ResMed Inc. (NYSE:RMD)

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  • Henry: $RMD Sleep apnea machine, benefiting from Phillips agreeing to stop selling these machines. CEO also said GPT drugs were not impacting the market np
  • Angdionk: $RMD just reported and as of now will be opening below 3 standard deviations of BBs might be good for a 59min trade
  • jpoko13: $RMD is breaking out
  • Bandit: @Angdionk $RMD Look at the weekly chart, a thing of beauty!
  • Angdionk: $RMD low volume trying to break out
  • Angdionk: $RMD very tight just below 50 and 200dma
  • Angdionk: $RMD pulling back to 50 and 200dma watching
  • vincenzo: $RMD is down 10% pre-mkt. Anybody know what's happening ?
  • Angdionk: $RMD broke out of weekly consolidation last week on earnings report pulling back a little so far this week
  • Angdionk: $RMD just reported gapping and going
  • Angdionk: $RMD trying to bounce off 8 and 200dma
  • Angdionk: $RMD moving
  • Angdionk: $RMD gapping above 50 and 200dma
  • Angdionk: $RMD popping a little
  • bigbartabs: @DAN $AMZN $SPY $DIA $QQQ $DOW $CF $NTR $URA $LEU $UEC $XME $CLF $MTRN $RS $TMST $BTU $ARCH $FCX $ANTM $HCA $UNH $RMD $ISRG $REGN $ABBV ... I watch lower low weeks... and we have a lot of em.
  • DAN: ...
    $RMD -- Watch this one.
    $ISRG -- If it runs back up to around $300, could be a good short.
    $REGN -- Watch this for a move higher. But still in a long channel. 200-dma is support.
    $ABBV -- Trending higher
  • Lou: Closed $RMD (small) today at 262.24. No more sentimental holdings!
  • Lou: Bought a little $RMD for sentimental reasons - like their product that I'm medically required to use.
  • setshot: @Lou $RMD - Hello fellow CPAP user I assume. It's a great product and I have been a user for many, many years.
  • Lou: @setshot $RMD - hi setshot. Yes, It's a great, user friendly product. Lucky to have gotten it when my Respironics device was recalled. Edit - I only purchased a small position because the stock trades in low daily volumes so it's not as liquid as I would want.
  • steve71: $RMD Covid isn't going away. Sleep apnea isn't going away. Adding with Buy /Writes $CLDX Voted (by me) Most Likely To Be Acquired.
  • CdrJake: $RMD at all time high on break out today. Blue skies above.
  • MtChet: $RMD - Closing a gap with a C&H pattern. Earnings 4/28
  • Explorer: $RMD -- Riding the wave -- looks like charts over 50DMA - up to the right
  • Bwhitty: $SPY hey investors. Here is a list that motley feels is strong for entries today through 3 years. So not a trade per say but for smaller entries long term growth. Just passing along $ABNB $AMZN $ATVI $AXON $CRWD $FVRR $IDXX $LMND $NTDOY $PINS $PLNT $RMD $SLKZ $SNBR $TWLO $Z $ZM
  • Bwhitty: $RMD holding up well a PB to weekly support. Bought with stop 188.98
  • Harvey: $RMD. For the past 2 days $RMD had very low price variation throughout the day. Unusual. That says to me a fund was likely doing a buy. Today it seems to be back to normal price fluctuations.
  • bla00109: $RMD -- apparently operating margin drop of 20 bp a disappointment as RMD opens down 2.5%. I stopped out at 209 for a 2.4% loss (still a successful trade as I managed my risk -- the squeeze just resolved to the downside). As of this edit, RMD is down 6%. Mkt REALLY doesn't like the earnings numbers I guess.
  • Harvey: $RMD. $RMD increased earnings substantially, but stock is down 16 points. Any information why? This looks uncharacteristic.
  • Harvey: @bla00109 $RMD $RMD. Thank you for your thoughts. $RMD is a long term hold for me. I'll see how it acts in the next day or so. May add.
  • scottrades: $RMD coming out of the squeeze @Dan mentioned last night.
  • wineinquirer: Wineinquirer $RMD @scottrades On one of my watchlists BUT.........ready for it.........earnings are on Thursday!
  • scottrades: @wineinquirer $RMD Good to note! I didn't see that, just got the alert.
