Waste Management Inc. (NYSE:WM)

Chart of the Day January 18th, 2022

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  • camaro69: $WM had been near it's ATH Friday but sold off today about 5% do to the purchase of Stericycle $SRCL. took a placeholder and am watching
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Into the Gap $QQQ Above the 8EMA $IWM At the 50 Day $DXY Higher Daily High $TNX Above the 50 Day $SMH The news was sold $GLD Watch for support near the 50 Day $KWEB needs a base $IBIT At the 8EMA $ETHE ETF Incoming $NVDA Positive Earnings reaction $COIN off the ATL Watch the 50 Day $HOOD Watch for support at the 8EMA $RCL At the 8EMA $ML Watch 86.25 $WM Tight along the MAs $ELF Power at the 50 Day
  • camaro69: $WM at resistance
  • camaro69: $WM and $UFPT near there ATH after there earnings
  • Margi1983: @camaro69 $WM $UFPT Darn. Have done well trading $UFPT,but missed this run from 170 to 206. Next time
  • scottrades: Some #Earnings to be aware of this week: $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $META $GOOGL $UPS $SHOP $GM $KO $BA $CLF $F $PHG $XOM $HAL $INTC $GE $VLO $MMM $ENPH $V $JBLU $CVX $CMG $BOH $RTX $AJG $DORM $MCD $CAT $WM $LUV $MA $SHW $PINS $SCHN $BMY $MRK $BIIB $ADM $X $SPOT $KEX $KHC $DX
  • Docoof: Industry group—Pollution Control. Monday 9/12: $RSG New ATH $QRHC New 5-yr high — Up 81.86% over the past month. $CLH New ATH $WCN New ATH $WM HOD 174.74 ATH = 175.98 $CECE HOD 9.78 ATH = 10.80 — Up 77.59% over the past 6 months.
  • scottrades: $WM Building a short handle.
  • Docoof: Industry group—Pollution Control. These aren’t doing too bad today (so far): $WM $RSG $QRHC $HDSN $CLH $CECE
  • MongosPawn: @Docoof $WM $RSG $QRHC $HDSN $CLH $WCN $CECE Great stuff as usual. Thanks.
  • wineinquirer: @Docoof $WM $RSG $QRHC $HDSN $CLH $WCN $CECE Compared long term gains for all (since 2017) against $WM. Only $WCN seems to rival it. Prefer $WM slightly cleaner d/wkly W pattern, bo and now pb to near 20d/May bo. Thx for bring this to SMM attn. I lost connection to this group but no longer! Time to stalk $WM!!
  • Docoof: FWIW Good charts, same industry group—Pollution Control: $WM $RSG $QRHC $HDSN $CLH $WCN $CECE IBD Industry Group Rank (1 to 197): 23 IBD Composite Ratings: $WM 94 $RSG 95 $QRHC 99 $HDSN 99 $CLH 99 $WCN 96 $CECE 99
  • gmj: $WM has become a worker bee for me since b/o 7/27, continuation today sdded
  • bla00109: @Scottrades $COST looking strong. What do you think? Both $HD and $WM have reported good earnings and $COST breakout from 2 week flag appears to be in sympathy.
  • scottrades: @bla00109 $COST $HD $WM Looks good today, as long as it can hold the gap.
  • vcondry: @bla00109 $COST $HD $WM just waiting on $TGT and then should be blue skies $XRT
  • bla00109: @scottrades $COST $HD $WM Maybe use a stop under LOD for short time frame or for longer time frame, under the 20d MA?
  • scottrades: @bla00109 $COST $HD $WM I'd go small here and then look for a pullback buy off the MAs.
  • bla00109: @scottrades $COST $HD $WM Thank you.
  • Pokersmith: #BreakOut Bonafide break out today....see $WM Still actionable @ 1% above pivot...if you're into the break out of a base thing
  • scottrades: Just a reminder, Big Earnings Week still in store.. $FB $AAPL $MSFT $AMZN $PYPL $GOOGL $KO $UPS $ATVI $TWTR $XOM $BA $F $GE $SPOT $PEP $ROKU $MMM $CVX $QCOM $VLO $RTX $CL $INTC $JBLU $V $WM $CAT $NOK $LUV $GM $DHI $HOOD $ENPH $CVE $MA $ABBV $OTIS $PHG $CMG $MCD $MRK $DORM $X $ADM
  • DrScience: $WM nicely moving above the converged 50/200 DMA's. The company raised the Quarterly Dividend 13% to $0.65 a share, payable March 31 to stockholders of record on March 17, ex-div March 16. Remember Waste Management's motto: Business is always picking up.
