Hims & Hers Health Inc. Class A (NYSE:HIMS)

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  • camaro69: @kohli1 $HIMS working nice!
  • camaro69: $HIMS up 12% HOD on news
  • kohli1: $HIMS - I bt some this morning for initial thought of daytrade with a plan to close near 22. Is it a good idea to keep some for swing? If so, I like to get some ideas on that.
  • bob212: @kohli1 $HIMS
  • Bridgemate: $HIMS joining S&P 600 on Oct 9
  • Henry: $HIMS Gotlieb said the GLP-1's are off the shortage list and the FDA ought to be cracking down on the compounding pharmacies.
  • Obsxllc: @Henry $HIMS the 503B sterile labs are on "fire" with the production of GLP-1s and most independent pharmacies in most states can access these items for CASH sells. On the other hand the 503A NON sterile labs is where the FDA needs to use their resources in my view
  • woodman: @Henry $HIMS - is much more than an obesity medication/treatment company. That said, obesity treatment is also a large - and growing - part. Here's a good article. The company believes there is plenty of money to be made still in the obesity TA. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/health-tech/hims-hers-projects-2024-revenue-hit-137b-buoyed-demand-weight-loss-drugs Also, this one discusses the company's moving into the more untapped area of women's health (vs. men's health). https://www.axios.com/2024/08/08/hims-hers-womens-health-weight-loss
  • woodman: @Henry $HIMS - I posted this below in reply, but re-posting up higher since you may not see it: $HIMS is much more than an obesity medication/treatment company. That said, obesity treatment is also a large - and growing - part. Here's a good article. The company believes there is plenty of money to be made still in the obesity TA. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/health-tech/hims-hers-projects-2024-revenue-hit-137b-buoyed-demand-weight-loss-drugs Also, this one discusses the company's moving into the more untapped area of women's health (vs. men's health). https://www.axios.com/2024/08/08/hims-hers-womens-health-weight-loss
  • woodman: $HIMS may well end up having a good day today. Initially, it was down a lot after it reported yesterday. Now down only about 1% here in the pre. It beat the consensus (though not Earnings Whisper) on revs, earnings and it guided higher.

    Hims & H ...
  • woodman: @woodman $HIMS - my theory not looking so good.... I'm staying in my foxhole.
  • woodman: $HIMS - nice comeback today. It reports amc. I think it will beat, but guidance will be curious given some news about obesity drug shortages being over. However, many don't think much about HIMS being much more than obesity meds. I was going to play the earnings casino game, but not in this enviroment. I'm not risking overnight Middle East news this week.
  • woodman: $HIMS collapsed around 12:45.
  • woodman: $HIMS - Last 2 Qs have led to big moves the day after reporting. I plan to hold a position through earnings (size of position to be determined still). It reports 8/5 amc.
  • woodman: $HIMS - last two earnings were blowouts, up nearly 35% the next day each time. Earnings are 8/5 amc.
  • joelsg1: @woodman $HIMS But all I see is Blue Chew...
  • traderbren: @joelsg1 $HIMS - LOL...good one! ;-)
  • joelsg1: $HIMS Apparently the FDA warned against non-approved GLP-1 drugs a few hours ago. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-07-26/us-fda-warns-of-dosing-errors-with-compounded-versions-of-novos-weight-loss-drugs
  • woodman: $HIMS has been consolidating. The rising 50d has caught up. Still an inside day.
  • woodman: $HIMS nice pop this morning.
  • Motorman: @woodman $HIMS Hey Doc, for got to ask. Are you a Nephrologist?
  • woodman: @Motorman $HIMS - Me? I'm not a physican. I only play one on TV. Other than by way of lay person "study" (reading a lot), my limited personal experience with nephology comes as a result of having a kindey removed following discovery of renal cancer and seeing a nephrologist once a year in follow-up. I've mentioned before that I'm not a doctor or even practiced in the sciences. I just study what I can. But I don't want there to be any confusion about that.