  • lostsheep: $RMD another higher low with the 20 as a launching board looking for next test at 221.19
  • lostsheep: $RMD now looking at next resistance of 224.24 Earnings 1/28
  • bla00109: @lostsheep $RMD Just a couple of us watching this stock. Fairly good volume on today's rise. I think this would be covered on CNBC show "Slow Money".
  • lostsheep: @bla00109 $RMD LOL the move today was so robotic. the levels were very predictable. the opened held Friday low to 218 then 221 and finally tested the recent high within 24c and pullback which is the end of the ride for me. I'll use my cpap tonight and sleep better with less risk. Earnings 1/28
  • DAN: ...
    $RMD -- earnings on Thursday. Alert $223.50
    $ORLY -- Look at this pattern. A steep selloff on volume is a very risky stock to own. Lots of supply overhead...and we can see what happens.
    $UBER -- Looks like a shakeout. This could be a very good ent ...
  • lostsheep: $RMD testing recent resistance from above
  • lostsheep: $RMD nice bounce off support and the 8 above 221 and 245 is the target
  • greenpatrol: $RMD just triggered an inside month and up at 219.28
  • lostsheep: @greenpatrol $RMD Was on my macd scan list looks promising I have one of there machines and the supplies never stop
  • greenpatrol: @lostsheep $RMD Good to know. Thanks. Volume is a little light today. Hopefully setting up for a decent move.
  • Margi1983: $RMD..Long tight base but I am wondering if this thing will ever break out. touched the 50 ma today and bounced. Long, bored but disciplined with a tight stop. Fundies are fantastic
  • vatradergreg: $RMD WEEKLY cup and handle continues to do its work ; Target $255 in time.
  • spmeyers: $RMD moving up out of cup and handle; I'll let bRobert estimate the move but I'll be happy with 240
  • vatradergreg: Still time to enter $RMD before the POWER move happens.
  • Mnatale: @vatradergreg $RMD its the volume that makes me hesitate?
  • vatradergreg: @Mnatale $RMD when you see WEEKLY volume decline, its what you prefer to see. The supply/decline dynamic is stagnant with less supply in motion. This a learned technique, not mine, can't take credit. Take a look at Mark Minervini/David Ryan/William O'Neil etc...all major moves show generally the same characteristic. Hope this helps and good luck out there!
  • Mnatale: @vatradergreg $RMD appreciate the feedback! and I see your point.
  • vatradergreg: @Mnatale $RMD Anytime Mnatale, good luck out there.
  • vatradergreg: @Bogeyboy $RMD Yeah, I certainly see what you're seeing Bogeyboy. Very low volume, but when I switch over to the WEEKLY chart which is the biggest tool in my toolbox, I see a very nice wide cup and handle. Very textbook actually. This trade could totally crap out and our stop will catch us, but I'm betting it doesn't. I have a full position on and my target is $255. Might take a few weeks
  • Bogeyboy: @vatradergreg $RMD I entered at $212. 1/2 position. If we’re proven correct in a day or two I will load the boat. I did okay on this earlier this year. Your ticker symbol in post caught my eye. Thanks for sharing idea and let’s hope for happy returns.
  • vatradergreg: @Bogeyboy $RMD well I'll say good luck to us both! Hopefully we'll be sitting pretty! Good luck and happy holidays!
  • vatradergreg: $RMD restart; Closed this by mistake and putting it back on. Nice bounce off WEEKLY support. Cup/handle $255 target.
