AerCap Holdings N.V. (NYSE:AER)

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  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY That close though $QQQ Closed above the 8EMA $DIA Breaking out $UUP Rebounding $TNX Watch tomorrow $TLT Holding the 8/21 $GDX Holding up $XME Breaking out $IGV Extended $URA Holding the 21 EMA $XHB In trend $TSLA Cyber Thursday $AAPL High Handle? $MA Micro Base $V New High $MSTR Basing $COIN Support at the 8EMA $AER Breaking out of a flag $TOL Base $LEN Base $TPH Flag $UEC Great volume $STLD Breakout $RS Has Good RS. Watch $276 $CLF Watch 17.50 $X Trending
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $AER = woodshed np
  • Pokersmith: The world's largest airplane leasing firm tumbled around 10% Monday after the company said it would stop doing business with Russian airlines, as the West imposed further economic sanctions against Russia. In addition, countries are banning Russian planes from their airspace, and Russian airline Aeroflot is one of the Aercap's clients. Aercap $AER stock is breaking down through its long-term 200-day moving average. np
  • Pokersmith: @Pokersmith $AER Russian Airline "Aeroflop "
  • Motorman: @Pokersmith $AER Made a trade of it for a scalp on your post in am. Overdone, I think, back to congestion from Sept. Watching now.
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY tightening up for a big move $70 speed bump $100 potential Daily in bull mode alignment 20/50/200d
  • bRobert: @Cjauger $AAL Clear overhead resistance just above Reversal setting up with the $JETS space $ALK many steps ahead running for the high $AER best fundamentals and technicals
  • bRobert: $AER $100 $AL $50/$70 $ALK $75/$100 $BX flag trigger Low risk entry $130 /$150/$170 targets $MS 50d bounce Line in the sand trigger > $104 the WEEKLY is the draw $BIDU WEEKLY rehab continues Fashioning a cup Daily above all averages $185 reversal base Move > 50W and $180 has $200+ potential Watch list $PLNT 3 years of sideways base $115/$150 potential $RCL W weekly $100/$130 $CCL WEEKLY W $30 target 1 50W speed bump Higher targets long term Floating hospitality trades $DIS long term investment WEEKLY reversal base developing 20W/50w speed bumps but path to $190 - $300 long term $165 target 1 and 200d ceiling
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL $ALK $BX $MS $BIDU $PLNT $RCL $CCL $DIS - CCL has been in my sights....
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL $ALK $BX $MS $BIDU $PLNT $RCL $CCL $DIS $RCL the better company Above the 50W speed ceiling One to go
  • bRobert: @woodman $AAL $DAL $ALK a step ahead $AER many steps ahead
  • scottrades: ...
    $AER A bRobert idea. Sitting on the MAs.
    $COIN Trying to firm up but still under the MAs.
    $MARA Trying to change the trend.
    $HUT Just under the 200 Day.
    $SI A Crypto Bank
    $COST Basing under the 50 Day.
    $HD Higher Low. Earnings Feb 22.

  • bRobert: $KBR $60 $ACM $100 targets 50w bounces Daily reversal bases No hurry but watch em $NAIL Trade from $70 entry yesterday $80 speed bump on route to $85 $AER best in the air $70/$100 Moving averages in bull mode WEEKLY pinch Tighter consolidation Multi year base
  • bRobert: @dsmalls $JETS $23.50 W target 200d ceiling Posted $AER $100 target $70 speed bump ahead $AL $50/$75 targets
  • bRobert: $IYT small H&S top could test 20/50d Not a huge deal Check related issues Mixed bag Trucking hit Rails holding up $JETS bullish W in motion Move > 50d Test of 200d ceiling $DAL A step ahead is close to that $SAVE $28 potential $LUV $52 200d ceiling kisses $AER close to the highs Speed bumps Not a good entry $100 long term $AL 50/$75
  • bRobert: $JETS W $25 potential 5/13 ema cross daily I fly $AL 50/$75 $AER $100 weekly breakout target $SPR $60/$75 targets Big speed bump just above but watch $TGI $24/$32 $DFEN $23 W daily 200d speed bump Clear it and $33+ 200W ceiling is next $BA $230/235 W target Top retested 5/13 ema cross
  • sagsworth: @bRobert $JETS $AL $AER $SPR $TGI $DFEN $BA Would any of these be a good Leap candidate? Thanks You
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY At the 50 Day, but indecisive. $QQQ Bounce Day. $XOP Still above the 50 Day $IYR Holding the 50 Day $XLI Above all the MAs $XLF Same $IYT Still in an uptrend. #XLE Squeezing up. A bit extended now. $ERF Good volume. $OXY Basing above the 50 Day. $COP Coming out of a squeeze $FNF Close to the highs $CLR Another Oil Squeeze $BRO In a good group $APA Watch above 30. $AMAT Close to the 50 Day $KLAC Peep the slope $TER Same pattern $AMD Higher low? $NVDA At support $TSLA Close to the 50 Day $F Built Tough! $CSX Still trending. Earnings this month $NSC Near the highs. $CP Under the 50 Day $AER A bRobert Airport Special $ATKR Close to the 50 Day
  • bRobert: $AER. $72. flag target. $100 longer term. It's the weekly $AL. $50/$75.