  • joelsg1: @woodman $HIMS Juris "Doctor" counts :)
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $HIMS - Thank you. I will quote you to the Medical Board. :-0
  • joelsg1: @woodman $HIMS "Florida Medical Board", "Dr. Hackenbush" :)
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $HIMS - Ha! I was going with "Dr. Beeper."
  • Henry: $HIMS Got hit by a short report from Hunterbrook
  • ZMan2: @Henry $HIMS Thanks or the info. I could find a reason for the 10%2B% drop in the pre-market.
  • ZMan2: $HIMS 10%2B % drop in the pre market.
  • woodman: $HIMS trying to find support at the 21dEMA.
  • woodman: $HIMS has been crushing it. It's giving a little pullback this morning to the 8dEMA which has been solid support since mid May.
  • woodman: $HIMS - tried my luck with HIMS today, but stopped out.
  • Roadrunner: $HIMS another new high
  • Bridgemate: @woodman $HIMS any thoughts? and when might you be adding to VKTX? Thanks, in advance
  • StockMarketMentor: ...
    Hims & Hers ($HIMS) is up about 6% this morning after it announced that it is entering the compounded GLP-1 weight loss injections. As I read the news, it looks like the company is aiming for the low end of the costly medication with a starting ...
  • woodman: $HIMS - wow.
  • Onthemark: $SPRY, $VKTX and $HIMS doing well today. Long all.
  • camaro69: $HIMS breaking higher today
  • woodman: @camaro69 $HIMS - Shoulda, woulda, coulda for me! Congrats to you, though.
  • Lou: @woodman $HIMS - had it at around 9 and ditched for a tiny profit.
  • woodman: @Lou $HIMS - Holdin through earnings would have been dicey. But since the, it hasn't stopped. Oh well, there's always another one.
  • ZMan2: @camaro69 $HIMS Got in on Feb 28 at $13.
  • Onthemark: @ZMan2 $HIMS Nice job. I got in on March 4 at 14, and adding on the way up.
  • ZMan2: $HIMS is up 7% & at 52 week high.
  • Onthemark: $HIMS New High today just riding up the 8dme, Been long
  • ZMan2: $HIMS is up 6.5% this morning on an upgrade b Tigress Financial.
  • ZMan2: $HIMS is now up 12% on strong volume.
  • woodman: $HIMS congrats @Crodmn.
  • Crodmm: @woodman $HIMS $VKTX $ARDX. $ELF. Wouldn’t be in any of these but for your posts. Can’t say thank you enough. Especially with my planned retirement only 3 months away. Nice to have some big winners.
  • woodman: @Crodmm $HIMS $VKTX $ARDX $ELF - Congrats on your imminent retirement!! Enjoy.
  • Crodmm: @woodman $LLY $VKTX. $HIMS. Took a starter in $VKTX. I’m holding a half position in $HIMS. Any thought on it going into earnings tomorrow. I really appreciate your insights on these biotechs.
  • woodman: @Crodmm $LLY $VKTX $HIMS - Sorry, I have no insights on $HIMS in terms of earnings. I like the chart - or at least its potential - as it looks like it's an inverse head and shoulders resolving to the upside, but earnings/updates/guidance override charts. HIMS isn't a biotech, btw. https://investors.hims.com/overview/default.aspx
  • Lou: Thanks to @woodman and others, I've built a biotech portfolio that consists of too many stocks, but some are way over full positions and some are just scout positions to watch. My biotechs are: $ARDX – now very large $CLRB – midling $DAWN – moderate $EFTR – small $HIMS – new small $HUMA – brand new, small $INZY – Full $LFMD – small $MREO – moderate $PDSB – Moderate $SPRY – small $VKNG - large
  • woodman: @Lou $ARDX $CLRB $DAWN $EFTR $HIMS $HUMA $INZY $LFMD $MREO $PDSB $SPRY $VKNG $VKTX - The biotechs are addictive, especially when they are kicking a$$ as the ones we're in are doing. (Though, you never know when a rug-pull is coming, but let's not discuss that on a Friday.)
