Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Chart of the Day January 5th, 2023

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  • scottrades: $AMZN and $AAPL up along with the others. They report next week.
  • bigbartabs: @DAN ... yes, all we have to do is look at the weekly chart for the $FNGS stocks this morning... $META $AAPL $AMZN $NFLX $MSFT $NVDA $GOOGL $SNOW $TSLA. The story is unfolding.
  • bb_b: Long $aapl
  • joelsg1: $AAPL Popped $10 in 2 days on mere hope of an AI chip, bodes well for 6/10 WWDC announcements. Rolled up/out for credit short upside calls which are caps of covered legacy stock from $20s.
  • Pard: $AAPL
  • stairm01: $AAPL What's going on? Took off at 1:00.
  • DavidK: @stairm01 $AAPL going to make their own chips thus improving margins for Mac’s
  • traderbren: @stairm01 $AAPL - way overdue for a bounce trade; plus some news on AI chips for their Mac's
  • stairm01: @DavidK $AAPL Thanks David!
  • DAN: ...
    In fact, look at Taiwan Semi ($TSM). The chip supplier to $NVDA and $AAPL reported a 17% jump in quarterly sales versus last year. The stock initially popped on the news, but it's now down around .4%. In and of itself that is not a big deal, but ...
  • Bert953: $AAPL tested early March lows, though its still below all the MA's including the 8dEMA. Chalkin money flow as a slight positive divergence. I am not aware of any catalysts to make $AAPL a buy but if anyone wants to take a bite, this might be the time to have a nibble. I have no position as Im more focused on $MSTR $SMCI and $HUBS
  • woodman: @Bert953 $AAPL $MSTR $SMCI $HUBS - HUBS looks like a money churner/grinder right now unless your position size is small enough so that you don't worry about it as it churns in consolidation. SMCI similarly (which I unfortunately know from personal experience).
  • joelsg1: $AAPL Invites out for 6/10 WWDC event where major AI announcements anticipated. Way under the 200d 'Where nothing good happens' but looks like a "W" bottoming pattern in motion IMHO. Legacy long from $20. Interesting option potential around the 6/21 strike if the "W" completes.
  • Motorman: @joelsg1 Thanks for idea on $AAPL. Got call spreads for 6/21 175-195
  • billyzeke: @Pard $AAPL Agreed. I decided to take a quick little profit on it from the last drop but I've got my eye on it to reload after I see how it settles out.
  • DavidK: $AAPL- good interview with Dan Niles yesterday about Apple . He is short their suppliers ( not sure who they all are ) and bought Apple yesterday afternoon for a quick trade. Then he will short it . His reasons , growth is not there and pe is too high to simplify. Stated the govt action was predicated by him as similar attacks in Europe.
  • traderbren: $AAPL getting a bit of a bounce after a rug pull this morning. Closed my 12-Apr 180 covered calls.
  • traderbren: $AAPL - the AJ from CONN is clueless based on what I heard. This suit is total BS!
  • Motorman: @traderbren $AAPL Just saw that too, one of his arguments is phone is too expensive...Faber says get a Samsung ;)
  • traderbren: @Motorman $AAPL - yeah, that's one hell of an argument against competition. He should go buy a basic dumb phone for just calls. Crazy world we live in!
  • traderbren: $AAPL - looks like the Buffett bid was in play today.
  • joelsg1: @woodman Very interesting, Thank you. I wonder if in near future diagnoses using non-invasive skin (using $AAPL watch) and tears (smart contact lenses) are coming.
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $AAPL - I'd believe that.
  • Pard: $AAPL DOJ lawsuit. When others are fearful...
  • bigbartabs: $AAPL ... I just read through some of the news about the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against Apple. I have no dog in the fight, but It seems to me that there are a lot of sour grapes implied in the lawsuit... that revolves around Apple's legal patents and copyrights. As frustrating as it might be for Apple competitors, isn't that what patents and copywrites are for? To protect a firm's long and hard, expensive blood sweat and tears investment into a product that everyone wants... and is willing to pay for? All of Apple's competitors have every right to out do Apple's products with better hardware, software, and marketing. What's the justification for a lawsuit?
