Cal-Maine Foods Inc. (NASDAQ:CALM)

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  • DAN: Haven't looked at Cal-Maine Foods ($CALM) in a while. Really strong uptrend, dividend is 4.01%. Steady stairsteps along the 50-day MA.
  • Henry: $CALM destroyed almost 2 mil birds because of avian flu and the stock is not down in pm. np
  • DrScience: $CALM The stock looks like it wants to consolidate heading into earnings release on 1/3/2024 AMC. The week between now and earnings could prove me wrong, but I think it's time to fly the coup on, at least, a partial position with the stock 8% higher than the breakout buy level.
  • DrScience: $CALM Like runny eggs? Yep, running all over the bears today. Scuttlebutt is that egg prices will be increasing as bird flu makes a resurgence in the US. From Dow Jones: Cal-Maine surges 8% after the largest U.S. egg producer reports its first avian influenza case. Analysts at Stephens say the continued outbreak could lead to an increase in egg prices, benefiting the company as supplies shrink. Lower livestock feed costs are also expected to benefit producer profits in the coming months. The bird flu outbreak that began in 2022 has ravaged egg and turkey growers in recent months after a quiet summer season allowed producers to rebuild their flocks. Roughly 10 million egg-laying hens have been killed since the start of November.
  • DavidK: @DrScience $CALM you would think after all these years pharma could develop a vaccine to prevent this bird flu . Just ask Dr Fauci how to do it . Just like that Covid vac that didn’t work
  • DrScience: @DavidK $CALM I'm not sure how additional comments would affect the stock price, but...

    I'm feelin' randy today!


    (In my best Randolph Duke imitation)

