Air Lease Corporation Class A (NYSE:AL)

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  • bRobert: $JETS breakout Flag $ALK breakout Pb to the 20d Just over ther 50/200d On the 20/50/200W cushion Low risk trade set up $70/$100 target potential $AL 20d pullback $50/$75 $DDS took profits yesterday Posted Concerned about POTENTIAL for fake breakout weekly and boomerang $M $10 POTENTIAL with WEEKLY pinch breakdown < 50W $XRT pullback from 50W ceiling 50W potential Many generals overbought as posted and subject to big pullbacks $CROX 50W target $BOOT my favorite BUT Failure at the 20/50W ceiling can be trouble and CAN get too close to the 50W below CAREFUL IN RETAIL
  • bRobert: $AL breakout extended $55 - $70+ targets LONG weekly consolidation Small inv h&s trigger close $JETS $28 potential $38 LONG TERM potential Multi year consolidation $AL:K 20/50/200w just below Daily top of range $75/$100 targets Technically Muy Bien
  • bRobert: $IYT. reversal base. target. acquired. $255. and 20d ceiling. The 50/200d. are just above that so a triple ceiling in place $280. potential. AFTER ceilings. cleared =. trigger larger reversal base Many oversold. trucking bounces acquired their interim targets. $JETS did move. above. 200d. Small reversal base targets. $24 $ALK. top of range. but. $70/$90...$100. potential. Technically ahead of. most in the space . Above the 20/50/200W $AL. $52/$75.
  • bRobert: $AL. Top of range soon $52/$72+. targets. Huge. %. potential $ALK. $70/$90.......$100. potential
  • bRobert: @debeers $BA $BX $CEIX $DAL $DVN $HSY $LULU $MAR $PANW $SM $TECK $BA. why RHRN? There are more attractive. charts right now It is technically challenged. You aren't giving up much watching and waiting until it is ready It is still in a daily/weekly downtrend below ALL the averages Small bite off of the higher. low $175. OK I'd rather be in. $ALK. $70/$75. with move > $60 $HA. $25. with move. >. 200d $TGI. $36. WEKLY breakout in motion or. $AL. $60. I I am bullish long term on BA. with $500/$600 potential There are better RHRN places to earn $$$. IMHO. Revisit. $MOH. WEEKLY breakout. $400. $UNH. $600. I'd rather ride a. $CAR. than. fly in a. $BA. RHRN.
  • debeers: @bRobert $BA $BX $CEIX $DAL $DVN $HSY $LULU $MAR $PANW $SM $TECK $ALK $HA $TGI $AL $MOH $UNH $CAR -i believe that before earnings the Boeing stock can move to a level acceptable to you. considering its past misery, imo it has turned the corner. You could say the same thing about $BX which wasn't in an "acceptable" level to buy IMO will be fine and certainly better than the others in the space.
  • bRobert: @debeers $BA $BX $CEIX $DAL $DVN $HSY $LULU $MAR $PANW $SM $TECK $ALK $HA $TGI $AL $MOH $UNH $CAR BX is the best in the space and has a very attractive WEEKLY chart than can walk the runway with attitude. and style
  • bRobert: @bRobert $BA $BX $CEIX $DAL $DVN $HSY $LULU $MAR $PANW $SM $TECK $ALK $HA $TGI $AL $MOH $UNH $CAR BA . technically can lose another wheel. and CAN crash land lat $140. POTENTIAL.
  • Pokersmith: Boeing $BA Gets Order for 32 737 Max Jets From Air Lease $AL
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $BA $AL $TGI $SPR High targets $TGI low risk entry 20d $32/$35+ $SPR $55/$75 potential
  • bRobert: $AER $100 $AL $50/$70 $ALK $75/$100 $BX flag trigger Low risk entry $130 /$150/$170 targets $MS 50d bounce Line in the sand trigger > $104 the WEEKLY is the draw $BIDU WEEKLY rehab continues Fashioning a cup Daily above all averages $185 reversal base Move > 50W and $180 has $200+ potential Watch list $PLNT 3 years of sideways base $115/$150 potential $RCL W weekly $100/$130 $CCL WEEKLY W $30 target 1 50W speed bump Higher targets long term Floating hospitality trades $DIS long term investment WEEKLY reversal base developing 20W/50w speed bumps but path to $190 - $300 long term $165 target 1 and 200d ceiling
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL $ALK $BX $MS $BIDU $PLNT $RCL $CCL $DIS - CCL has been in my sights....