  • billyzeke: $AAPL and it's latest DOJ lawsuit is a big drag on the market today. I sold it on the open this morning after a decent ride up from 169 and swapped it for @Dan's pick $AMZN.
  • Pard: @billyzeke $AAPL Every time $AAPL is under the 50 week moving average, it is on sale if you plan to hold it.
  • joelsg1: @bigbartabs $AAPL Antitrust law.
  • bigbartabs: @joelsg1 $AAPL ... how can it be a government antitrust violation, when the government gave them the copywrites that they are working under?
  • joelsg1: @bigbartabs $AAPL Esoteric area of law that doesn't make economic or sometimes any other sense, enacted to curb monopoly power which $AAPL clearly exerts. Legal specialty, I think I worked on 1 antitrust case while in a large firm over decades in practice.Effect on competition is the legal issue, not so much for consumers. What copyrights are you referencing?
  • Pard: $AAPL added some today for a an retirement account. Time Frame matters. :)
  • ssoha20: @Pard $AAPL bought some 180 calls
  • cgendro1: @bigbartabs $AAPL never let logic get in the way of gov't bureaucrats and idiocy :)
  • bigbartabs: @joelsg1 $AAPL ... all their hardware is patented. Their Apple OS is theirs and under copyright. Their app store is under copyright... they oversee, approve, disapprove what apps they accept into their app store. All copyrights and patents are government approved and recorded in favor of the owning party... Apple. I can't imagine what argument the government is going to use, when they themselves facilitated and approved what they are suggesting is antitrust. I guess we will see once the food fight starts.
  • bigbartabs: @cgendro1 $AAPL ... roger that.
  • joelsg1: @bigbartabs $AAPL Haven't spent a ton of time on this, but I understand the relevant market for review is the smartphone market, and the alleged bad conduct includes refusing to allow encrypted texts with competing platforms and limiting access to contactless payments for digital wallets.
  • bigbartabs: $AAPL trying to get above $175
  • billyzeke: @scottrades $MSFT It and $AAPL are the ony techs I have in the green so far today.
  • joelsg1: $AAPL Off the mat to the 20d on that $GOOGL news. Oscillators starting to turn but early. Rolled short upside calls up and out for credit.
  • bb_b: $AAPL outperforming QQQ today
  • Bert953: $AAPL failed at the 8dEMA. Not getting any love.
  • Bert953: $NVDA is visiting Cramer's house o' pain. Looks like institutional selling. now testing 8dEMA. $BA more bad news in the sky as people get taken away in ambulances, but no details yet. Run away, run away! $MSTR $COIN gap and crap so far. $AAPL may have found the low as it is now testing the 8dEMA after spending 4 days below the lower 2 std deviation Bollenger Band. Possible entry for those who are brave in an apparently weakening market that appears overbought.
  • Firemedic: $AAPL at $169.40 for day trade. Stop low of day
  • traderbren: $AAPL - gunning for a gap close at 173.79
  • billyzeke: @Firemedic $AAPL I bought some $APPL this morning too, who'd have thunk it would end up being one of the best tech performers of the day.
  • billyzeke: @traderbren $AAPL Bought some this morning and would have never thought it would be my best tech performer of the day.
  • traderbren: @billyzeke $APPL $TSLA - $AAPL - getting stretched - the rubber band will string back....
  • debeers: NOT RE4COMMENDEDIF YOU HAVE JUST EATEN. MUST BUY THIS ONE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! $AAPL. Under 171 Once proud general will figure it out but just not by next week.
  • Cjauger: @debeers $AAPL same for $SNOW
  • DavidK: @debeers $AAPL I bought 10 calls looking for a bounce . Won’t over stay my welcome
  • billyzeke: @debeers $AAPL Been thinking the same thing. I think once they announce something about AI this thing will take off like a rocket.
  • bigbartabs: @debeers @Cjauger $AAPL $SNOW ... It seems the market no longer has an empty stomach... after 5 days of eating AAPLs and SNOW.
  • ssoha20: $AAPL , $TSLA any bounce expected here ?
  • billyzeke: @scottrades I see is that the i-phone isn't doing so well in China and $AAPL took a big dip around 10:40, that can certainly bring down the indices/indexes...not sure which is the correct plural of index. lol
  • DavidK: $AAPL- looks like this heads to 175 then maybe 170 . Gonna wait for it to move back up to 180 area then maybe buy some puts .