    Poultry, like chickens, turkeys, and duck ...
  • DavidK: @DrScience $CALM so , tell all those farmers and their dead chickens how well those vaccines are working .
  • Henry: $CALM Good Sunday morning. Much needed rain last night in VA. Cal-Maine lost a $17 mil price fixing suit by Kellogg Nestles and Gen Mills. Damages could be triple that. $Crypto is having a slow and steady rise this weekend.
  • Doug: $CALM - Taking an egg in the face.
  • Kid2old: $CALM Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. is a producer and distributor of shell eggs in the United States. After dividend and a downgrade by Stephens & Co from Overweight to Equal-Weight, starting to move up on the 5-minute chart. Small position held over earnings.
  • Kid2old: $CALM Will look to add if and when over 50 with a stop at 48.5. Alerts set at 50 and 48.
  • JustJeffPlz: @scottrades is anyone looking at DIVIDENDS for income? $GNL $MO $CALM
  • scottrades: @JustJeffPlz $GNL $MO $CALM Not really my specialty but good info. Thanks for sharing! I think there are still a lot of Long Time SMM Members who want #YieldHogs, so feel free to point them out when you see em.
  • sgiseller: @JustJeffPlz $GNL $MO $CALM These charts make me dizzy despite the nice div. I'm looking @ $flng 8.5% $arcc 10.50%. $efr 10.79% currently. FWIW
  • joelsg1: @JustJeffPlz $GNL $MO $CALM I like $ARI, and bought some this am around $9. Commercial floating rate REIT lender pays 15.25% distribution quarterly. Smart managers, but in commercial real estate in US and Europe, so only put a portion of your income portfolio in this one and try to get it at $9, solid LT support there.
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $GNL $MO $CALM $ARI And to juice the divi, you can sell upside covered calls against.
  • mharps: @dan-I'm long $CALM so keep buying those eggs !
  • traderbren: $CALM - looks like we will break some eggs at the 50d. NP
  • sgiseller: @traderbren $CALM may have something to do with the drop....CALM announced a cash dividend of 2.20
  • mharps: $CALM up after some stuttering but could turn into a nice long term er- div over 8% and eggs won't go out of style
  • mharps: $CALM startre on er and raised divident
  • MongosPawn: $CALM Continues its bounce. Stopped out of $MOH for a small gain. Likely to get stopped out of $UNH for a small loss.
  • issues: I bought a couple of cheapes; $PRQR added to $ARDX. Added to $CALM, $RH & $DD $DRI $HD and started positions in $FOUR $MMP. Trend is your friend, eh?
  • MongosPawn: $CALM Bounce trade. Took a starter position.
  • camaro69: @MongosPawn $CALM Its trying
  • MongosPawn: $CALM $MOH $UNH Bounce trades taken this morning.
  • camaro69: $CALM trying to bounce after yesterday's disaster HOD
  • camaro69: $CALM was down 14% trying to get through VWAP
  • sgiseller: @camaro69 $CALM did they have too much revenue for the market? -14% is a bit ectreme
  • phgruver: @sgiseller $CALM They did miss on earnings. They reported $4.07/share and the market was expecting $4.24/share. This is a 4% miss. This selloff brings them down to the 200dma. It may be a great buying opportunity. I don't follow this one very closely, so I don't know what else was in their earnings report. The dividend isn't high enough to interest me (as a long term hold).
  • camaro69: $CALM ATH at the open. Reports on the 28Th Egg producer
  • camaro69: $CALM Egg Producer reports the 28th above yesterdays close. National egg shortage. Price per dozen has doubled.
  • issues: @camaro69 $CALM Right and lots of chickens are being slaughtered due to disease. I am holding on to CALM, trying to remain calm, and remain with a position in this egg producer. I do have a tight stop on a partial but would like to buy more. And you?
  • camaro69: @issues $CALM If it has a strong close above yesterdays high I will add a 1/4th. went above ATH yesterday but failed to hold. Schwab shows earnings after the close on the 28th. I plan on swinging overnight as for now.
  • issues: @camaro69 $CALM OK but stay CALM, ok? It doesn't look like it will close above yesterday's high of $63.61. Now it's at $63 and turning down ever so slightly.
  • camaro69: $CALM reports o the 28th Egg producer HOD may be ATH
  • scottrades: $SPY $QQQ EOD Give back $UUP Strong USD/JPY Japan cannot raise rates. $TNX Up-only $TBT Dan added to the ATL $DRIP Higher Low is holding $SDS/QID $GLD Just can’t get excited #Bitcoin Uncorrelated, for today. $TSLA at the 50 Day $TWTR Basing $NOC In trend $CALM Working. $VRTX Support at the 100 EMA $ENPH At the 50 Day $AEHR Holding up well $HSY At the 50 Day
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ The FOMC Show Goes On $UUP Near the highs $TNX Closed at an 11 year high $VIX Above 20 $TAN Basing $XLE Choppy $DRIP Higher Low in play still $SDS/$QID Good for Day trades #Bitcoin Following the rest of Risk assets $AAPL Strong $TSLA Strong $NOC Watch 497 $CALM High Handle $WSC Watch 43 $VRTX Small flag $NBIX Watch 108.75 $FSLR Basing $ENPH Basing $ON Basing $AEHR Squeezing $CELH Watch 108.50
  • bigreek42: $calm trying to breakout
  • maracom: @bigreek42 $calm I have that App on my phone. The lady has a very sooooothing voice
  • bigreek42: @maracom $calm ha, will have to check that out
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY /$QQQ Chop City $TNA Day 2 $UUP Still in an uptrend. $TNX Near the highs $TAN Nice day 2 $DRIP Inverse Oil $SMH Holding the slope $ARKK Holding the higher low $IBB /$XBI Big volume $URA Don’t ignore the yellow cake $TSLA In for a cup of coffee $AAPL Not leading $AMZN at the 50 Day $NVDA Holding the Weekly low $AMD Day 2 $ON Big move, strong close, wish it was tighter. $WOLF This is the risk if you chase. $ENPH Took partials today. $SEDG Extended $ARRY Unable to break out yet. $CSIQ Downgraded, but holding the 21 EMA $SHLS Downgraded, shook it off. $RUN Dan mentioned today $CI Basing $HUM At the 50 Day $CALM A Bit wide but near some highs $CELH Let’s talk abou Buy Points $ANET Good volume into the close. $QSR Mentioned in the forum
  • MongosPawn: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $TNA $UUP $TNX $TAN $DRIP $SMH $ARKK $IBB $XBI $URA $TSLA $AAPL $AMZN $NVDA $AMD $ON $WOLF $ENPH $SEDG $ARRY $CSIQ $SHLS $RUN $CI $HUM $CALM $CELH $ANET $QSR Great strategy session. Love the details of your thought process. Very instructive.
  • Crodmm: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $TNA $UUP $TNX $TAN $DRIP $SMH $ARKK $IBB $XBI $URA $TSLA $AAPL $AMZN $NVDA $AMD $ON $WOLF $ENPH $SEDG $ARRY $CSIQ $SHLS $RUN $CI $HUM $CALM $CELH $ANET $QSR Your videos are always so helpful. Especially in this chop, you help me stay focused on risk. I appreciate when you say it’s ok to miss a stock that is going up to focus on risk management. This market has really messed with my head. Thanks for keeping us grounded. You Dan and Rocky do such a great job. But most importantly you care.
  • Geewhiz: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $TNA $UUP $TNX $TAN $DRIP $SMH $ARKK $IBB $XBI $URA $TSLA $AAPL $AMZN $NVDA $AMD $ON $WOLF $ENPH $SEDG $ARRY $CSIQ $SHLS $RUN $CI $HUM $CALM $CELH $ANET $QSR Your videos with their consistent approach is a terrific teaching aide. Stick to your pedagogy. It works for me. Tremendous value to the assemblage.
  • gatordave1: $CALM @woodman mentioned this. Still moving up. (I have some.)
  • wanda1616: @gatordave1 $CALM brutal slaughter of millions and millions of birds. so terrible