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL $ALK $BX $MS $BIDU $PLNT $RCL $CCL $DIS $RCL the better company Above the 50W speed ceiling One to go
  • bRobert: @dsmalls $JETS $23.50 W target 200d ceiling Posted $AER $100 target $70 speed bump ahead $AL $50/$75 targets
  • bRobert: $IYT small H&S top could test 20/50d Not a huge deal Check related issues Mixed bag Trucking hit Rails holding up $JETS bullish W in motion Move > 50d Test of 200d ceiling $DAL A step ahead is close to that $SAVE $28 potential $LUV $52 200d ceiling kisses $AER close to the highs Speed bumps Not a good entry $100 long term $AL 50/$75
  • bRobert: $JETS W $25 potential 5/13 ema cross daily I fly $AL 50/$75 $AER $100 weekly breakout target $SPR $60/$75 targets Big speed bump just above but watch $TGI $24/$32 $DFEN $23 W daily 200d speed bump Clear it and $33+ 200W ceiling is next $BA $230/235 W target Top retested 5/13 ema cross
  • sagsworth: @bRobert $JETS $AL $AER $SPR $TGI $DFEN $BA Would any of these be a good Leap candidate? Thanks You
  • bRobert: $AER. $72. flag target. $100 longer term. It's the weekly $AL. $50/$75.
  • bRobert: $AER. near. $70. W target 1. Speed. bump $100. longer term. after some. consolidation $AL. $50/$75. targets. Jet leasers. rule the skies. Long
  • bRobert: $AER new closing high top of WEEKLY speed bump $100 WEEKLY breakout target $AL #2 $50/$75
  • bRobert: $AER flag trigger $70 on a longer term flight to $100 $AL $50/$75 Long
  • bRobert: $AER $AL High targets $ACM Strong but extended $GVA watch this year $65/$115+ $FLR $33/$60/$100
  • bRobert: $AL $AER Strong moves Pullbacks to add High target s posted earlier Long The best in the space Jet leasing
  • bRobert: $CC. $40 - $57. targets. WEEKLY high base . set up Div kicker Long $TROX. $30 - $40 $TA. $60. with move. >. 50d. $80/$100. long term. Stealth trucking play $AER. $70. with flag. trigger. daily. W. already in Motion $54 - $62. width. $100 longer term Strong weekly base. $AL. #2. in the space. $50/$75. targets. Jet leasers. rule. fundamentally and technically
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER Target 1 $72 Target 2 $100 $AL $50/$75
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL - AER - A break above 72 could get it going nicely. See monthly. AL - 1.1 year consolidation. Move above 53 could get it going nicely too.
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL I have been long from below My major play in the air
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL - yes, you've been posting on these for a long time. Aerial assault.
