Boot Barn Holdings Inc. (NYSE:BOOT)

Chart of the Day September 21st, 2021

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  • Awesomeo: $boot: break out small consol box, 8 dma New 52 wk and ATH New postion at 132.5 stop 125.90
  • kenb: @Awesomeo $boot wow, lost sight of that one and not mentioned lately in the forum. Good find.
  • champ: @Awesomeo $boot ...Yes this is in play and just never know where #great-Growth-Stocks like this is going to go, on these type of Breakouts..... ....because they are also opening-up New stores and #all stores are profitable. Good Luck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • camaro69: $BOOT ATH not to far away. $PSTG trying to bounce after good earnings
  • Crodmm: $BOOT. Blasted though 100 finally. Now at 104.
  • JosephM: $BOOT..was in this on Scott's idea. Pulled back I let it go. Looks like it was a good idea.
  • champ: @JosephM $BOOT ....I got in at $71.80, see all of my #Info posts in the Forum.
  • scottrades: ...
    $BOOT Watch 91.30
    $DDOG Watch 132.90
    $CYBR Good Earnings. Watch 264
    $AMD along the 8 EMA. Looks actionable as long as it holds the 21 EMA
    $IWM Watch for breakout to hold above 204

    Let’s have a great day!


  • Henry: @Sanelan $BOOT Whew I saw your post and bought it and thought I top ticked it
  • Sanelan: @Henry $BOOT - Thank you . Have trade it in the past . Planing on 59 min.
  • Sanelan: @Sanelan $BOOT - planning
  • Sanelan: @Henry $BOOT - unless volume drastically changes to better.
  • traderbren: $BOOT - getting ready to kick butt!
  • indigo1948: $BOOT - strong move this morning on low volume.
  • champ: $BOOT...this retailer is still finding its legs, for a new leg up the Wall of Worry......this is also a real nice #zigzagger......
  • champ: $BOOT this sure looks like it is in a hurry, after ER...HOD and still running and I did get back-in.
  • champ: $BOOT is also HOD at $81.50....still real strong after they reported their earnings.....and they said that they had locations that they had to #shut-down, do to bad-weather and even with those locations being down, they still reported strong numbers......and thats the reason Why this stock is on the move.
  • Boone.ruth: @champ $BOOT #shut-down thanks for pointing this one out a week or so okay. Appreciate it
  • chrisbman360: $BOOT showing some strength today after small earnings beat. Near HOD and above upper BB on good volume. Hope to see some follow thru. @champ you holding on?
  • champ: @chrisbman360 $BOOT......No...I took profits this morning.
  • champ: @chrisbman360 $BOOT......They reported large earnings, great earnings.....Yes which was a small beat, but they had a large ER-number to beat, is why this stock didn't move before they reported.
  • rnrdallas1939: $BOOT just got a near $80.00 alert good chance to bail on a looser.
  • chrisbman360: @champ $BOOT Good advice. Strong close near HOD. I also took profits near HOD. Sell the news.
  • champ: @chrisbman360 $BOOT...certain stocks that have already reported their earnings in the Retail sector, can always buy then back.
  • Lou: @champ - willing to forego the glory as I do not have the guts to hold $BOOT over earnings. Out with a loss. They're taking most that report earnings behind the barn and putting a bullet in the brain. I want to live for another opportunity elsewhere.
  • champ: @Lou $BOOT is at $73.35 and HOD was at $74.02 ...and it is never a good idea to hold a stock into their earnings report, however they will be reporting their #Holiday-Sales numbers, so I will be hanging around...because I would like to see the close and I just might hold a position into their earnings...... ...because on 1/5 they #guided their earnings higher than consensus and that guidance was #confusing, however the stock had a great bounce...and I did take my profits.....and then I got back in at a lower price..... ...and this stock is a huge #lagger, so if they beat, they will have a real nice bounce, so the Risk-reward will be in play, going into the close...... ...and then we will all see how many believers there are...... ...and as of now, I'm guessing that I will be holding a position into their earnings.