  • Lou: Didn't get a chance to post it before , as I had to run out, I took starter positions in $HIMS $LFMD $HUMA - up pennies since then.
  • Crodmm: $HIMS Getting some action. Above all the MA’s, but not extended IMO.
  • woodman: $HIMS percolating with an intermediate cup and handle while holding the 200d with the 50d about to move above 200d.
  • vitoB: Slowly building $HIMS position BAck
  • vitoB: Lightening up on $HIMS Will add back later. Added $DVN as well. $RES and $CVX too. Bought back $MU short
  • billyzeke: @vitoB $HIMS $DVN $RES $CVX $MU Took some off of $HIMS too, thanks @woodman for bringing this one to my attention.
  • vitoB: $HIMS nice chart long
  • woodman: $HIMS - intermediate cup and handle above 200d which looks like it could now serve as support. I say intermediate because it looks to be part of a larger cup still in the makeing and that it could go higher. Completion of the larger cup, if I am right, is another 33% higher (~$12). (Even that could be viewed as part of an even larger cup if, down the road, if it is able to make its way back to its ath of $25. Weekly chart shows that best)
  • natural: @woodman $HIMS I must comment on the irony in @woodman posting about $HIMS. Hilarious!
  • woodman: @natural $HIMS - It took me a bit to get that! Funny.
  • vitoB: been sellin all morning , oout of $NKE $MNDY half of $HIMS...lookin at the solar stocks, lot of them lost their open, but mostly and short cover on the final day of the quarter position, $SHLS most shorted, $SEDG most below avg anal target. $RUN most beta but i took a swing and a miss last week. lets see the last 15min of the rotation
  • vitoB: $HIMS talkin quarter off
  • vitoB: another spec stock....was great trading back in the spring...$HIMS... penalty box, but heavily shorted into the quarter, 6.27 close would be 3 open green candles on a bad tape...half of my spec trades havent worked during the pullback, but lotta famous short sellers covering at these levels for now....
  • Momentariness: $HIMS volume moving up
  • vitoB: $HIMS @BarryC , short squeeze candidate, poppin right back to the 150d
  • vitoB: Oldie $HIMS starter
  • BarryC: @DAN you need to spend more time on the $HIMS website and keep yourself occupied.
  • BarryC: BTW, Couple things I didn't stay with (for whatever reason, earnings, tight stop, etc.) BUTTTTTTTT still watching closely: $ONON, $CRSR & $HIMS
  • BarryC: Hi everyone, I went home #long $GOOG, $GLD $HIMS, $IEP $MARA, $NVDA & $NVO
  • vitoB: @BarryC $GOOG $GLD $HIMS $IEP $MARA $NVDA $NVO #long ...would you add to $HIMS above 11.40? still in the portion couldnt dump after earnings.
  • BarryC: @vitoB $GOOG $GLD $HIMS $IEP $MARA $NVDA $NVO #long I wouldn't add personally... In fact, Im hangin on by a thread... IF it doesn't hold 10.40ish, Im out.
  • BarryC: On another note, I went home #Long: $ABNB, $CRSR, $GLD, $GOOG, $HIMS, $IEP, $MARA $NVDA & $ONON. I don't mean to sound like a broken record BUT I will be buying cheap PUTS on $CRSR and $MARA heading into earnings. In fact, I also took @DAN's advice yesterday and took my $MARA position down in size because there's cushion on the position.
  • natural: @BarryC With this news earlier, "FDA advisers vote unanimously in support of over-the-counter birth-control pill" I think it's good for $HIMS. I'm back in real small.
  • BarryC: @natural $HIMS Cool, Ty!! I still have my position and trying to sit tight....
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone, I went home #long: $ABNB, $CRSR, $GLD, $GOOG, $HIMS, $IEP, $MARA, $NVDA & $ONON
  • BarryC: @BarryC $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $GOOG $HIMS $IEP $MARA $NVDA $ONON #long Just as a reminder, I bot some cheap out of the money PUTS on $HIMS heading into the report last night. I will most likley today, dump those and re-set a stop accordingly. Also $ABNB reports tonight and I will do the same (buy some cheap out of the money PUTS as a hedge). AND while Im mentioning, will ALSO do the same for $CRSR and $MARA tomorrow.
