it is squeezing ... is there any news that is a catalyst? This was last nights news and I thin driver ..... Molycorp Begins Production At Project Phoenix!SG3aic
  • bigbartabs: DDD... @Tricia... no, I rarely own individual stocks. No time to manage them all. So I play the macro level markets, with leverage... long, short, cash I just happen to remember a lot of stocks, and knew $MCP, $REE, SHZ were all in the same business. So I buzzed through their charts when $MCP was mentioned.
  • Zatodeb: $REE - Buy pt here: 1) in last few days this rare earth $ETF has moved up & closed above 50 dma (4.59) for the first time since early April; 2) the 20 dma is just about to cross the 50 dma; 3) $REE virtually touched the 50 dma today and bounced up. Looks like $REE bottomed out May 18 @ 3.75. Controlled risk spec-$-only buy here (4.59-4.75), w/ a tight stop @ 4.46 or so. See also: $Z
  • gold2stocks: $MCP - $REE - Being featured now Bloomberg. Talking about the US Govt taking charge and getting $AWAY from China and our dependence on imports. Interesting he talked about $MCP mining in California. Also Avalon in Canada is another to watch. $LONG MCP G2S
  • taylor: $MCP - Rare earth stocks trade higher following a report that China will begin issuing a new special tax permit to all rare earth producers that will be required in order to legally produce light rare earths, such as cerium and lanthanum, and the concentrates from which all rare earths are derived. $MCP +2.7%, $AVL +2%, $REE +1.3%.
  • Bobo: $REE, $MCP - Hi @Kevin hope you are doing well and thanks for you analysis. Its great to see what others do and what they are watching. Take care.
  • MSL: $REE MCP @Forexpro, thanks for the analysis on these and the option book list.
  • MSL: $REE MCP what is the current thought on these, there was big buying coming in over the past month and selling is small in comparison yet they are sliddding down.
  • Forexpro: Re: $REE, $MCP, @MSL

    Hi, MSL,

    Here's hoping that this finds you well. Neither of these stocks are highly correlated with the SPX (REE on the daily is around a 0.37, $MCP only a 0.21), and both have been declining on low volume, suggesting not s ...
  • TD: $REE - In a tight #squeeze close to support on the daily chart, and also very close to moving into a launch point between the pinch of two key moving averages (the 50 and 200 days, respectively). Think $JEF from six weeks ago, $DANG from two weeks ago, $RENN this week. 18% short, $200M enterprise value (small float), conference call scheduled for early next week for "an update". In a constructive setup on all short term charts (especially the 15 min and 30 min charts here).
  • seahawk: $REE - @TD any thoughts on AVL?
  • TD: $REE - No thoughts on $AVL, $MCP or $REE really in terms of being an expert on valuation. After all they are all future bets anyway. But $REE is in a great technical setup as we speak. The old double #squeeze - a #squeeze of the bollinger bands plus a pinch/#squeeze between two key averages. $REE is in a volatility expansion on the 15 and 30 minute charts as well, well defined. This "double #squeeze" has really been working as of late - $JEF, $DANG, $RENN, $BAC to some extent. We have seen that $REE can move a lot in a little bit of time (e.g. up 49% in 8 sessions during one stretch in January). The small float and high short interest could allow this one to move to 7 1/2 or 8 in no time. Lower risk entry here with some undefined upside. That's the extent of my opinion really.
  • TD: $REE - Looks ready to explode to the upside out of a tight #squeeze on the 30 minute chart right on top of the 30 min 50 period average. A @textbook lower risk setup on a spec stock. Watch the close here for the start of a possible move.
  • Poppy: China - in the news $MCP, $REE - China is again making noise about rare earth...headline gleaned from Finviz but the news is Reuter's: Great conversation this long weekend...thanks to all who share their trading results - it encouraged me to do better... Coffee came out of my nose reading @DAN's pric.. hikes. Too funny...not to belabored the point, I think he put it there to see if anyone really reads what he wrote. No position in Chinese stocks...too scary. No position in $MCP or $REE either. @poppy
  • gold2stocks: ...