  • Lou: @champ $BOOT #Holiday-Sales #guided #confusing #lagger - I sincerely wish you best of luck with this holding. #Cluck #Cluck #Cluck, as you can see, I'm just chicken.
  • champ: $BOOT ...had a small beat by $0.02, earnings of $1.81 ...revs rose but were also in-line.... however they #guided-lower......
  • champ: Looks like $BOOT at $74, is off of HOD and is up a little off of LOD... my guess is....could move back up if the Markets holds....
  • champ: $ $73.75, is sure lagging, so far before earnings...and B. Riley came-out and Initiated coverage this morning with a price target ay $92.... ...and $USB on 1/5 came out with a Buy, with their price target at $108, after $BOOT gave mixed guidance on 1/5 ...... .....they came out and guided higher on their earnings, they issued mixed guidance, with revs down a little......and it seems as of now, investors are confused about their next earnings report, which will be on Wednesday morning, so there is only 1-Day left after today....still have time for this stock to move, however it feels like everybody is Watching and Waiting, for this stock to start moving, is my guess. .....Great upgrades before earnings, is why this stock is a #lagger.....
  • champ: $Boot...BlackRock is holding 4,609,893 shares, as of 12/31, per the Securities Exchange.
  • Lou: @champ $BOOT #lagger - I'm waiting and watching, as well. Holding a moderate position, similar to yours, but not dumping pre-earnings nor adding. Thanks for the company (social not entity) that you provide.
  • champ: @Lou $BOOT #lagger...I'm still holding also...and now patiences might start to reward all of us...Good Luck!
  • champ: $BOOT....on Earnings, #Schwab is saying on Wednesday after and is that what everyone else is also seeing ...because if that is right, that would give all the holders 2 more full trading days...????
  • Lou: Trying to decide whether I should give $BOOT the boot out of my portfolio.
  • marklesparkle: @Lou $BOOT ask @Debeers
  • shoredriver: @Lou $BOOT ...use 1/31 earnings as an excuse ....
  • Lou: @marklesparkle $BOOT - I agree with her older view as to fundamentals, though I do get impatient with stocks that languish. I guess that not having made a decision today is in itself a decision. Cheers and enjoy a cold one with me. It's been a great week, because of the whacky portfolio I hold.
  • Lou: @shoredriver $BOOT - yes - thanks, I may exit on Monday.
  • champ: @Lou ....$BOOT was upgraded to $108 on 1/5, by $USB ....and also on 1/10..#Jefferies also raised their price target to $90, from $80... ....Yes they will be reporting their earnings on 1/31, on Wednesday, after the close, have 3 more days and it could be on the start of a Pre-earnings move and I'm watching because I'm holding 600 shares.
  • champ: $BOOT and $OLLI are both moving in the right direction this morning.
  • champ: ...
    $BOOT and $OLLI....I'm also still working/swinging a few retail stocks and I had a Day-trade on
    $LULU today.

    $MDA $AMD $META $ARM $NVDA $PAWN $AAPL $MSFT $AMZN ... I'm have also been Trading stocks in the tech sector, however I did not swing any o ...
  • champ: $BOOT this stock is for all the #workers also, everybody who works outside and they really like this Retailer....
  • champ: $BOOT .....workers who need winter coats too keep them warm, while they are working, this is also where they go. .......Baby it's Cold Outside, however I did get a real nice warm coat, as a gift this year, from $BOOT Barn.
  • champ: $BOOT is also HOD.
  • champ: $BOOT is Now at LOD $71.82, Watch for Entry....and I took nice profits on 1/10 and now I'm Back-in again for a spec swing trade, RNRN.
  • champ: $BOOT...$73.50 and LOD $71.15 was around my new #Back-in-Entry this morning, for a Hold and Build position....for this Next #Pre-earnings move.
  • Lou: @champ $BOOT #Back-in-Entry #Pre-earnings - thanks for the encouragement on Friday. Was about to dump it but am holding. Nice recovery today.
  • Lou: Adding a little to $BOOT RHRN
  • Lou: Gave $BOOT the #boot, retaining a small scout position.