  • curtis: $AAPL watch if this goes under $180 bearish for mkt.
  • joelsg1: $AAPL Announced end to their secret EV project, 2000 employees affected.
  • scottrades: @joelsg1 $AAPL Market likes it
  • DavidK: @joelsg1 $AAPL I wish Musk would sell his Tesla stock and buy Disney . He could have a much broader and impactful impact on humanity if he brought it back to its original roots . Fire the woke employees and get back to making it a family friendly environment. These EV’s are a waste of time .
  • mariner: @DavidK $AAPL Great idea!
  • DavidK: $AAPL- having a Jon Holmes type move all of a sudden.
  • bigbartabs: @DavidK $AAPL ... Wadd is it you are trying to say?
  • traderbren: $AAPL - it looks like someone finally put some juice in the $AAPL battery as it has cleared the 200d and the 8ema...although I don't like how the 50d is curling down, but could change if the stock can head higher. The true test is to see if it can clear the 50d in the near future. This has definitely been the dog when compared to the Mag 7.
  • phgruver: @DAN $GOOGL $GOOGL and $AAPL are in a fight as to how to share add revenue from mobile devices. So far, it looks like they are both loosing.....
  • DAN: @phgruver $GOOGL $AAPL Hmmm. I'm not up on that stuff...but it seems pretty logical to me. thanks phgruver.
  • vitoB: $AAPL head and shoulders as it brakes the 200d.
  • RD: $AAPL below 200dma
  • joelsg1: $AAPL Sold a few upside March covered calls into the battle to regain 200d.
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $AAPL And shares.
  • bb_b: $aapl moving
  • RD: @bb_b $aapl Apple Readies Ai Tool to Rival Microsoft's GitHub Copilot
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY / $QQQ Trend is fine $IWM Wild action $DXY / $TNX Not out of the woods yet $SMH In trend $XLK At the 8EMA $IBB Wedge break $XHB In trend $GBTC Bitcoin is extended $IBIT Dan added to his list $ETHE New 52 Week high $COIN Earnings $TSLA Trying to change its trend $GOOGL Trying to hold the 50 $SMCI New Entrants Beware $AAPL At the 200 Day $AMD 21 Day Support $MSFT at the 21 EMA $AMZN Going sideways $V New ATH Today $NET Just above the 8EMA $ELF Watch 180 $DDOG Watch 138.60 $IOT Bounced off support. $MMYT Short flag $URI Watch 662 $TT Flag $MSTR Gravity
  • woodman: $META $AAPL - Quest 3 vs Vision Pro. Interesting Zuckerberg video comparing them.
  • RD: $AAPL Could get interesting here. Testing 200dma.
  • woodman: @debeers $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL - A pair trade of short $AAPL and long $META might be a good one.
  • debeers: @woodman $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL $META -LONG- $META and $NVDA
  • joelsg1: @debeers $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL Wrong Dan, that was Dan Niles of Satori, not Ives of Wedbush who on last look likes at least first 2 (me too) and perhaps all 3.
  • DavidK: @debeers $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL Dan Niles From Santori Fund shorting $AAPL . I am waiting . I hit $NVDA with just 1 put yesterday for 23% gain . Bought 1 today only up 8%
  • joelsg1: @woodman $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL $META Careful with $AAPL, which is near the 200d reliable support. I am long from way below with this legacy holding but hedged with short upside covered calls.
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL $META - Thanks. I should have been clearer. I didn't mean immediately, but a general idea. META revamped and transformed the company a couple years ago. Zuckerberg took us into the "metaverse" in what seemed weird at the time, but now this a company that talks about buybacks and dividends making it a solid cash flow company rather than just a growth company. AAPL did that previously back when Cook came on board. Seems like $MSFT is doing it too. $AMZN next?
  • DavidK: $NVDA- stopped out for 52% gain on puts . No way I can buy this stock up here . Sniper shooting . And yes sometimes I buy a call or 2. $AAPL in my sights to short just have to wait until the irrational exuberance in the qqq’s settles down .
