Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA)

Chart of the Day December 9th, 2022

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  • joelsg1: $TSLA Q2 delivery numbers should be out 7/2, consensus est. 444k sure to be cut going into that date, Barclays at 415k down 11% YoY. Musk knows the number will be down and tries to mitigate this am by tweeting his thanks to "retail and large investors" for their "super strong support" on his SBC, promising "I will do my utmost to ensure that their faith is rewarded". A long time ago I sold a bunch of $75 cash-secured puts expiring today which will roll off, and a few small trims of late, but Musk is a magician so I'll reassess 7/1 which starts a short week. All too conscious that 'Nothing good happens below the 200d'.
  • scottrades: $TSLA Trying to hold the 8/21 EMAs
  • romanalexk: $TSLA I took some. It is working for now.
  • scottrades: $TSLA trying to come off the bottom.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY New ATH $QQQ New ATH $IWM Trying to get going $DXY Above the MAs $TNX Lower High $TLT Trying to change the trend $TIP Watch 107 $SMH Going vertical $XLF Slope $IBIT Bottom fish $MSFT New High $AMZN at the 50 Day $TSLA Great volume $GOOGL Support at the 21 EMA $NVDA Working $SMCI Trying to curl up $GS Support at the 50 $MS At resistance $PLTR Added to the ATL $COIN Support at the 21 EMA
  • Henry: $NVDA $TSLA $AVGO $ADBE My neighbor, who was a former economics professor, stopped during our morning walk and wanted to talk about his stocks and how well they were doing. We have never had a conversation about stocks before. I don't own the TSLA but I do the others and a couple more stocks that he also owns. My brother in law came to dinner last night and the first words out of his mouth were about $AAPL. It's good that people are doing well, but it makes me nervous like in 1999 when I walked into the doctors lounge and 3 docs each had a section of the WSJ and the 4th was on the computer looking at a chart of gold.
  • DavidK: @Henry $NVDA $TSLA $AVGO $ADBE $AAPL the cab driver theory ! It’s feeling like Snaggle Puss strategy in a lot of these high flyers . Exit stage right or left . Just get off the stage .
  • romanalexk: $TSLA let's see what is going to do today.
  • Cjauger: $NVDA closing in on $1,300 pre split price $NVDA my biggest trade this year goes into my trading hall of fame along with $ZOOM and $TSLA (the last 2 were post-COVID rally trades). This 3 trades account for the lion share of my trading profits.
  • kenb: $TSLA: Robotaxi dreams: Tesla lands $2,600 share price estimate from ARK Invest $ARKK. Wow, that is conviction! At least Cathie admits she is looking at least 5 years out.
  • joelsg1: @kenb $TSLA $ARKK She's been leaning on that "5 yrs. out" for years.
  • PTinME: @kenb $TSLA $ARKK I thought it was a 3K target but that might have been back when it was trading at 300:)
  • Bert953: $TSLA guest on CNBC slamming Elon, the board and his pay package. I have a Y and love it. I'm seeing lots of Teslas on the road. Stock is squeezing, chalkin money flow is positive and today is an engulfing candle at the 8 & 50dMA's. could be a good entry
  • ssoha20: $TSLA is the only horse leftover to ride now.
  • billyzeke: @ssoha20 $TSLA I put a little money on that horse earlier today.
  • scottrades: $TSLA Breaking down
  • woodman: $TSLA - Gerber and some other big-time Musk/Tesla fans seem to have a change of heart. Interesting. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alanohnsman/2024/06/11/elon-doesnt-care-about-tesla-anymore-musks-biggest-fans-are-turning-on-him/
  • scottrades: $TSLA quiet but tightening up.