  • MmaxX: $WM is holding tough above its 200 day so far, flat today
  • Pokersmith: @scottrades $AAPL $TSLA $AMZN $AMD $MSFT $FB $UPS $BA $LMT $GE $SHOP $F $PFE $GOOGL $XOM $PINS $HAS $TLRY $MMM $PYPL $V $OTIS $TDOC $QCOM $X $SBUX $MCD $RTX $JBLU $WM $LOGI $SPOT $YUMC $MA $CHKP $CAT $NOW $SHW $LRCX $LII $MT $PHM always pertinent info, thx Scott 👍
  • MtChet: $WM - Broke out to ATH after long consolidation...long.
  • bla00109: @lostsheep $wm starting to breakout from squeeze, but volume is anemic. Watching. I think of $WM as partly a construction play as there is a ton of waste in this industry. What are your thoughts?
  • lostsheep: @bla00109 $wm $WM $rsg also both look good As business and restaurants reopen $wm taking out yesterdays high which broke the downtrend line and a macd cross kicker
  • lostsheep: #long weekend Happy 4th to all. I don't think shorts will be scrambling to cover into this holiday. There shorts are already soiled after last quarter. I'm out. Enjoy and be safe!!!!! Oh I like garbage $wm $rsg
  • Hank1: $WM ... continuing its break out in a down market. Check out the weekly chart. There's money in trash. Long.
  • Hank1: $WM ... New 52-week high after forming a big bowl since last February. Love the company's fundamentals and when are we ever going to run out of trash? Long.
  • jnors12: I'm watching $WM And see a strong uptrend on volume over the past week and a half, a new 52 week high. and keeps bouncing off of the 8 day. It is also a reopening play that would diversify my portfolio away from stocks. I am thinking of getting in. Anything I am missing? I like seeing an uptrend during the past weeks with all of this chop.
  • DrScience: @jnors12 $WM You know what they say about garbage collection... Business is always picking up!
  • jnors12: @DrScience $WM LOL you are correct Sir. I would also put in a stop around 127.11 (yesterdays low)
  • Pokersmith: @DrScience $WM lol.... nonsense....that's just a bunch of trash talk
  • bla00109: @jnors12 $WM Agree with your assessment. Construction waste is big part of their business. $URI - same logic, same pattern of postive volume.
  • JosephM: $WM....been in this since $113...those bands were tight
  • Yuls: @JosephM $WM nice one!
  • Bert953: @Yuls $WM missed opportunity. Examining the chart closely so the next time I see similar patterns I can hopefully recognize a runner and take advantage.
  • Yuls: $WM super strong, no surprise with all the dumping in the mkt
  • Yuls: @Yuls $WM in other (positive) words, market cleaning and resetting, providing sea of new opportunities... :D
  • crank: @Yuls $WM this is probably the best trade out there. You are correct.
  • JosephM: $WM......been in this a week. Only stock i have not been shaken out.
  • JosephM: $WM..has held up great
  • kbrowe: @JosephM $WM Lot's of waste being thrown around, so they should benefit as the economy re-opens. :)
  • Hans_Schultz1: @JosephM $WM I have to pay them if the bin is all the way full or only 1/2 full.
  • kbrowe: @Hans_Schultz1 $WM They do have a recurring subscription business model like what Wall Street wants.
  • bRobert: @JosephM $WM Large Multi year base Inv h&s $165 potential longer term Daily W bottom trigger $115 with $125 target Top of range Swing trade from here stop < yest LOD with $125 potential But many speed bumps I don't expect a V move 50% longer term upside is healthy np
  • JosephM: @bRobert $WM bollinger bands are tight..never say never...$119 for a swing
  • JosephM: $WM..thoughts? volume is good, not great Just shy of the 50. Stop $110.7
  • bRobert: @JosephM $WM My bands appear quite roomy Enough for a huge buffet and dessert Good luck Swing is fine
  • JosephM: @bRobert $WM then i must be misinterpreting. Mine show 4.1 on the daily. What am i missing?
  • bRobert: @JosephM $WM You are 100% correct % wise They just don't look tight to the naked eye (Not even close ) and I'm not sure the usual rules apply
  • JosephM: @bRobert $WM agreed....just trusting the software. kind of looks like a reversal. beginning. Needs some volume.
  • scottrades: Some #Earnings to be aware of this week... #earnings for the week.. $PLTR $SHOP $CVS $WMT $ROKU $FSLY $FVRR $AAP $TLRY $TWLO $WIX $AMAT $GOLD $TTD $AN $DBX $BIDU $YNDX $WING $LPX $ZTS $TRU $SPWR $ECL $ADI $BIGC $SEDG $EXPD $WM $MRO $RNG $STMP $USFD $TRMN $ET $BKI $OXY $TRTN $VMC $TSEM $SNBR $HLT
  • Hemal: 01/10/21 Active stocks plus stocks of interest for this week https://youtu.be/GLElbHqqNTY via @YouTube $ABT, $ADM, $APH, $PNR, $ROK, $SCI, $AGNC, $BJ, $BMY, $CTAS, $HON, $HSY, $INFO, $LUV, $MAR, $MCD, $MDLZ, $PCAR, $RBA, $SHW, $SUN, $UBER, $UL, $WM&n ...