  • bRobert: $AER. near. $70. W target 1. Speed. bump $100. longer term. after some. consolidation $AL. $50/$75. targets. Jet leasers. rule the skies. Long
  • bRobert: $AER new closing high top of WEEKLY speed bump $100 WEEKLY breakout target $AL #2 $50/$75
  • bRobert: $AER flag trigger $70 on a longer term flight to $100 $AL $50/$75 Long
  • bRobert: $AER $AL High targets $ACM Strong but extended $GVA watch this year $65/$115+ $FLR $33/$60/$100
  • bRobert: $AL $AER Strong moves Pullbacks to add High target s posted earlier Long The best in the space Jet leasing
  • bRobert: $CC. $40 - $57. targets. WEEKLY high base . set up Div kicker Long $TROX. $30 - $40 $TA. $60. with move. >. 50d. $80/$100. long term. Stealth trucking play $AER. $70. with flag. trigger. daily. W. already in Motion $54 - $62. width. $100 longer term Strong weekly base. $AL. #2. in the space. $50/$75. targets. Jet leasers. rule. fundamentally and technically
  • woodman: $AER flag. 69-71 range would be test of recent/all time high.
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER Target 1 $72 Target 2 $100 $AL $50/$75
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL - AER - A break above 72 could get it going nicely. See monthly. AL - 1.1 year consolidation. Move above 53 could get it going nicely too.
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL I have been long from below My major play in the air
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL - yes, you've been posting on these for a long time. Aerial assault.
  • bRobert: @Babutters $LUV $AER $AL Best in the air Technically and fundamentally $JETS group will work at some point
  • bRobert: $AER $70/ $100 $AL $50/$75 top in the space Leasers rule Best fundamental and technicals
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $UNP $NSC $IYT. WEEKLY. base. setting up for. a. BIG. move $100. repeat. weekly breakout. move. 36%. Top down approach Trucks. Planes trains. automobiles. $AER. weekly $100. 50%. upside. $GM. $100. 60%.
  • bRobert: $AER Best in the air Technically and fundamentally W bottom bounce > 50d $68 target $100 longer term $AL #2 Just under 50/200d ceiling $50 when cleared $75 longer Look at the daily WEEKLY charts Nothing close
  • bRobert: $AER speed bump RHRN on route to $70 Partials for traders around a core $100 LONG TERM Best in the air
  • bRobert: $AER Strong 10% move from nelow to $64 speed bump on route to $70 W target Best in the air $AL W trigger > $45 $50 target 1 $75 longer term Leasers rule
  • bwcarnation1: $AER a bRobert stock above 50/200 ma W formation/base broke above 50d today on good vol
  • bRobert: @DrScience $DAL $AAL $UAL $JBLU $ALK $LUV #Airlines $AER the class act $70 with trigger > 50d /$100 Best fundamentals $AL #2 $50/$75
  • bRobert: $AER $100 $AL $75+ Monthly Inverse H&S 70% upside The leasers are the best in the skies
  • NickSingh:
  • bRobert: $AL. low risk entry here over the Bermuda triangle $50/$75 targets $AER. $70 with flag trigger. > 50d. $100. longer Leasers rule the sky
  • bRobert: $AER a step ahead STRONG earnings revenue No bailouts $100 $AL $75 Leasers rule the sky Compare charts
  • bRobert: $AER $AL Technically the best in the air $AER $70 daily base Trigger > 50d $100 WEEKLY target 60%+ $AL $50/$75 Pullback bounces Long $FLR high base C&H daily $33 200W ceiling $26 then ZOOM MONTHLY Cup $60/$110 Something for everyone Short and long term
  • woodman: $AER off the 50w/200d.