  • ruskinq2: @joelsg1 $TSLA agree on bull case for $TSLA ... its been compressing the BB's around 175-176 for about a month, I think it resolves up
  • joelsg1: @dgrobo $CRWD $KKR There were rumors. I posted before close Friday with $CRWD they were getting louder and got lucky. There may have been a leak. Just like rumors that $NVDA will soon join Dow 30, but impossible to know with precision when. Replacing laggards with up and comers is how these indecies outperform, justifying their existence. Same thing happened with $TSLA, lots of rumors but inclusion took a few more Qs after they qualified with at least 4 consecutive Qs of positive E growth, and after inclusion announcement there was a period of outperformance when benchmark funds added, then normal rules of gravity and slowing growth numbers applied and stock got crushed.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Bernstein's Tony Sac. reiterates sell $120 target, says Musk's SBC vote will fail. I disagree, but we'll see Thurs. I'm not a fan of how Musk has handled Tesla past few years, particularly with stock sales to buy Twitter and then using the plat ...
  • Ben2020: @scottrades is $TSLA in a squueze on a daily? Also is $GDX oversold today?
  • joelsg1: @Ben2020 $TSLA $GDX Yes on $TSLA, but probably break after shareholder meeting/vote Monday on Musk SBC.
  • chrisbman360: @Ben2020 $TSLA $GDX That does seem like an unusual move on $GDX closing below 50d and below lower BB. Will need to watch what Gold does. Not a good day either down 3.45%.
  • Patrylak: @Ben2020 $TSLA $GDX I own a Lot of $GDX and the Dollar Killed $GDX today....I do not like where it is on the daily chart but I am giving it 2 days for the dollar to decide if it is in an uptrend or just a check back to the 200 day before moving lower.
  • Ben2020: @Patrylak $TSLA $GDX wow! appreciate all the response y’all! Yes, i have been hodling GDX since January and never saw such intense pullback - so needed some more eyes on this.
  • traderbren: $TSLA - looks to be getting a bid....maybe a run into Friday.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Flat $QQQ Flat $IWM Above the 50 Day $DXY Looking for a move lower $TNX Lower Low $TLT Above the 200 Day $SMH HH/HL $GLD Support at the 50 Day $GDX Power Move $KWEB Support at 28 $IBIT Watch 41 $NVDA Trend is up $AMD Above the MAs $ARM Working $MU Watch 134.20 $AMZN Mentioned this morning $TSLA Coiling $COIN On Dan’s ATL $MSTR Basing $NVO Working $CRWD Off the 50 Day $CAVA Holding the 21 EMA, Insider Selling $BRK.B Tight $SQ Off the 200 Day $PLTR Day 3 $TTD Low volume PB
  • Henry: $TSLA not sure I believe this but CNBC reports that Musk asked $NVDA to send their AI chips to X and X-A! first.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Ultra Bull Ron Baron on CNBC tomorrow 7:30et, should boost stock. Shareholder meeting/vote next Thursday on Musk SBC and reincorporation.
  • Angdionk: $TSLA below its 200 but squeezing
  • Pard: $IBIT $TSLA moving higher
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Approaching the 100d at $183.29, important threshold into shareholder meeting/vote 6/13 on Musk SBC and Texas reincorporation, but monthly delivery numbers out by Monday and still way below 200d "where nothing good happens".
  • LFYoda: $TSLA I trade small on $TSLA these days just keeping a toe in the pool. But check out the daily chart. Wedge, Tightening BBs, lower volume - realize it could break either way but might be something to watch. I know EVs are passe’ but maybe someone forgot to tell the chart LOL- also doesn’t $TSLA own BTC as well.