  • vatradergreg: Starting $RMD on a WEEKLY c/h setup. Declining volume over the last 4 weeks and back to a decent low risk entry. Looking for a touch and go. Target $255; measured move
  • traderbren: #Weekly_charts: some stocks to keep an eye on and set alerts based on their weekly charts. $SWKS, $AN, $FND, $TENB, $MEDP, $ICHR, $ETSY, $AMD, $LOGI, $PYPL, $CDNS, $VIPS, $HOLX, $AMKR, $DDOG, $JD, $SHOP, $TME, $VRT, $GMAB, $EXPI, $RMD, $GOLF, $OKTA, $PFSI, $BERY, $CHGG, $OMI, $NGVC
  • bRobert: @traderbren $CMPS $PYPL $WST $VIPS $CDNS $DHI $FND $HOLX $SNPS $MNST $ALRM $AMD $JD $SHOP $UCTT $ARRY $BLDP $FDX $MTSI $LPSN $HMST $FOCS $RMD $CRWD #Weekly_charts Parlez vous Weekly? You’re speaking my language. Many favorites here. UCCT. $50+ Weekly cup. Long term. 50% move. to $31 target 1 $fdx c&h. $400 $spot. Another $450 $mlm $vmc $med. $300 $crwd. $200. C&h $mdb. )360 c&h $strl. $26 $MS $75 $GS $300 $MU. $90. $URI. $300 Weekly. c&h. in motion $MRNA $170 . $BNTX. $150 $LABU C&H in motion $100/$140 $GH C&H in motion $160
  • traderbren: #Weekly_charts -- some tickers to keep an eye on based on the weekly set up: $CMPS, $PYPL, $WST, $VIPS, $CDNS, $DHI, $FND, $HOLX, $SNPS, $MNST, $ALRM, $AMD, $JD, $SHOP, $UCTT, $ARRY, $BLDP, $FDX, $MTSI, $LPSN, $HMST, $FOCS, $RMD, $CRWD
  • bRobert: $RMD Daily/WEEKLY CUP $275 measured move target $XLE $USO 2 possible explanations for move in oil Recession probability has been reduced . Early cycle expansion Increased demand Impression that US supply will be modestly curtailed by POTUS Elect Fracking industry has been their own worst enemy bringing unbridled supply to the market and lowering the floor well below profitability There is a sweet spot for price You want a healthy oil industry that is profitable It is good for the economy
  • debeers: @bRobert $RMD $XLE $USO -that's what i said yesterday. The new administration, by curtailing fracking, will be the oil man's bvest friend.
  • bRobert: @debeers $RMD $XLE $USO WE AGREE !
  • debeers: @bRobert $RMD $XLE $USO -1. its a good sign 2. i didn't think you saw what i said because you were too busy with your Harem!
  • lostsheep: @bRobert $RMD $XLE $USO With money so desperately searching for a home. Clearing this 43.5 are should set the stage for a run to a round 50. If $TSLA can find $25 a share each day $6.5 a barrel might be possible.
  • bRobert: @debeers $RMD $XLE $USO I posted this theory weeks before the election and got a lot of flack for it And in regards to the harem, they all had the day off International holiday
  • Ajax4Hire: @bRobert $RMD $XLE $USO Yes, Back in October-2020, I heard several Youtube armchair analysis talking up many of the big oil producers: $XOM, $CVX, $RDS/A even $BP, $MRO $XOM-Exxon/Mobil, originally the largest was overtaken by $CVX-Chevron Most posit $CVX is the "better" company and the stock price seems to agree. But $XOM was at historic dividend(10.5%) and that lured me in. Started buying $XOM in my long-term, cementing full-size position at 10.5%APR. Original goal is to sell once sanity restored at $70(5%). But maybe $CVX would have been the better option. There is a love-hate relationship with hydrocarbon. Note: ALL current energy production is solar power except for Nuclear. Wood, Oil, Coal, Wind, Solar-direct-to-Electricity, Hydro-Electric; all sourced from the Sun. CA fires; result of too much stored solar power not being released slowly over years.
  • Bogeyboy: $RMD I am still very long in ResMed. it is starting to look weak and tired. @DAN talked about not selling a stock when there is good no reason to sell in his weekend update video. I have done very good on this one. Are there any thoughts on this ticker? It seems like perhaps I should put his money to work elsewhere.
  • romanalexk: $RMD what a great stock! From $168 to $208 I never had to worry. Thank you @DAN!
  • DAN: ...
    $RMD -- Just hold this. It is steep...but that’s not a bad thing.
    $IIVI -- Coiling in a low cluster. Alert $47.00
    $SWKS -- Watch how this acts after earnings.
    $CARR -- IPO with good momentum. Use 8-day EMA as reference for stops.
    $HAIN -- ...
  • Hans_Schultz1: $RMD My $200 alert fired. Seeing low volume though plus it's Friday and earnings are next week I believe. Looks extended on weekly chart. Daily looks like it might not be quite ready to run, but it might. Keep watching.
  • DAN: ...
    $RMD -- Makes my CPAP machine, that makes me look like something from Area 51. Strong fundamentals. RS 88.
    $IRTC -- Fairly thin, but good setup. A move above $123.74 on volume would be a buy signal for an early buy. Alert 123.65
    $HOLX -- anatom ...