  • bRobert: @Babutters $LUV $AER $AL Best in the air Technically and fundamentally $JETS group will work at some point
  • bRobert: $AER $70/ $100 $AL $50/$75 top in the space Leasers rule Best fundamental and technicals
  • bRobert: $AER Best in the air Technically and fundamentally W bottom bounce > 50d $68 target $100 longer term $AL #2 Just under 50/200d ceiling $50 when cleared $75 longer Look at the daily WEEKLY charts Nothing close
  • bRobert: $AER Strong 10% move from nelow to $64 speed bump on route to $70 W target Best in the air $AL W trigger > $45 $50 target 1 $75 longer term Leasers rule
  • bRobert: @DrScience $DAL $AAL $UAL $JBLU $ALK $LUV #Airlines $AER the class act $70 with trigger > 50d /$100 Best fundamentals $AL #2 $50/$75
  • bRobert: $AER $100 $AL $75+ Monthly Inverse H&S 70% upside The leasers are the best in the skies
  • NickSingh:
  • bRobert: $AL. low risk entry here over the Bermuda triangle $50/$75 targets $AER. $70 with flag trigger. > 50d. $100. longer Leasers rule the sky
  • bRobert: $AER a step ahead STRONG earnings revenue No bailouts $100 $AL $75 Leasers rule the sky Compare charts
  • bRobert: $AER $AL Technically the best in the air $AER $70 daily base Trigger > 50d $100 WEEKLY target 60%+ $AL $50/$75 Pullback bounces Long $FLR high base C&H daily $33 200W ceiling $26 then ZOOM MONTHLY Cup $60/$110 Something for everyone Short and long term
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL. bullish best in the. space. Leasing $AL. $75. $AER. $100
  • bRobert: @debeers $AGCO $DE #2 Sometimes a great entry in #2 presents itself and you are rewarded with a larger % gain Entry counts too $DE is my #1 $AGCO small Others $HRI #1 $URI #2 $AER 1 $AL 2
  • bRobert: $AER BEST in the space Low risk entry $100 target $AL #2 $75 target Big cup base $ACM $100 target Extended staircase daily $GVA $65/$110+ MONTHLY CUP $FLR WEEKLY C&H Nicely drawn $35 target Speed bump 200w $60/$110 Monthly potential
  • bRobert: $PLCE WEEKLY breakout Retest $120/$180/$200 Shorts $AER WEEKLY breakout Retest $100 $AL same $75 Leasers are BEST in the space $CWH $65 WEEKLY pinch breakout Shorts $BA alert $237 for weekly channel breakout Daily breakout Flag retest $255 with trigger Speed bumps $240 - $255 will offer multiple pb bounce opportunities for swing traders or to accumulate prior to the BIG move $350 longer $500 - $600 long term
  • bRobert: @jsdpie I like the jet manufacturing pin action $TGI WEEKLY breakout $30/$35 Jet leasing $AER $100 target $AL $75 $BA long term $255/$280/$350/$500+ targets
  • bRobert: $FLR WEEKLY high base C&H $35 target with move > 200W ceiling Monthly CUP retrace to $60 area longer Multi year move to $110+ from that cup $10 base $60 handle Blueprint for $$$$$ Stay with it until it tells you otherwise SMALL works well $AER $100 WEEKLY breakout target $AL $75 Jet leasing Best in the space $GVA $65 WEEKLY breakout target Hodl SOME $ACM a step ahead $100 target WEEKLY breakout in motion
  • bRobert: $X WEEKLY reversal high base with low risk entry near 20 WEEK Bigger C&H like base $30/$50 targets Just a bite LEAPS Let it work FOR you $TECK WEEKLY breakout Flag $40+ target $AER WEEKLY breakout Retest $100 Best in the air $AL #2 $75 $FLR daily/WEEKLY C&H / flag $35 Speed bump $25 200W ceiling Cup Path to $60 on the monthly then Base $7 - $60 handle $110 multi year target Blueprint for a 400% trade Long
  • bRobert: $AL $60+ with daily flag trigger C&h $75 longer $AER flag WEEKLY pinch breakout CLOSE to the 20/50/200W Money making pattern $100 $73 flag target soon
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $AER Technical + fundamental marriage CHEAP $100 target $AL #2 tries harder $75 target Leasers rule the air space Overweight $AER from below Small position $AL
  • bRobert: $AL flag $55 with trigger on route to $75 target Pin action from $AER $100 target WEEKLY pinch breakout Multi year base Money making pattern Jet leasers rule the space Strong Fundamentals and technicals separate them from the rest
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY breakout Daily extended Close to the all time highs $100 target Pullbacks 50% upside $AL Breakout to nhs Flag $75 target 50% $60 daily C&H first Jet leasing rules the space Technicals and fundamentals marriage