  • scottrades: Watch $WM. Trying to move. No big volume yet.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY A little choppy but finished strong. $QQQ All Time High. $GDX Nope, don’t like that. $BTC Decide what kind of trade this is for you. Know your time frames. $EEM Let’s re-look at the monthly. $UBER Watch for a bounce Monday. $CRSR Sold for a small gain. $UPST Small on this now. $NVDA Watch next week. $NNDM Still ok. $SE Swinging. $PYPL Mentioned last night, working here $SQ Working but not buyable here. $CSCO Watch 45.45 $GOOGL Backtested the trendline and off to the races. $GRWG Backtest of the BO. $WM Slowly moving. $GE Flagging a bit. $GM Supper at the 8EMA. $VIPS Working. Move up your stops. $SNAP Still on watch.
  • scottrades: Hey Good morning Team! Futures are up lifting our stocks as things start to settle down a bit. Yesterday in the forum I mentioned focusing on the chart and price action and doing that kept us in some positions that continue to work for us. Keep and eye on $WM today, it looks to be trying to come out of a squeeze near the 50 Day MA. $ROKU is also holding up well in trend above the 8EMA. Also still watching for $UBER to break out of it’s base. Have a great day!
  • lostsheep: @scottrades $WM $ROKU $UBER I would think the agenda of the incoming administration would work against the gig economy stocks but what the bleep do I know. Guess the price action will tell the story
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Squeezing up. $QQQ Nice recovery after yesterday. $GDX Base building. $SMH Breaking out. $WCLD / $CLOU Holding up. $BTC YOLO! $AAPL Holding the 21 EMA $GOOGL Trying to move out of a slope. $NVDA Setting up $PINS Support at the 50 Day. $UBER Down AH. Not sure why. $LYFT Support at the 21 EMA $RIDE Nice move, good volume. $TSLA Mooning $NIO Close to the ATHs $LI Popping out of a squeeze $NNDM Trend it your friend. $WM Watch 118.50 $COWN Mentioned yesterday. Working. $UPST I sold some today. $SQ Still working $PYPL Lagging a bit but holding the 21 EMA $AMD Good close. $ENTG Coming out of a squeeze $SE Watch for a move over 205. $CRNC ATH Close $CDNS Watch 138.40 $AAXN Support at the 50 Day $NET Back above the 8EMA. $NLS Watch 20.60 Request: $SJM
  • scottrades: $WM Above the 50 Day MA. Watch above 118.40.
  • tommymac: @scottrades $WM Now thats a name I like.
  • tommymac: @scottrades $WM Trucks powered by $wprt engines, they make their own methane.
  • scottrades: My Swing notes: $SPY Focus on Price Action. $QQQ Blarg. $GDX Nice recovery. $AUY Working $GOLD Good closing Volume. $KL Today’s low is support. $SQ Sold some today. $UPST Still working. $NIO Trend is fine but...Be careful with China stocks. $LI Weak close. $RIDE Holding the 50 Day $F Support at the 50 Day $GM Trying to push higher $UBER Basing $GRWG Working $FIVE Swingers may want to lock in some gains $WM Nive move above the 50 Day. $ASO In trend along the 8EMA $COWN Watch 27.30 $JCOM Watch 98.30
  • lostsheep: $RSG $WM These stocks are garbage! Not a buy recommendation, just cam across these looking at charts. Nearly identical. Multi month pullbacks now above channels. Consolidating near multiple moving averages. $WM a little ahead in the process.
  • tartan: @scottrades $PYPL $SQ $BABA $CLX $ROKU $W $PTON $QCOM $WING $SWKS $CVS $GOLD $NET $SPCE $GM $HZNP $LL $MPC $AZN $WM $TTD $EL $DBX $AYX $ON $ZNGA $CWH $AMCX $MELI $SEDG $REGN $CPE $LDOS $AMRN $UBER $BMY $KPTI $LITE $HUM $WEN $BHC $MCK $CPLP Always appreciate a heads up on earnings I think $BILL is due to report this week also
  • MtChet: $WM - Storms are coming and $WM broke above resistance...added.
  • Kharrison67: @MtChet $WM 50 day is catching the 200 day, I may wait for the cross
  • Girlchicago: @MtChet $WM heavy volume coming in on 5min chart now
  • Kharrison67: $WM may be one to watch coming off the 20 day
  • Aloha05: @Kharrison67 $WM Watching with you. looks good. Thank you kindly.