  • Margi1983: $RMD A bit of a breakout today but may be a fakeout as volume seems weak.Long from below a stop at 184
  • scottto_2: $RMD - Taking a little breather on the daily chart. Looking very strong after ATHs on weekly. Watching for possible 'cheat' entry before the, seemingly, inevitable run to $200, where it'll likely run into round number resisitance.....
  • shoredriver: @scottto_2 $RMD ....likely a run in to earnings 7/23.....
  • scottto_2: @shoredriver $RMD - Ooh yeah. Good info! Thanks.
  • romanalexk: $SWKS, $CDAY, $LITE, $FTNT, $RMD, $OKTA Markets are green but my stocks are drifting lower and lower.
  • bRobert: @romanalexk $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA Many are not doing anything wrong. $LITE. flag pullback after a breakout. STRONG WEEKLY $FTNT. retest of the breakout LOW volume pullback. Great add soon with bounce $SWKS. setting up. Low volume flag. STRONG WEEKLY
  • romanalexk: @bRobert $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA Thank you so much. As always I greatly appreciate your help and insight.
  • teacher5: @romanalexk $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA That is so me—markets up a couple hundred and I’m mostly all red. But when I’m green, I’m really green— at least I was most of the week.
  • romanalexk: @teacher5 $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA Exactly! Totally agree! I will take @bRobert suggestion and let them work. Volume is low. That's a good thing. I hope it stays that way. :)
  • bRobert: @teacher5 $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA Many of these have had nice moves and a rest day is appropriate. The WEEKLY charts of many here have huge upside targets. eg. SWKS. $200 $LITE $140. $OKTA. owes you nothing. Double from Spring
  • romanalexk: @bRobert $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA So for $OKTA price target acquired I guess. Well I bought $OKTA average price around $207 when it moved above the pivotal point of $205.81. I like the 3 days of just testing the support like $CDAY. There is 3 days of short interest. I was thinking it might run some more. I put my stop at breakeven.
  • bRobert: @romanalexk $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA Many like $WIX. are beyond price targets.
  • romanalexk: @bRobert $SWKS $CDAY $LITE $FTNT $RMD $OKTA $WIX Wow this is just parabolic. I will keep this in mind. Many thanks!
  • gkhanson51: $RMD Last night, on Dan's Strategy Session at the end, he showed a chart with $RMD at 209. Where did that come from? I've got a big position at $167 from Jun 16. Was hoping that was right, but my chart doesn't look like that! Mine shows $189
  • scottto_2: @gkhanson51 $RMD - Dan gets Charts 2 days ahead.
  • gkhanson51: @scottto_2 $RMD Wow! Where is that on TC2000? ;-)
  • RuDu: @gkhanson51 $RMD I was confused by that too. Still am.
  • romanalexk: @gkhanson51 $RMD Probably after hours somebody bought 1@$209 lol
  • Bogeyboy: @issues $RMD thanks very much. I appreciate your input
  • Bogeyboy: @gkhanson51 $RMD I bought in at same time and added a few more times with overall cost basis at $169.40ish. The TC2000 show huge spikes sometimes. I think is AH moves as others stated. I got a little excited when I saw that but quickly realized we were still in the upper 180s. Today is another good though. Probably about time for staggered stops. I am at 12.8% gain.
  • Bogeyboy: $RMD I started a position on 06/16. Added two times, each one 25% number of share that I bought at the beginning. Wish I had added more. My gain is 10.75%, cost basis is $169.42. My question is how tight would one set a stop? I want to add more but need a pull back. I want to give it room to do that without being stopped out, but i want to protect a nice gain. My current stop is $180.84 Thanks much
  • issues: @Bogeyboy NP but I would make mine for $RMD as a partial stop (25%) at $180.50
  • DAN: ...
    $RMD -- Stopped out on the initial entry. It gave us a good trade a few weeks ago...but I missed it. It pays to keep lists!!! Especially of prior GSL holdings. Many of them ultimately move higher.
    $AMD -- Big breakdown.
  • Auto: $QDEL $MTCH added $RMD sold
  • romanalexk: @Auto $QDEL $MTCH $RMD $QDEL close to ATH. Let's see if it can really go.
  • Angdionk: $RMD HOD
  • romanalexk: @Angdionk $RMD It is working very well. Added to existing position.
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Stock Price $244.94
Change 0.81%
Volume 1,346,060

ResMed Inc. is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of medical equipment for treating, diagnosing, and managing sleep-disordered breathing and other respiratory disorders.

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