  • woodman: $CALM firming up at 21dEMA.
  • woodman: $CALM - mentioned this one earlier today. Kicked into high gear at 3pm. Still going.
  • Pokersmith: @woodman $CALM always pays to stay $CALM
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $CALM CALM before the storm Multiple WEEKLY flag pullbacks $65 potential with trigger Daily 20d bounce Loose stop $51.90 np
  • vitoB: @PhilHarmonic #Stat $CALM BIGLY
  • woodman: $CALM - keep watch of this one. It's pulled back to the 21dEMA area which has been decent support.
  • jwstich: @woodman $CALM recently recommended in Barrons
  • Pokersmith: @woodman $CALM down?
  • woodman: @Pokersmith $CALM - everyone stay calm and no one gets hurt.
  • Pokersmith: @woodman $CALM exactly....stay $CALM
  • Pokersmith: @woodman $CALM lol 👍
  • petomendez: $calm.... no success yet int this short .....rockets do come down to earth sometimes
  • woodman: #FarmProducts - $CALM $AGRO $ADM $BG have on fire .
  • bRobert: @scottrades $TSLA $MSFT $KO $SNAP $LMT $HAL $TWTR $T $AAL $LUV $INTC $BMRC $PM $CMG $VZ $PLD $NDAQ $NVS $UAL $MAN $LOGI $IBM $CALM $OGI $AXP $PHG $BIIB $TSCO $LII $ONB $TMO $SYF $TXN $KEY $CIT $MKTX $CTXS $ISRG $CMA $CHKP $LLNW $HCA $CDNS #Earnings Welcome back Scott !. You were missed. Dan sang O Canada on one of his strategy sessions in your $SWKS. 7/23. Large position. Great set up. and 5G play. If you're board buy some $OSB. and support your Toronto peeps. $50 target Get some $VFF. too. Nice tight wedgie. They're smokin.
  • antfarm: $CALM Starting to push out of a squeeze to the up side. Earnings historically mid July. NP
  • greenpatrol: $CALM just triggered an inside week and up at 41.83
  • kbrowe: From SA. Earnings spotlight, a trio of companies seeing spikes in demand for food products are due to report next week: Egg-producer Cal-Maine Foods $CALM on tap for March 30 Pantry loaders Conagra $CAG and McCormick $MKC both reporting on March 31 Lamb Weston $LW on April 1 Walgreens Boots Alliance $WBA Chewy $CHWY and CarMax $KMX on April 2 Constellation Brands $STZ on April 3
  • spmeyers: @kbrowe $CALM $CAG $MKC $LW $WBA $CHWY $KMX $STZ I read that wholesale egg prices have risen a lot in may places; CALM might be a good bet
  • phgruver: @spmeyers $CALM $CAG $MKC $LW $WBA $CHWY $KMX $STZ ...but this is the time of year when chickens just naturally start laying more eggs. That's why egg prices usually go down around Easter, the producers are buried in eggs! For reasons I don't totally understand, though, along with TP, there seems to have been a run on eggs as well.
  • numbers: Food industry is starting to get some love $SJM,$CALM,$GIS,$FLO
  • Wolf: #Earnings $CALM Vol .34 -15% PM, Earnings Miss, Rev. MIss $CMC Vol 1.5M, up 10% PM, Earnings beat, Sales Miss.
  • debeers: @Wolf $CALM $CMC #Earnings -as mentioned--sold into the pre Wolfie
  • DrScience: $MOS getting some afternoon buyers up 5%. Interestingly, the company cut output amid "Disappointing" market conditions, yet $DE and other ag-equipment ($AGCO, $CNHI) and agri-business ($MOO, $DBA) stocks are looking for higher ground. Shoot! Even $CALM is squeezing just above the 200/50 DMA's.
  • CraigReynolds: $CALM Almost back to the 50 dma pullback. Anyone looking at this stock. Looks like it is coming out of squeeze start phase 2.
  • DAN: @CraigReynolds $CALM No. Not a squeeze, Craig. Make sure you're looking at it for the right reasons. VWAP is at $49.08. So the stock is still under pressure on an intraday basis. If it breaks out above that level, it's still got a pretty steep climb. What's your timeframe? Weeks? Days? Minutes? I want to understand why you're looking at CALM. Dan
  • CraigReynolds: @DAN $CALM Forgot VWAP. With drop to 50 dma; RSI looks good/low; See a squeeze forming; looking for a short term trade, possible an option pop trade. Actually paper trading 90% of things I'm looking at and watching what others trade in forum to see what the trade does. If $CALM would come down another 1 point, looking for pop back to 50. Just watching how stock moves and reacts. A weak point of mine is looking at all needed information before doing anything. It probably would be a day trade that could turn into a long position.
  • tjv821: $calm anyone else in this egg??
  • bRobert: $CALM . $SAFM breakout
  • DrScience: @bRobert $CALM Wait for it... Stock is HTB so short squeeze could go on for a few days. Another opportunity to short the stock once this runs its course.
  • bRobert: @DrScience $CALM THX . Wasn't looking to short.
  • Argyle: $CALM breaking higher after a small flag. Egg biz is work'n.
  • champ: @Argyle $CALM --- Nice move today.....but they report earnings on Monday morning in the PM..10/2 and the markets will get an update on Egg Productions and they loss power and were working on back-up power and they have facilities in Florida and southeast Georgia and they were hit by Irma. They did say that damage was minor. However, I expect some will be selling going into the close today....Be Aware.
  • Argyle: @champ $CALM Good to know. Thank you!
  • gwenzee: @champ $CALM Doesn't take a very high wind to move a chicken around. Did they lose much of their stock? (Chicken that is) Was in this a few yrs. ago but haven't looked at it recently.
  • champ: @gwenzee $CALM --- I don't really know, I wouldn't think so or not all that many. Its all about egg production, the wind might slow that down...? I would think Egg demand is down. They are not eating a lot of eggs in many parts of Texas, Florida and in all the Island, they are eating GI rations in the Islands....I'm guessing..
  • gwenzee: @champ $CALM If I remember correctly, you need chickens for egg production. If you lose your producers you lose your production.
  • phgruver: @gwenzee $CALM Even free range chickens are locked up in coops at night, and during inclimate weather. The greater danger is that the farmers might run short of feed and water. I don't know if that's a factor here or not.
  • gwenzee: @phgruver $CALM Feathers are getting ruffled in either case. During Katrina thousands of chickens died from drowning not by getting blown off of their perches.
  • jetace: $SAFM $PPC $CALM $DF$JBSS $BETR interesting how all these packaged food companies have a high short interest and the two chicken based companies are having a big breakout today
  • spmeyers: @jetace $SAFM $PPC $CALM $DF $JBSS $BETR who knew a chicken stock could run like SAFM has?!
  • boba: $CALM Taking off this morning.
  • TunaHelper: Chicken trade starting to work. $CALM popped up on a screen. Also $TSN, even $HRL (turkey).
  • Bridget: Notes: $XLP Food Stocks - $CALM $DF $TSN $HRL $GIS $SYY all strong today, this sector is recovering Oil stocks - I like $EOG $COP and of course $XOM also, $SU and $CNQ are canadian energy stocks that are performing well and not too overextended. Retail - large cap stores are up $WMT $COST $ULTA $ROST $XLY - the sin stocks are also recovering $MO $RAI $TAP Tech stocks were the big winner today - $QQQ $XLK $SMH $MSFT $WDC $INTC Health Care - insurance stocks are holding up $ANTM $UNH $HUM a few others $OPK and $DGX are still working
  • woodman: @traderbren $CZZ $BGS $SJM Full list of #FoodandBeverage stocks that caught my eye this morning (SJM was on there): $CZZ $FIZZ $SNAK $CALM $BGS $INGR $BREW $POST $ADM $BG $SJM $CPB $SYUT $SAM $ANDE $FLO
  • Forexpro: Re: $CALM