  • vitoB: lookin at AI basket, overall I would think it makes sense to expect to sell into this but crazy to do it today, $ARM $PLTR long, valuations of $SMCI and $ANET are getting streched here $ANET is suprisingly lower , $META is interesting because I was expecting this to continue rolling over to the 200d, however its gonna open higher than yesterday's high and the 50d is right at the chart gap of 484.58 most interresting to me on the open is $TSLA in this tape , long
  • vitoB: $TSLA tapped the 13d near 176 ...long starter
  • scottrades: $TSLA firming up
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Added July $180-205 call spreads, using trim proceeds. New FSD 12.4 rolls out to employees this weekend. Holding above 50d/8d ema (for now) and mgmt in pump mode into 6/13 vote.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Trimmed. Musk trying to pump to ensure "For" shareholder vote to approve his SBC on 6/13 but I think that's a foregone result as most opponents voted with their feet and sold the stock and therefore can't vote.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Pushed above 50d ema.
  • ssoha20: I still see there are not many tickers above 50 DMA. some are fighting to go beyond 50 DMA $TSLA back below 50 DMA, $COIN struggling to go higher . Quite in decisive market at the moment.
  • joelsg1: $UBER E tomorrow before open and I like it off the 8d/20d sorta convergence. Opened June $70-80 call spreads. And there's chatter about a pshp with $TSLA FSD.
  • woodman: $TSLA $F $GM $TM #Volkswagen - What auto EV company wil take up the charge to supercharge with Tesla laying off its supercharger team? And what of all those federal subsidies Musk took - free money to him - for the charging system? Billionaires never acknowledge how they are benefitted by the socialism they decry. Really sucks for all the companies that came on-board to Tesla's charging systems. Now they wait to see what the fallout will be. https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/30/24145621/tesla-layoff-supercharger-ev-charging-nacs-elon-musk https://finance.yahoo.com/news/musk-disbands-tesla-ev-charging-202301433.html
  • DavidK: @woodman $TSLA $F $GM $TM #Volkswagen Musk needs to slowly sell his Tesla stock and buy Disney . Saving an American company that touches many more lives would leave a more positive impact on society than driverless taxis and all the other nonsense being thrown around . When he develops a vehicle like the Jetsons , then I am interested . Until then , I will drive a battery powered golf cart only . Let’s put a Mr in front of Mickey Mouse’s name again .
  • woodman: @DavidK $TSLA $F $GM $TM #Volkswagen - His Hyperloop in Las Vegas is another Musk cash-grab that has yielded nothing except making him even more wealthy. The only thing true about it was the first 4 letters in its name.
  • DavidK: @woodman $TSLA $F $GM $TM #Volkswagen I don’t blame him for taking money from the corrupt govt . Look at all the worthless companies these WallStreet Crooks bring public knowing damn well 90% will fail . Insiders and underwriters getting rich . 🤑
  • traderbren: $TSLA - looks like all the heads will roll at $TSLA -- FYI - Tesla's Top HR Executive Allie Arebalo Has Left The Company LOL ;-)
  • DavidK: @traderbren $TSLA I told Musk on X to start scaling out of Tesla and buy Disney . No sh?t. Maybe he listened .
  • PTinME: $TLSA up 13 percent after Elon visits China. Is this a good place to short or is $TSLA going back to 250?
  • traderbren: $TSLA - looks like the $TSLA shorts are going to get a serious wedgie! NP
  • PTinME: @traderbren $TSLA I think the short float is only around 3 percent. I was tempted to short a couple hundred shares as a quick day trade but I can't see a line in the sand in either direction?
  • joelsg1: @traderbren $TSLA Rolled those 5/31 short covered 180 calls up/out for credits.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Up on pshp with $BIDU to roll FSD out in China. Just the beginning.
  • DAN: @PTinME $TLSA $TSLA I don't think you want to short $TSLA here. I'll cover in the morning session.
  • Motorman: @joelsg1 $TSLA $BIDU kicking Myself for selling at the bottom on 4/19. 40 points since then. Could have just bought back, but ER was not great and have lost too many times. I did get the spread you mentioned. Thanks
  • joelsg1: @Motorman $TSLA $BIDU Musk has $50B incentive to change narrative, and is doing it. Those July $170-200 spreads looking good to fill and expire a few weeks before the 8/8 reveal of the CyberCab/new model 2.