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone, I went home #long: $ABNB, $CRSR, $GLD, $HIMS, $IEP, $NVDA, $MARA $ ONON Earnings this week on $ABNB, $HIMS & $CRSR. I will have some cheap out of the money PUTS on each individual name for a hedge in order to hold through the reports.
  • cecil: @BarryC $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $NVDA $MARA #long Good Morning Barry! :D
  • BarryC: @cecil $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $NVDA $MARA #long Good Morning!! Hope ya had a great weekend!!
  • cecil: @BarryC $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $NVDA $MARA #long Thank you, hope the same to you!! Still learning on SMM forum, trying to finish all the tutorial videos lol See lots of great contents!
  • BarryC: @cecil $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $NVDA $MARA #long I've been at it for 30%2B years and STILL learn new things. KEEP AT IT!! Its a marathon not a sprint. :-)
  • vitoB: @BarryC $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $NVDA $MARA #long ....see $HIMS reporting tonight... looks to be opening near a 52 week high and 15% short interest. gonna press those shorts on this one at the open.
  • cecil: @BarryC $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $NVDA $MARA #long Hey Barry, sorry do you mind to share your avg or the price fit to buy some $ONON? I have been watching it fly but never get a chance to be in....lol
  • BarryC: $HIMS May 8, 2023 - 4:15 pm Revenue of $190.8 million, up 88% year-over-year in Q1 2023 Net loss of $10.1 million; Adjusted EBITDA profitability of $6.1 million in Q1 2023 Subscribers grew to over 1.2 million, up 87% year-over-year in Q1 2023 Raises full year 2023 revenue guidance to a range of $810 million to $830 million and Adjusted EBITDA guidance to a range of $25 million to $30 million
  • BarryC: @BarryC $HIMS https://www.stocktitan.net/news/HIMS/hims-amp-hers-health-inc-reports-first-quarter-2023-financial-ynnzhojs7wvu.html
  • vitoB: @BarryC $HIMS ...NICE. thanks for this.up 5%
  • vitoB: @vitoB $HIMS and gave it back. glad to unload half on the pop
  • BarryC: @vitoB $HIMS I intend to sit with it and manage my stop price along the way. 👌
  • BarryC: On another note: I got stopped out of $DIS yesterday and went home long: $ABNB $HIMS, $IEP, $MARA & $NVDA
  • BarryC: #BTW.... Many of my positions report Next Week so, I'll be managing risk accordingly. long# $ABNB, $CRSR, $HIMS, $IEP, $MARA $ONON & $NVDA
  • BarryC: $HIMS reports Monday.... I still have my full position (have not trimmed) and up 17.22%. I have some cushion headed into the report. Instead of leaving my stop in and running the risk of it gapping down, getting stopped out THEN bouncing in my face..... I'm buying the May 10 PUTS as protection.
  • BarryC: @BarryC $HIMS just fyi.... I generally do the same for ANY position that I'm holding thru earnings. The STOP plan is much more difficult with the volatility after a report, IMO.
  • BarryC: Have a Great Weekend Everyone!! Im going home #long: $ABNB, $CRSR, $GLD, $HIMS, $IEP, $MARA $NVDA & $ONON.
  • DougL: @BarryC $ABNB $CRSR $GLD $HIMS $IEP $MARA $NVDA $ONON #long - Thanks HAGW!
  • DAN: @BarryC $HIMS That was a heckuva squeeze on HIMS on Monday 4/17. Big breakout the following day! It was a very clear and obvious setup. I totally missed it. You didn't. Nice!
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Stock Price $33.75
Change -2.77%
Volume 15,917,600

Hims & Hers Health Inc is a multi-specialty telehealth platform that connects consumers to licensed healthcare professionals, enabling them to access high-quality medical care for numerous conditions related to mental health, sexual health, dermatology, primary care, and more.

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