    Market flat but $AMZN is bullish development. Couple of days ago a breakout above the resistance level.Intra-day reversed...advantage bears...higher than average volume...following day...stock confirmed and traded lower..fina ...
  • petethefisher: $REE - Anyone in?
  • MSL: $REE MCP looking strong so far, continuation of Tuesdays price action.
  • cmac: $REE taking a small starter position, stop just under today's low, which coincides with the 50 sma.
  • WoodLion: $MCP, $REE, AVL-- Rare earth element stocks set to fall. Here is the link to the article:
  • MSL: $REE, sailing.
  • lmdudek: $REE up over 12%. I can not find any positive news on this one to create such a move. Could this be short covering?
  • Wolfy: $REE Likely this...
  • lmdudek: $REE - @Wolfy Thank you for the response. Looking to get out of my small position on a positive note.
  • sweeper240: $REE - little-ish pull back, been a very good run
  • purestocker: $REE major breakout this week. $AVL will it follow? @Dan covered these late last year.
  • cmac: $REE I see no news, but 25% move today
  • Aragorn: $REE - Hi MissE - I saw that move on hot stock lists. It was already gone. WOW Happy New Year to you.
  • wijimmy: $REE .. Any buyers here? ? it's been HAMMERED the last couple days
  • highcotton: $REE @wijimmy Still looks like a falling knife at the moment.
  • Henry: ...
    What China does to manipulate prices is a big unknown. They could flood the market and put $MCP and $REE out of business I suppose. I think for now, they are small enough that they are beneath the radar screen.

    The superficial headlines sound b ...
  • lizwaite: $MCP AVL $REE

    Here is an article from the $NYT detailing the choke hold China has on these valuable resources....a clear monopoly:

    Here is a link to the history of MCP........ they have 59 years of experience in this ...
  • jetace: $REE - bouncing off the 50MA
  • lizwaite: $MCP AVL $REE

    Here is an article from the $NYT detailing the choke hold China has on these valuable resources....a clear monopoly:

    Here is a link to the history of MCP........ they have 59 years of experience in this ...
  • nasada: $REE +4% and $MCP +1.25% ....rare metals are looking up
  • ginny: $REE MCP last month $MCP raised their pricing. They report tomorrow and they should report strong. If that happens we can expect a pop and that should carry $REE higher with it. Just my .02 cents.
  • joanie: $REE - up 8%. They had good news last week: "Rare Element Discovers Heavy Rare Earths at Whitetail Ridge, East Taylor and Carbon and High Grade at East Taylor within the Bear @Lodge Project"
  • Dave: Some stocks that are working: HEK, $DTLK, $ERF, $STON, $TSO, $LNG, $AXTI, $DECK, $AAPL, $NSR, $ROC, $CRK, $TLT, $CLNE, $ESV, $LYB, $REE, $MCP, WG. A couple of themes that I see - energy names, clean fuels, and rare earths. Thanks to those posters who have pointed out some of these, also. Other stock suggestions for this list are welcome. This is not to say that "all's fine in the water, jump in" because several of the major indices are sick and up to 80% - 85% of all stocks will follow the prevailing market trend. But these stocks are holding up relatively well, at a minimum, in a very uncertain market.
  • Cain1: Lizwaite...MCP...Liz, How do you trade MCP? Do you treat it as gold, buy and hold, or do you trade around a position, or trade it as a regular stock with stops? The reason for the question is that I now have a position in $MCP but also notice that it is one volatile stock. I am also looking at $REE and TC.
  • bullmoose: ...
    $AAPL, $BCPC, $BHI, $BIDU, $BRY, $BWLD, $CLB, $CHK, $CPL, $FAST, $GS, $IBM, $IPI, $JPM, $KMP, $LVS, $MDR, MIPS, $PAL, QPSA, $REE, $SBH, $SBUX, $SKX, $VMW and WLT. I'm not sure what to do yet with $ANH, $CYS and $NLY since I missed adding at the open ...
  • MSL: $REE - @DAN speaks of this stock as coming out of a vol sqz to the upside, they got an initiate today and up 5% in pre-mkts. Altho they were down 11% yesterday...
  • GraceBull: $REE - I bought some yesterday. GraceDumb
  • bullmoose: $REE - had an inside day yesterday after a big move on Tuesday. Held both the 50-day and 20-day. I'm long stock and calls. As @DAN said, as long as it holds above Tuesday's low, it's good. I'd wait for a morning pullback to see how the stock reacts before jumping in on an up 4% open. As I write, it's pulling back a little.
  • MSL: $REE - good insight, thx for posting.
  • gatordave: $REE - Coverage initiated by Global Hunter with target 18.50. No position. GatorD
  • HumanGeorge: $REE MCP Trade Alert...MCP & $REE go get em!
  • HumanGeorge: $MCP REE @Aragorn is probably I might look to $REE as it's a little more immature in the breakout. Your potential upside could be greater and you can more easily define your risk.
  • robertj: $MCP --- @Aragorn thanks. I will have to look at the spread, Changed to market on $REE got filled at 11.55, but I was too late on the move it only went up to 11.60, realized my mistake and went it dropped, 11.49, and exited at 11.56, Broke even. lost only one commission.
  • robertj: $REE --- A lot buyers came in at 11.12 At 14:15
  • robertj: $MCP ---- $REE all spiked and fell back
  • beb800: $MCP - I see this spike as positive. Both $MCP and $REE spiked up slightly on large volume as the Dow and the S&P spiked down slightly. I think this may be that the big guys see $MCP and $REE with a lot of up side so as the S&P declined the big guys shifted money to $MCP and $REE (the large volume shows the big guys were buying). The fall back in $MCP and $REE was on relatively small volume. I think this is very positive for $MCP and REE. Both have a clearly defined "W" pattern and are coming off a volatilaty #squeeze that could lift $MCP to the $80-85 range. It also has a bullish wedge that would also indicate a price of $85 or higher.
  • robertj: $REE ---- did anyone by $REE looking to enter, didn't like the sell off pulled order, what to you think is a good entry point.
  • Eptake5: $REE I lookedbut how the hell can you doing anything with the situation in DC?
  • bullmoose: $REE - Huge snap-back off the 20-day. Long common and Oct 11 calls.
  • taylor: $MCP - Rare earth miners are shooting higher after a paper from GE's Lighting division, which relies heavily on rare earth minerals, states that "further price increases seem highly likely." $GE also suggests stockpiling by dealers due to soaring prices is making a bad situation worse. $MCP +5.3%. $REE +4.9%. SHZ +7%. $AVL +4.7%
  • bullmoose: $REE - I entered a position along with some October calls on $REE today.
  • infocus: $REE -@bullmoose, I've had this employee for quite a while. Currently long stock, short Aug 10 puts and long Aug 11 calls. Best scenario: expiry date in Aug arrives and the stock is still between 10.02 and 10.99. Working...
  • joanie: $REE - has put in a higher low and also a higher high as of today. Opened right at the 50 and is up from there; this is the first time it looks like it's going to close above the 50 since early May. Edit: we're also at 1.5 x the daily volume already too.
  • sweeper240: $REE - I've been long since last time it was at 11.... Suppose if it keeps up, resistance @ 12.60
  • :
  • southern: ...
    China increases 2H11 rare earth exports, FY11 exports still down YoY - Dahlman Rose notes that in an attempt to be in good standing with the WTO, the Beijing govt has announced that it will be increasing rare earth exports by 8.9% vs. 1H11 and 97.3% ...
  • hooked1: $REE - All we need is a headline and the weekly will pop.
  • infocus: $REE - Up almost 5%. Long
  • Arie: $REE - headline from the company was "Rare Element 2011 $REE Drilling Underway"... I have no position.
  • Splendor: $MCP, LYSCF - could this news on continued resistance in Malaysia to the new but not-yet-opened Lynas plant be the reason for today's bump in $REE, $AVL and MCP?
  • infocus: $REE - Anyone following this? Chart looks interesting. I'm long.