  • jonwest88: $tsla up to 198 from 140 a few days ago, insane
  • traderbren: @jonwest88 $tsla - yep, agreed...insane! I decided to jump onboard for ride....potentially just a day trade.
  • champ: $TSLA....real nice 5-day U-turn, up 37%, Musk is laughing at them again.
  • traderbren: $TSLA - (Reuters) - Investors who bet against Tesla stock have lost $5.5 billion in the four sessions since the electric car maker promised more affordable cars, according to data from S3 Partners.
  • joelsg1: @traderbren $TSLA Probably misleading re how they calculate shorts. For example, I'm always short some covered otm calls against this stock, first thing today I rolled some up/out for credit, so I took a loss on the old rolled short calls but sold th ...
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Back to green. Departing power train exec Drew Baglino exercised all his options and sold $180M worth of stock this am in a use it or lose it context.
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $TSLA - Did you see this today? https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/26/24141361/tesla-autopilot-fsd-nhtsa-investigation-report-crash-death
  • joelsg1: @woodman $TSLA Welcome home! Yes, old news as Autopilot has been eclipsed by newest neural net FSD versions which are improving seemingly daily. Shouldn't have used that non-highway anyway. The newest versions FSD make you keep hands on wheel and pay attn so way ahead of any regulators.
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $TSLA - I guess time will tell for human guinea pigs.
  • joelsg1: @woodman $TSLA True in many things these days, vaccines, drug trials, supplements, TikTok.
  • woodman: @joelsg1 $TSLA - Drug testing isn't perfect of course - nothing is - but at least it has a vigorous watchdog component. Safety is the first thing that is attempted to be accounted for in the drug trial process.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Ron Baron with $4B investment in $TSLA called the bottom on CNBC early am. Oscillators at crossover again.
  • joelsg1: $TSLA HOD Day 2.
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $TSLA Opened July $170-200 call spreads. First buy in awhile.
  • ssoha20: @Henry $GOOGL Musk also fired many in $TSLA this quarter so we can expect some good numbers going forward. But me being in IT really don't like this.. its really unlikely that a person hired in firms like $GOOGL , $TSLA has become worthless.. If you think so with in a year of giving him a offer that means you don't care about employees and your planning is very bad. It's just filling the position just to show some numbers and firing again to show another set of numbers.
  • DAN: ...
    Tesla ($TSLA) reported disappointing earnings and, as you might expect, the stock jumped about 15% in post-market trading. Musk said that he will be building more affordable models either in late 2024 or early 2025.

    Personally, I think the tradi ...
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Small trim on call pos following Golden Rule re options (when you're up big, sell something) but also caution as 10Q filed by end this week will reveal how much deferred FSD revs collected earlier but not recognized until now contributed to revs. With increased capex and lower auto sales explains reduced FCF.
  • PTinME: $META, $TSLA Amazing how one can move down over 12 percent and the other move up 12 percent.
  • ssoha20: what is the implied move for $TSLA I'm long in the stock so want to cover any loss due to earnings .
  • scottrades: @ssoha20 $TSLA Looks like 13-ish bucks
  • jwheels: @ssoha20 $TSLA According to Marketchameleon.com, 9.4%.
  • joelsg1: @scottrades $TSLA I get $11.60 using a very conservative model once taught by @Dan, add nearest term atm put and call asks and apply 15% discount.
  • scottrades: $TSLA Earnings BINGO :)
  • joelsg1: @scottrades $TSLA Horse?
  • scottrades: @joelsg1 $TSLA You just never know what he might say!
  • joelsg1: @scottrades $TSLA Ha. Usually that's right, but this time the pre-selected topics from institutional and retail cover much of the recent uncertainty that has tanked the stock. Numbers don't matter all that much IMO, it's the uncertainty.