  • bRobert: $AER nh WEEKLY breakout $90/$100 $70 interim target close $AL $50 acquired $75 longer Pullbacks $60 interim Jet leasers rule the space Technicals and fundamentals The rest will play catch up for trades but these are fundamentally strong No stinking bailouts
  • bRobert: $IYT WEEKLY high base at swing high speed bump $320/$380 targets 35% is juicy Look for outperformance in a top down approach $ARCB has already outperformed 100% run from a recent 50W bounce $55 in July $150 target 33% $R $135 target 55% $GM $100 target 60%+ $AER $100 Close to 50% $AL $75 50% $YELL spec $20 80% Actually $30 long term
  • bRobert: $AER BOOM $100 stock Best in the space nh $AL #2 $50/$75 70%
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER the only way to fly for a long time $100 Book it $AL #2 $50/$$75 the leasers RULE the air space Same in Heavy equipment $HRI $URI
  • bRobert: $AL BOOM Hit that $50 target I posted months ago PROFIT ZONE $75 next after some backfilling LOPNG with $AER The best in the air Eventually other non renters will catch up but I love strong fundamentals and a STRONG WEEKLY CHART No contest
  • bRobert: @debeers $HRI \ $AER #1 $90....$100 $AL #2 $50/$75 jet leasing Very robust earnings /revenues without a stinking bailout 50 - 70% upside
  • bRobert: $AER $AL breakout retests ................BUY THE BOUNCES #1 #2 in the air 50 - 70% upside is juicy
  • bRobert: $AL The only way to fly trade #2 Clsoe to a WEEKLY breakout Multi year base Pinch close to the averages all just below GREAT set up like $AER $50/$75 targets 60%+
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY PINCH breakout Multi ear cup base Retest BOUNCE No airline looks like this Best in the air $90....$100 $AL #2 The y try harder WEEKLY multi year base Daily Reversal A step behind AER $50/$75 $MLM recap Outstanding WEEKLY breakout move On volume $450/$500 targets LOOK for a pullback Retest $VMC Same as MLM $220/$250 $ROAD weekly breakout $43/$50 Pullbacks
  • bRobert: $AER. WEEKLY breakout Retest........BOUNCE. Best in the air. $90......$100. target Strong tea leaves and. fundamentals. High growth. $AL. #2. Bullish WEEKLY. set up $72 Leasers rule the air In heavy equipment Renters have. led. $HRI $URI.
  • bRobert: $AER Daily/WEEKLY breakout Pullback retest Buy the bounce $70 target 1 $90+..............$100 longer term $AL #2 in the space $44 target 1 $50 with a move > 200d ceiling $70 WEEKLY breakout target $H WEEKLY flag High base $100 target $HLT WEEKLY flag after squeeze breakout $$160/170 targets $MAR WEEKLY breakout flag $190/$200 targets $DIS will work well long term W bottom daily $186 with trigger Test of 20d pullback seeing a bounce I recommend WATCHING this stock with an alert for a WEEKLY breakout > $185 $250 targets with a confirmed WEEKLY breakout Big resorts business will rebound like the hotel chains above with perky weekly breakouts Entertainment king of all medias Sports gambling kickers Long term bullish
  • bRobert: Follow the $$$ Stocks ETFs near highs and related $FAS $160 target close $200/$220 longer term $XLF $GUSH $XOP $CLOU Pullbacks to add $XME related setting up Very bullish $TECK $FCX $STLD $NUE\ $XLF $SIVB $950 $BX $150 $GS $420/$500+ others $HD nh $380 target 1 Machinery setting up $HRI $URI $AGCO even $DE WEEKLY bases $ZS $CRWD $CRM $OKTA $320/$350 to start $400 longer term $SQ WEEKLY breakout will roar Patience without a big commitment Alerts $IYT $AER nhs $70/$90...$100 $AL $75 $TA $60 - $90 $R $125 $ARCB $150
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY breakout nh $70 soon $90.....$100 longer Big WEEKLY base Pinch breakout in motion Pullbacks $AL #2 WEEKLY pinch $50/$75 target 80% upside is huge Leasers rule in jets
  • bRobert: @bRobert $BX $TAN $AVGO $TXN $ARCB $DE Low risk entry here $400 - $600 targets Stop just below Add in scales $AGCO AFTER earnings $$160/$250 targets $URI after earnings $400/$500+ targets $AL Low risk high reward $50/$75 targets $AER Buy a pullback bounce $70/$90 targets ......$100 $FCX Own it $47/$80 targets WEEKLY breakout target
  • bRobert: $AER. I LOVE this BIG. CUP. like WEEKLY. base. Pinch breakout HUGE. upside $70. - $90.......$100. targets. 50%. Long from below. EARLY in this move. $70. Daily C&H. like base target. soon. Best in the space $AL. is. #2. $47.50 with WEEKLY flag. trigger > 50WEEK $72+. WEEKLY breakout. target 75%. potential. Not. too shabby. Does. #2. try harder?