  • champ: @Lou $BOOT #boot....the last high was at $78.15 yesterday, is around where I took profits and before that it was at $83.13....I have been buying low and taking profits on around the highs, only because thats what others have been doing...and for Now I have NP.
  • Onthemark: @champ $BOOT #boot The chart is always right.
  • champ: @Onthemark $BOOT #boot...#No not really....because for me, the Chart only tell me where to take a low risk entry and also where to take profits. Charts are all about #Timings, for me. ....And I have made huge profits in this stock, in the last 30 days....... ....and I'm Not done yet, because I believe there is more coming....... ....however the only thing that really counts is #Entries-and-Exits...... and Working-capital....need $$$ to work-with...because can't work scared and some work better that others.
  • Lou: @debeers - I've finally joined you as an owner of $BOOT. Really makes sense to me at around current trading range.
  • champ: $BOOT ...$73...Upgraded and raised this morning, price target was also raised to $108, by $USB, this stock should Now start a #Pre-earning run.
  • Dale: @champ Bought $BOOT at 73.30 and hope to ride it through 83 or higher again. Thanks for the reminder.
  • champ: @Dale $BOOT ....they are going-to-have a Great #Pre-earnings move and this stock Now has 3-recent upgrades as high as $108 and the last one was this morning, they raised to $108, from $75.......$BOOT is going to have a real nice earnings beat, just like last year.
  • champ: $BOOT, at $73.40, Watch this zigzagger for Entry....this has to be one of the best specially retailers in the U.S. and when they confirm their 1/31 earnings date, this stock is going to take-off and have a great #Pre-earnings move.... ...and my guess is, that this stock is going to report great #Holiday-Sales numbers. ...This stock might not see this nice price level again, however thats always up-to the Markets. ....Watch the Daily 5-minute Chart.....RHRN.
  • champ: $BOOT has 5 nice Green Volume bars on the 5-minute, however I always expect zig-zags.
  • champ: ... the Retail sector, it is $BOOT and $OLLI.......
    and others are, plus $ARIS and $CMC and these are the 8 low-risk stocks for me, that I will be swinging today.

  • joelsg1: @champ $C $META $ARM $CZR $BOOT $OLLI $ARIS $CMC If there is a nice bounce this week, I'm selling into it.
  • champ: $OLLI $BIG $BJ ...these Retailers are HOD and $BOOT is also hanging in nicely.
  • Robert1965: @champ $OLLI $BIG $BJ $BOOT $BIG Thanks for the heads up on this, took $ near HOD looking for a reentry but it seems too high, your thoughts
  • champ: @Robert1965 $OLLI $BIG $BJ $BOOT .....My main Retail investment position is $OLLI, which is also my largest position and I also really like $BOOT, because they have all the nice apparel items in their stores, for #causal-wear, for those who like to wear jeans, so everything is all in one location, which makes it easy to shop.........and both have room to really have nice moves before they report their earnings.......and my guess is, both are going to have real nice earning-beats..... ...then $BIG and $BJ.....and I'm holding all 4 as Investment positions, could also trade around your Core positions, with trading positions..... ...and now the only real risk is how traders are going to handle all the daily zig-zags, that the Markets will have. Good Luck! Discount-retailers really do well during the Holidays.
  • champ: @Robert1965 $OLLI $BIG $BJ $BOOT......On $BIG....I'm trading this stock with size....and I have to agree with you...because I have been In from below.... ....In and Out and then back-in again.....over and over..... and I have no real clue, what this is going to do, in the short-term.
  • champ: $XRT......Retail #Holiday Sales were reported up 3.1%, and Online Sales grew another 6.3% this year, both numbers were YOY, excluding Auto's and that those numbers are strong, because last years strong Retail numbers.... ...this report was per, #MasterCard-SpendingPulse, today, 12/26... ....these numbers were Sales from 11/1 thru December 24th..... ...$OLLI $BOOT $BIG $BJ's.... many companies are going to have large Earning-Beats......
  • champ: $BOOT...HOD....#Retailer and this could be the start of a real nice move.