    Hi, Friends,

    I tried being long this ticker, never managed to hang on to it, and couldn't really figure out why the stock had such difficulty gaining traction. As Dan reminds us periodically, the market knows, and discounts, all available ...
  • traderbren: $BITA $CALM - seeing a bid since the open
  • traderbren: $CALM -- looks like a short squeeze in the works.
  • champ: @traderbren $CALM - They have news...they acquire all the assets of Foodonics International...doing business under the name of Dixie Egg Company, terms not disclosed....I'm now watching....Thanks for pointing this out. This stock has not really been doing anything...other than consolidated ever since $WMT got into the Egg business and dropped this stock.
  • Bridget: ...
    $CALM - bullish divergence, relatively higher low
    $WNR, $PSX, $VLO - oil stocks seeing a bounce
    $JPM, $GS, $C $BAC - bank stocks seeing a bounce
    $KMI - flag looks about done
    $WMB - nice steady uptrend
  • traderbren: $CALM - np, but noticed it moved above $46.08
  • TravelinTrader: @traderbren $CALM Earnings Tuesday I believe could be the reason.
  • antfarm: $CALM pushing out of a squeeze. Poked above the 200dma this morning. Long stock with a covered call.
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Stock Price $86.46
Change -1.34%
Volume 1,241,500

Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. is a producer and marketer of shell eggs in the United States. Its main business is the production, grading, packaging, marketing and distribution of shell eggs.

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