  • bRobert: $AER. Strong. DAily/WEEKLY. base. C&H LIKE. Close to nh. $70/$90+ $AL. #2. will follow $50/$75. Leasers. rule Same in. heavy equipment. $HRI. #1. $200. $URI. #2. $400/$500
  • bRobert: $AER is my #1. $70/$90+. but. #2 $AL. will work well. $44. interim. soon. $48/$70 . with move. > 200d. Leasers rule. in many spaces. $AER $AL for. jets $HRI. $URI for heavy equipment $IIPR Landlords of pot No long term. $$$. commitment with leasing Better for cash flow. until. the future is. more clearly defined and ownership. is preferred for long term. success
  • bRobert: $AL. #2. behind. $AER. Up. near 8%. this week $52/$72. I like the renters. in machinery. ( $HRI $URI). and jets. $AER $AL
  • bRobert: $BCO. Strong buyers of the dip $95/$120 $AER.Bounce Stop . < 50d. $60+/$90 .........$100 $AL. $75. Stop < 20d. after bounce. Low risk $GVA. ADD. 50d. Bounce GIFT. $75. target $ACM. bounce. $70/$100
  • bRobert: $TA. ready to take off with flag trigger $50. SOON $60+ longer $GTLS 200/$300. $GVA. $75. look for pullbacks WEEKLY squeezes breaking out $FCX. low risk entry for serious long term appreciation. $46/$75 100% $AER. $AL. Jet leasers. Look to accumulate on pullbacks. 50 - 75% upside $BCO. $95/$120. Just a piece. WEEKLY pinch
  • bRobert: $AER. flag. $60/$90+. $AL. tight consolidation right over support. $48/$75. $BCO. Set up in place. $85. soon. WEEKLY C&H. like ....pinch. $95/$120. Small goes far $TA. $50. soon with flag trigger. $42. daily flag trigger target first. ALERT > 39.90
  • bRobert: $AER move > 20 WEEK soon and $60+ target 1 (why do I mention that barometer so many times? It works ) 50% upside after that $90...............$100 potential Most stocks that hit $90 make their way to $100 $AL #2 $48 soon $75 longer The $URI $HRI of Jet leasing
  • wanda1616:
  • bRobert: @wanda1616 $AER $AL $URI $HRI #2 Speaking specifically about the 20 WEEK (or 20d on the daily) Both the sunny side of Bollinger Beach Good things happen there I do look at the 150 EMA for a cheat and look for flattening of a downward trend and the beginning of a bullish uptrend
  • bRobert: $AER $60/$62 SOON $90+ longer 60% $AL ready to pop Sitting on 50/200d $50 SOON $75 longer 70% Both with a lot of room to run the $URI $HRI of Jet leasing $BCO Just a small piece Alert at $81 $95/$120 $GVA WEEKLY breakout pullback retest coincides with daily pullback from swing high target BUY the pullback $75 target 75% $ACM breakout small pullback BUY $70 target 1 soon $100 longer $FCX Reversal base daily $46/$75 WEEKLY 100% .... LEAPS Great entry ADD in scales
  • bRobert: $AER I couldn' t have suggested this one enough Trying not to pound $60/$62/ SOON $90 longer term WEEKLY cup Like big base CHEAP GROWTH with better fundamentals than any airline $AL #2 $50/$75 targets Why buy when you can LEASE
  • bRobert: $AER. . Will move. quickly. High upside Strong fundamentals. Growth. Why. buy when you can lease? $60/$95- .....-$100. $AL. will work also $50/$75
  • bRobert: $AER Huge earnings / revenue beat CHEAP WEEKLY 200d bounce /floor $72/$80+ potential $58 soon with move > 50d $AL another in the space reports 8/5 1.5% div $45/$65 potential Why buy when you can lease
  • bRobert: $AER $AL Cheap Back above the 20d $LUV > 20 Reversal base build Early still Watch $IYT testing the 20d from below Watching for a bullish move above in baby steps recovery Would be nice company for $SMH in leading a move higher
  • bRobert: $AER. reported last week. Setting up for. a large. move higher. Low risk entry . Stop. $56.90 $80 potential. Watch reaction to. $AL. earnings tomorrow. $75. potential.