  • debeers: Daniel Ives is a Managing Director and Senior Equity Research Analyst covering the Technology sector at Satori i tell you this because insti investors listen to him and he is recommending SHORTING $AAPL/$TSLA/$$GOOGL
  • debeers: @joelsg1 $AAPL $TSLA $GOOGL -Thanks, Joel. Corrected and edited.
  • traderbren: $AAPL - seeing some interest, but let's see if it can clear the 50d overhead and get above 190.50-ish.
  • traderbren: $SPX - 5000 -- we need to see $AAPL firm up in order to clear the 5000 marker. $AAPL was weak on the open and tested the underside of the 20d. Let's see if it can reclaim 189 before end of day.
  • debeers: $ELF-@champ-IF the operations were remaining the same, i might be inclined to agree with you---- -but they're NOT. The expansion of the operations means that their oportunities and customers will incrementally increase. Additionslly they've already been installed in $AAPL 's vision pro so they've once again, jumped over the competition!
  • DavidK: $AAPL- looks like the professor on CNBC who said AAPL was the best of the tech stocks to buy rhrn based on the irrational price metrics of the other high flyers like NVDA mag 7 has people buying . I did for a trade . Calls
  • DavidK: $BA - got stopped out on some puts for 50 % gain from Friday purchase . BA certainly glad there are only 2 big plane manufacturers or else I think these boys would be In a really big spiral down . $AAPL put spread already didn’t work out so well . Got stopped out for small loss . Dan Ives from Wedbush or whatever pump firm he works for is pounding the table to buy after the downdraft last week . $QQQ PUTS just took off nicely for me . Time for these overbought techs to cool down and people put some profits in their pockets . Rinse and repeat .
  • Henry: $AAPL Terranova pointed out the buying in this stock this morning, Friday as well. long long term
  • jeffslm: @Spearchucker53 $GOOGL $AAPL - That’s a great observation.
  • DAN: @Spearchucker53 $GOOGL $AAPL I specifically and exhaustively explain that in yesterday's video.
  • DAN: ...
    $AAPL and $GOOGL are on my "don't even think about it" list.

    Have a good day.



  • scottrades: $AAPL back above the 200 Day
  • DAN: Active Trade Update Adding Alphabet ($GOOGL) to the Active Trade Idea List. Basis $142.02 Stop: $136.45 This is not my typical trade ideas. The stock got smashed a couple of days ago, but this is an institutional favorite and is holding the 50-day moving average after testing the anchored VWAP started in October when the stock fell on disappointing earnings. My suggested stop is just below today's intraday low. $AAPL is showing similar behavior, but I think that's just a tougher trade. Again, this is not a typical trade idea for me. This is not a "momentum" stock. It's an oversold bounce of solid support. I am not expecting much out of it and it'll probably be a quick flip next weerk. (Not for everybody!) --Dan For a complete list of all Active Trades, click here:
  • Spearchucker53: @DAN $GOOGL $AAPL I would benefit from a bit more discussion on how $GOOGL went from "don't even think about it" at 9am to the active trade list at 3pm.
  • Margi1983: @Spearchucker53 $GOOGL $AAPL Dan always says, who knows what Mr. Market will do next. A trader ( short term) may have listened and sold his $GOOGL. An investor would have read the comment and done nothing as the weekly chart and trend are intact. With the Magnificent 7, it's not such a bad move to be an investor vs a trader, meaning a longer term hold. Sometimes Burton Malkiel's " A Random Walk Down Wall St" is worth reading. I read it in college in the '70s.
  • Forexpro: ...
    Coming up on 8 EST the E-minis are up 0.45 percent, Nazz futures plus 0.61 percent. $NYCB frightened people yesterday, and a couple of overseas banks (Japan's Aozora, Germany's Deutsche Bank) took large loan loss reserves against their U.S. commerci ...
  • scottrades: $AAPL *APPLE 1Q REV. $119.58B, EST. $117.97B ( BEAT ✅ ) *APPLE 1Q EPS $2.18, EST. $2.11 ( BEAT ✅ )
  • RD: @scottrades $AAPL lower on weak China numbers
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Stock Price $217.96
Change 0.22%
Volume 41,576,600

Apple Inc designs, manufactures, & markets mobile communication & media devices, personal computers, & portable digital music players, & sells a variety of related software, services, accessories, networking solutions, & third-party digital content.

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