  • cmaxwel1: $WM - If home builders are starting to move, the "pin action" would be $WM. Starting small position today, stop at 102. They have a dividend of 2.05%.
  • Hank1: @Cokeman1959 ... i think it's a good entry for anyone going long. The 200-day provides a nice stop for anyone who wants to initiate a position. Same thing for $WM.
  • lostsheep: @Henry $TDOC It's a $WM day. All the garbage being picked up.
  • scottrades: Weird Day, right? My goal is to continue to trade small and keep my expectations in line. $SPXL Use a Stop Loss. $SPXS Use a Stop Loss. $TRIL Watch 4.35 $CATS No complaints. $WM Low volume, but trying to base. $AMT Pushing off the 50 Day $WYNN Broke above yesterday's high on good volume. $MAR looks like WYNN $CRM Alert at 153 $PHM Watch 26 $PCG Could have a follow through move tomorrow. $STOR Great volume today. Watch 17.10
  • MtChet: $WM - New all time high. Long time hold
  • DAN: ...
    $IWM - breakout from squeeze
    $DJT -- breakout from squeeze.
    $NDX -- still running along the 8 day ema.

    Growth Stock List:
    $CRM -- Little flag pattern. Just hold it.
    $DT -- not acting well. Stop is at $26.60. Almost stopped today. Still under di ...
  • StockMarketMentor: A Price Alert has been triggered for $WM Waste Management Inc.. Click here to view associated video clip: http://stockmarketmentor.com/stockanalysis.html?ticker=WM&clip=115984
  • scottrades: $WM A little extended Intraday, but breaking above a base of resistance.
  • issues: Cramer mentioned mongolese? What's the symbol? He said $WM $WMT $TGT $COST $SBUX are all ok.
  • bsnceo: @issues $WM $WMT $TGT $COST $SBUX This is a long-time pick of Cramer: $MDLZ
  • champ: @bsnceo $WM $WMT $TGT $COST $SBUX $MDLZ --- He never sells, he only adds, that is his trading style, but he can't use his own $$$'s, it against the law, when you are on CNBC...he is only a #paper-trader. .....He is great in the mornings before the open, he calls market direction and he is really good at it, for day-trade.
  • mopick: @champ $WM $WMT $TGT $COST $SBUX $MDLZ #paper-trader, not really true. He runs a fund on his site with proceeds going to charity. He buys & sells all the time, as I have been a member in the past.
  • bsnceo: @champ $WM $WMT $TGT $COST $SBUX $MDLZ #paper-trader Cramer can add $ to his Charitable Trust, which provides the window into his trades. The rest of his trades that don't get publicity are for accounts the public doesn't see.
  • champ: @mopick $WM $WMT $TGT $COST $SBUX $MDLZ #paper-trader --- Yes, that is true but not his money, he personally can take profits our losses. He has fire staffers, that has done that on CNBC, before, I don't know how his staffers on his funds work. He d ...
  • sierramp: Low risk buy point for $WM. I got back in this morning after post ER PB to a level that has held. On 10-23-19 they reported EPS $1.19 on rev of $4.0B vs consensus of EPS $1.16 on rev of $4.0B, guidance unchanged. With stop at yesterday's LOD there is low risk.
  • sierramp: @scottrades $WM How are you feeling about $WM this morning? It stopped at the September lows but still looks like some risk.
  • scottrades: $WM Close to breaking a key support level.
  • Pcdentist: @scottrades $WM In this market Much prefer these at the bottom, than the near Breakouts
  • capsguy: $WM @scottrades swing trade opportunity? Stop 116. Earnings 10/23 after market. Is the timeframe too short?
  • scottrades: @capsguy $WM Friday had a good move. I think that could work.
  • DAN: ...
    $IWM - range bound
    $DJT -- downtrending range that seems to be flattening. Notice 200-day MA turn.
    $NDX -- Getting tight. Looking for a breakout?
    $FFTY - Still trending lower
    $MTUM -- sideways price action. Still in a range.
    $HGX--X -- Moving ...
  • utex72: @BRIDGET $WM I see weekly uptrend, daily $ >50/150/200, squeeze, and bounce off of and potential close >50-dma near UBB. Thesis is p/b to the 50 or 20-dma on higher than average volume is be a good low risk entry; I'm I missing something?
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Stock Price $204.10
Change -0.26%
Volume 2,240,720

Waste Management, Inc. is a provider of waste management services. Its subsidiaries provide collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal services. The company is also a developer, operator & owner of waste-to-energy and landfill gas-to-energy in USA.

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