  • champ: $OLLI HOD is at $71.50 and $BOOT is at $77.50.....Check out both of these retailers because this is a huge quarter for both.........
    ....and $OLLI has to be the most undervalued #Discount-Retailer in the Markets, in the U.S.,... because of their last ...
  • champ: I thought that I lost part of my post on $BOOT but I guess I didn't because I see duplication......typing and watching stocks, doesn't really work very well for me....I type a little ....then I move off ....and then I go back and start again....... ....and I'm not very good at doing that....
  • billyzeke: @champ $OLLI $BOOT $DG $DLTR $FIVE $JPM #Discount-Retailer #Strong-guidance #Discounts #new-Retail-sales-numbers #Adobe #News #Set-up #niche-retailer #No-other #see #employee #opened #lagger #before I can confirm that both of these stores are always packed here in VA, and that my college age son and most of his friends are big into the western wear right now.
  • champ: @billyzeke $OLLI $BOOT $DG $DLTR $FIVE $JPM #Discount-Retailer #Strong-guidance #Discounts #new-Retail-sales-numbers #Adobe #News #Set-up #niche-retailer .................thats good to know, #Thanks.... because I only know about the $BOOT location in Salinas, is really swapped....and I will be checking it again.... today and Saturday, when I drive-by, I will stop and go inside for a look, it only takes a few minutes and I did the same-thing last year.... .....and I caught a real nice move, around $40K.
  • bigbartabs: @champ $BOOT ... I can believe that Boot Barn does really well in the Salinas area... lots of ag business, and western oriented living and families. Also close to the Hollister area, which is very much the same. My daughter won a state Gymkhana championship in Hollister when she was in high school. Hollister holds the week championship event every year. The perfect area for Boot Barn customers.
  • champ: @bigbartabs $BOOT ....However casual-wear, is everywhere now....and I'm not really talking about Western-wear...and a Western wear is a person now-days, that has a Cowboy-hat on, with a cowboy shirt and cowboy boots, I don't see that very often, I do ...
  • champ: @bigbartabs $BOOT....California is an Ag state, everywhere you go and all the others States are more western like Nevada and Arizona....the South was Western was where all the U.S. Cowboys were...but now there only in certain areas...... ...and you said it perfectly, that Salinas would be a great place for a Boot Barn location..... ...and you have to think about this way.....because they also have 350 more stores that are perfect locations, in 43 States...... and thats why this stock is going to have a real nice #Pre-earnings-move, with a huge bounce after they report their earnings..... ....and thats exactly why, this Retail stock is one of my Top-picks, in the Retail sector, for a real nice move from this point on. ....Plus $OLLI, is going to do the same. Good Luck!
  • bigbartabs: @champ $BOOT ... when I went to work for Perot in 1978, it was 3 piece suits. Had to, since we all were so young, we had to look super professional in order to sign big business. along about 1998, we went business casual, since that was what the country and our clients moved to. Then when I retired after 31 years... it was back to basics. Out on the town in wranglers, cowboy boots, canvas shirt... and a hat. If just out... baseball cap. Special occasions... inside, Resistol felt... outside, Stetson straw. Everything in my closet, on the wall, and in the back seat of my Silverado... lasts forever. No more cloths budget needed ==:O
  • champ: @bigbartabs $BOOT....Exactly and another Example was....all the women who worked in the Banks wore high-heels...and my wife was a BofA Bank manager and all the women hated wearing them to work., however all the tellers took them off when they were working and now they wear, causal wear with tennis-shoes...and now days they are called sneakers.
  • champ: $BOOT $OLLI $BIG...I believe that these Retailers, which are still laggers, are going to climb much higher and the all 3 have their reasons why they will outperform, from these current price levels....need to check-out those reasons why.
  • champ: $BOOT....I did another Store-check today and they were swapped again, with 4 check-out registers going and there were about 15 couples in line, look to be groups of 2's waiting to check-out.....
    ....and I asked a question, to what looked to be the #S ...
  • champ: $BOOT....Back-in at $77.42.