  • DrScience: @scottrades $TSLA This cost less than a quarter to play for owning 100 shares at between $85 and 100 bucks. SELL -1 1/2 BACKRATIO TSLA 100 (Weeklys) 26 APR 24 115/100 PUT @-.18 LMT
  • champ: @scottrades $TSLA......Exactly....and as you know, the only thing that ever counts on earnings is...#guidance and he will be really careful this time ..because they are after him.
  • marklesparkle: @scottrades $TSLA India
  • PTinME: $TSLA. Going to try to grab some shares at 135 AE. I think that will be a good investment over the long term or perhaps a day trade If I can flip them for a profit. Hopefully, I don't lose my shirt:)
  • scottrades: $TSLA *TESLA 1Q REVENUE $21.3B, ESTIMATE $21.48B ( MISS ❌) * TESLA 1Q EPS $0.45, ESTIMATE $0.56 (MISS ❌ )
  • scottrades: @scottrades $TSLA Stock is up 5% on the initial news
  • traderbren: @scottrades $TSLA - looks like the Bingo play - "not as bad as expected" - you're a winner no matter the number! ;-)
  • ssoha20: @jwheels $TSLA now puts will go to 0 I believe tomorrow
  • joelsg1: @traderbren $TSLA Yes, but also on last page of release text, accelerating launch of new and more affordable models beyond previously announced. Also, their capex in the Q was huge, much probably to $NVDA.
  • vitoB: @joelsg1 $TSLA $NVDA these joke "analysts" with bs rational on stock spike and $2000 price targets really tick me off
  • joelsg1: @vitoB $TSLA $NVDA Good for selling upside calls against stock.
  • Francoise: @scottrades $TSLA don’t you think stock is up because tesla is making a switch to an AI stock with the robotaxi?
  • scottrades: @Francoise $TSLA Maybe, I was watching the price after the numbers came out, not digging into the narrative. .
  • joelsg1: $TSLA Call going well, Musk focused by those selected Qs, above implied move now ah.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ Day 2 of a rally attempt $IWM Ceiling above $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Still above the 8EMA $TLT 87 Support $GLD at the 21 EMA $GDX At the 21 EMA $XLE Back above the 8EMA $XLF Banks moving $SMH Under the 50 Day $IBIT Above the MAs $TSLA Earnings tonight $NVDA Still under the 50 Day $GOOGL Reports Thursday $AMZN At the 50 Day $META Earnings Tomorrow $NFLX Potential Gap Fill $GS Breaking out of a base $MS Whippy but nice weekly. $HUBS Earnings next week $ANET Rebound into Earnings? $ELF Watch the 50 Day for resistance $NVO Above the 50 Day $SNPS Support at the 200 Day $CLSK Chart of the day last week $MSTR Hodling the 50 Day
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $TSLA I'm done analyzing the E event, best call in years: Musk and team focused and optimistic, promising Q2 better than Q1 and this year even with this start better than last; COGS coming down fast, though capex up big (mostly to buy $NVDA products); multiple new and affordable models coming sooner than thought using modules from the new next-gen platform by retooling existing production lines, as a bridge before dedicated robotaxi; and to me an overlooked Easter Egg in the slide deck showing a Tesla app user summoning and customizing a Tesla ride for now with a driver, definite $UBER competition. Up over 13% ah, while $NVDA up and $UBER down. Narrative change which I hope drives the stock price for more than a brief ride.
  • traderbren: $TSLA - lots of open downside gaps to fill; 146.41 to fill on the open, then 133.51 / 122.63 / 114.39 NP.
  • bigbartabs: @DAN ... yes, all we have to do is look at the weekly chart for the $FNGS stocks this morning... $META $AAPL $AMZN $NFLX $MSFT $NVDA $GOOGL $SNOW $TSLA. The story is unfolding.
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Stock Price $238.25
Change -2.32%
Volume 99,757,000

Tesla Motors,Inc., designs, develops, manufactures and sells high-performance fully electric vehicles and advanced electric vehicle powertrain components.

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