  • bRobert: $AER tight consolidation $70/$100 Big weekly base $AL $75 WEEKL:Y target $CAR nh $100 target New leases on life
  • bRobert: $AER $80 high base target Pinching Earnings 4/28 $AL LONG consolidation Big WEEKLY cup base $75+ $CAR nh $100 targets Shorts being hugged
  • bRobert: $BA. WEEKLY. target 1. acquired. 200 WEEK. kiss. and pullback This was expected Pb bounces. $300/$350. targets. sooner than you think Long term. .....$500 - $600+ $DFEN. $25 - $35. to. start. Higher long term $SPR. $60/$100. longer $TGI. $25 $AL. $AER $70 . $FLY. $20/$35. Lease the friendly skies
  • bRobert: $AL $AER . nh. $75+. $FLY. . Set alert for. $13. =. move. ABOVE 200 WEEK. ceiling. $20 - $30
  • bRobert: $AL. nh. $75. WEEKLY. C&H. target Numerous posts from. much lower. but. still 50%. upside. Pb. bounces. $AER. same target. $FLY. $20. target. Great leasing spec $30+. POTENTIAL. long term $CAR. nh. WEEKLY. CUP. breakout. Short squeeze. $75 . target. All good. leases on life. for your portfolio.
  • bRobert: @debeers $BA $AL $AER $70+ targets Why buy? $FLY $20 W target with move > 200 WEEK
  • debeers: @bRobert $BA $AL $AER $FLY -NOT buying AER, the CEO has expressed his confidence in the MAX. i don't need 2 pups that are the same breed.
  • debeers: @bRobert $BA $AL $AER $FLY -ONLY BA IN THIS SPACE
  • bRobert: $AL $AER Breakout retests.................Buy the bounce $70+ targets $FLY $20 C&H WEEKLY target with move ABOVE the 200 WEEK COMMON THEME for many I follow High taregts unlocked with that move eg $PLCE $BCO was one $CC $HAL soon take a piece if you like this SPEC Alert > $13 200 W
  • bRobert: $AER pop on $GE leasing deal Long with $AL $70+ targets Big resurgence expected as airlines will prefer leasing over purchases until the recovery takes hold
  • debeers: @bRobert $AER $GE $AL -my target for $GE is 17.25.LONG
  • bRobert: @debeers $AER $GE $AL Harriet Tubman trade $20
  • shoredriver: @bRobert $AER $GE $AL ...Where are those Tubmans???...Maybe Janet will go with something more au Oprah's or Megain Markles...
  • sierramp: $AL BO, also move above Jan 2020 high
  • bRobert: $AL nh $56/$70 WEEKLY C&H Look for pb bounces $AER Consider partial/raised stops
  • bRobert: @sierramp $AL CHEAP Pb retest /bounces
  • sierramp: @bRobert $AL Thanks for your thoughts!
  • bRobert: @sierramp $AL I have been gently suggesting a position in $AL / $AER for a while
  • sierramp: @bRobert $AL $AER That must be why it came up when I was entering tickers from memory. :)
  • bRobert: @sierramp $AL $AER Not so subliminal messages
  • bRobert: $FLY SPEC rental $18 WEEKLY W / C&H target 50% upside Long $AL AER $70+ targets
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Stock Price $46.04
Change -0.43%
Volume 497,053

Air Lease Corp. is principally engaged in purchasing commercial aircraft which it, in turns, leases to airlines around the world to generate attractive returns on equity.

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