  • docsch: $REE @infocus - watching as well and decreasing volume for the last couple of days shows that selling is dying, just waiting for volume to pickup.
  • infocus: $REE - Joanie and Docsch, thanks for the comments. I sold some June10 puts and covered for a nice profit not too long ago. Am now long a 1/3 position with a trailing stop in the money. Finally a sure winner!
  • joanie: $REE - @infocus, I'm not sure you mean me. I didn't comment on $REE today unless you're referring to something I said some time ago?.
  • sweeper240: $MCP, $REE With wind goes rare earth
  • sweeper240: $REE, $MCP - Trying to understand what I can do.... If $REE is at 9.50 and its been on a fairly steady decline, why should I not Buy a PUT at 12 dollars (which it probably won't hit today) and take premium... Would this work? Are there #options functions that I can't use because I am with Scottrade? When review an order to "sell to close a put" Scottrade give me an error saying that I can't do that. I know very little about #options at this point, and even after reading Taylors tutorials, I don't undertand - possibly because it seems like Scottrade has a different terminology.
  • sisselb: $REE, $MCP - If you don't own the put you can't sell to close it. That is probably why you are getting an error. Hopefully I understood your question correctly. Also there are different levels of #options trading. You should check with your broker what you are allowed to do.
  • Diana2010: $REE, $MCP - A sell to close order means that you are selling a position that you currently own. A sell to open order means that you are selling the position short. If you are buying to open, it is a new position. If you are buying to close you are closing out a short position.
  • sweeper240: $REE - ok... but why shouldn't I buy a June put @ 12 or 11 and then let it expire...?? Would I have high probablity of gaining the premium?
  • lclarkc: $REE, $MCP I am not recommending a trade but if you have no position the trade would be sell to Open (not close).
  • antfarm: $REE @Sweeper. No, you are buying something. You only receive a premium if you are selling. I suggest you go to the OIC site and take some of their lessons on #options before you venture into this realm. You must have a minimum understanding or you will be "That guy" as @Dan talks about. The lessons are free, quite easy to understand and well worth the time.
  • gemsbyg: $REE - if you buy the put then you are paying the premium .. not collecting it
  • lclarkc: $REE - @sweeper240 - I strongly suggest you paper trade this first. If you buy a june 11 put and it expires worthless it Cost you what you paid for the put. You don't get any premium you paid the premium. In my opinion #options are very risky and NOT for beginners.
  • Marty: $REE, $MCP, SHZ - (Rare metals) - Whoda thunk on a sour day (general market morning opening) like this.
  • lizwaite: ...
    There is no aspect of our modern lives that is not touched by the rare earth sector. We are now attatched at the hip to rare earths. That being said, who would you like to fork your money over to? A company in the USA?- Okay, well then, your onl ...
  • unremitting3: $REMX $MCP $REE liz hwy What about $REMX to 'smooth out' the risk? Seems to have a good $ROI in one and three month as well as one year time frames.
  • taylor: $REE -rare earth speculation - I closed the last of my naked call positions in $REE at a nickel. There isn't any more to make here since this option doesn't trade in pennies. Also, this is an October contract. By covering now, I free up capital to sell puts on some other beaten down stock: Bought to cover short $REE Oct 22 2011 25.0 Calls @ 0.05 - originally sold for 0.85
  • taylor: $REE - closing out a naked call position several months early because there is no more to make here (these calls don't trade in pennies) - Bought to close $REE Jul 16 2011 25.0 Calls @ .05
  • C.K.: $MCP - I will be out of $MCP on any pop into earnings. Dahlman Rose raised both $MCP and $REE targets on 5/3 and both sold off hard on those upgrades. MCP's last earnings report was quite good and it popped to $51 in $AH trading. Then it sold off hard for four days. The great buy point was 41-44 when the bears could not get it below $39 -- clear sailing up there to present time 67 - 79 range. I got in at that point of consolidation and believe me I'm selling into earnings this time and see how it reacts at the 50D 63 level (if it in facts does sell off). I just see nothing to $MCP higher now and the shorts will probably be all over it if $67.50 does not hold. good luck to anyone long. ck ck
  • GARY: $ECTY, The $REE of the Electric Vehicles sector Posted by @highroller May 02,2011 11:47 PM It has no earnings but great @Jesse Livermore speculative appeal. I sold some today thanks to @Dan's 3-day rule. I wouldn't chase it but it is worth watching just for the price action.
  • joanie: $MCP - I hate to say it, but I don't particularly recall talking about $MCP (which may explain why I'm foolishly in $REE today).
  • hooked1: $REE - Joanie, don't feel so foolish. I SOLD $REE yesterday! $@%!
  • Kristine: $REE - Starting to run
  • TheNatural: $REE - looks good and a fav of mine from last week. I'm playing this particular rare earth move though with $AVL because I was looking at taking some May call #options and the spreads were too wide for me at REE. Went with long $AVL common and $AVL May calls this morning. Looks good.
  • Kristine: $REE - wanting to be sweet 16 again
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Stock Price $5.76
Change -0.35%
Volume 95,022

A mineral-resource Company focused on rare-earth elements and gold. It has a 100% interest in the Bear Lodge property, Wyoming, which has a central core area of rare-earth mineralization and a surrounding cluster of gold occurrences.

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