  • Dale: @champ $boot in yesterday at 73 out today at 83. Many thanks!
  • champ: @Dale $boot ....Yes sir, way to go, that was a Great-trade...and I did the same, only because it Moved too Fast....and it might be done for the Day....
  • jwstich: @champ $OLLI #News #all #Laggers Nice analysis. Took your trade on $BOOT yesterday. Thank you.
  • champ: @jwstich $OLLI $BOOT #News #all #Laggers....Nice-timing, Good Luck....and I did get back at a lower price.
  • champ: $ LOD at $72.34...and is opening up a nice Entry, could turn-out to be a real nice gift...Watch for Entries, to Build a Trading-position.
  • debeers: @champ $BOOT -NO IMO wait till 70 w/a bounce
  • champ: However on $BOOT and $OLLI.....I'm still holding my full-hands on both and I'm waiting to add again on both.
  • champ: $BOOT at $75.00, #back-in and if it drops any more, I will add-on.
  • LeAf: @champ $BOOT Don you attribute today's weakness to the earnings miss by $DBI which is down more 30% ? What are your convictions for buying now? Thanks in advance
  • champ: @LeAf $BOOT .....Could be, however on $DBI, I don't follow them, however they appear to be mostly a shoe company, for City type customers and they are not even close to the type of company that Boot Barn is....
    .....and $BOOT is mostly an apparel/clo ...
  • champ: $BOOT...HOD at $76 and this is going to $100 this year.....see December of 2021 and then look at that December-January move in 2023 and then that YTDHigh of $104.91, in August....... ....and a 1,000 shares could turn into a $25,000 $$$ profit. ~~~~~~Game-on, Risk-on..............
  • Onthemark: @champ $BOOT Bought yesterday and added earlier today, thanks Champ!
  • champ: $BOOT....just made a New-HOD......
  • curtis: @champ $BOOT (That is a breakout on low volume)
  • champ: @curtis $BOOT...the daily average volume is 660K....and when we look at the Volume, what we are seeing today is......the volume is mostly all #Green-volume, not a lot of sellers and thats exactly what we want to see......we don't want to add any Red-volume......into the daily volume totals .........right......only want to see small Red-volume. ..........Thats how thats works.......
  • champ: $BOOT.... had a Great close...up 7%.
  • champ: I'm swinging these 11 positions that I just re-caped below.......$BOOT $LULU $GPS $BIG $OLLI $SN $CZR $PENN $GTLS $CMC and $KMI....and I took profits on all of my other tech trades during the week....and also on $TSLA.
  • champ: $BOOT....still slowly hanging in around the flat-line....with some small real zig-zagging higher....meaning Not going to get any big moves, however could get lucky....but waiting for an #UpGrade....then we will see more of a move....but needs to hold ...
  • champ: $BOOT...this retailer is still zig-zagging higher, Investment position and their earnings are tentatively around 1/31, they have not confirmed yet and I posted some info on this the other day.
  • champ: $BOOT...nice boots and it looks like they are just going to keep on dancing...and it doesn't look like they are going to slow-down, those boots could just keep on zigzagging, up the Wall of Worry....sure looks like they are going to keep doing, that Texas-Two-Step....
  • champ: $ $70.75....#Bounce-Candidate...and for me this is a new large Investment position, before Black-Friday....and also for this years #Holiday-Shopping-Season, into their earnings on 1/24....... ...because every-time I go in their store they are busy...and on the weekends, last year...they had large #Check-out-lines and I expect the same is going to happen this year...and also this weekend. ~~~I'm expecting New-Upgrades, this year. ....This store is by one of my restaurants where I eat all the time and also by $HD, so I always take a few minutes to check it out. Last year this was a great stock for me and it bounced up to around $90 from $57, take a look at last years chart and I expect a repeat this year. ..........Watch for Entry and Hold and Build...........
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Stock Price $167.81
Change 0.96%
Volume 962,045

Boot Barn Holdings Inc operates specialty retail stores that sell western and work boots and related apparel and accessories. It operates retail locations throughout the U.S. and sells its merchandise via the Internet.

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