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL. bullish best in the. space. Leasing $AL. $75. $AER. $100
  • bRobert: @debeers $AGCO $DE #2 Sometimes a great entry in #2 presents itself and you are rewarded with a larger % gain Entry counts too $DE is my #1 $AGCO small Others $HRI #1 $URI #2 $AER 1 $AL 2
  • bRobert: $AER BEST in the space Low risk entry $100 target $AL #2 $75 target Big cup base $ACM $100 target Extended staircase daily $GVA $65/$110+ MONTHLY CUP $FLR WEEKLY C&H Nicely drawn $35 target Speed bump 200w $60/$110 Monthly potential
  • bRobert: $PLCE WEEKLY breakout Retest $120/$180/$200 Shorts $AER WEEKLY breakout Retest $100 $AL same $75 Leasers are BEST in the space $CWH $65 WEEKLY pinch breakout Shorts $BA alert $237 for weekly channel breakout Daily breakout Flag retest $255 with trigger Speed bumps $240 - $255 will offer multiple pb bounce opportunities for swing traders or to accumulate prior to the BIG move $350 longer $500 - $600 long term
  • bRobert: @jsdpie I like the jet manufacturing pin action $TGI WEEKLY breakout $30/$35 Jet leasing $AER $100 target $AL $75 $BA long term $255/$280/$350/$500+ targets
  • bRobert: $FLR WEEKLY high base C&H $35 target with move > 200W ceiling Monthly CUP retrace to $60 area longer Multi year move to $110+ from that cup $10 base $60 handle Blueprint for $$$$$ Stay with it until it tells you otherwise SMALL works well $AER $100 WEEKLY breakout target $AL $75 Jet leasing Best in the space $GVA $65 WEEKLY breakout target Hodl SOME $ACM a step ahead $100 target WEEKLY breakout in motion
  • bRobert: $X WEEKLY reversal high base with low risk entry near 20 WEEK Bigger C&H like base $30/$50 targets Just a bite LEAPS Let it work FOR you $TECK WEEKLY breakout Flag $40+ target $AER WEEKLY breakout Retest $100 Best in the air $AL #2 $75 $FLR daily/WEEKLY C&H / flag $35 Speed bump $25 200W ceiling Cup Path to $60 on the monthly then Base $7 - $60 handle $110 multi year target Blueprint for a 400% trade Long
  • bRobert: $AL $60+ with daily flag trigger C&h $75 longer $AER flag WEEKLY pinch breakout CLOSE to the 20/50/200W Money making pattern $100 $73 flag target soon
  • Pokersmith: AerCap Holdings ($AER) on Wednesday reported Q3 adjusted earnings of $4.04 per share, up from $1.24 a year earlier. A single analyst polled by Capital IQ projected adjusted EPS of $3.47. The aircraft leasing company's revenue for the September quarter was $1.45 billion, up from $1.03 billion a year earlier. The Street expected $1.24 billion.
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $AER Technical + fundamental marriage CHEAP $100 target $AL #2 tries harder $75 target Leasers rule the air space Overweight $AER from below Small position $AL
  • bRobert: $AL flag $55 with trigger on route to $75 target Pin action from $AER $100 target WEEKLY pinch breakout Multi year base Money making pattern Jet leasers rule the space Strong Fundamentals and technicals separate them from the rest
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY breakout Daily extended Close to the all time highs $100 target Pullbacks 50% upside $AL Breakout to nhs Flag $75 target 50% $60 daily C&H first Jet leasing rules the space Technicals and fundamentals marriage
  • bwcarnation1: $AER earnings tomorrow morning...anyone holding?
  • Pokersmith: @bwcarnation1 $AER Flying high into the print....@bRobert is a big fan !
  • bwcarnation1: @Pokersmith $AER I wish it had pulled back some prior to earnings so I'm holding 1/3 of the position into earnings with a decent profit
  • bRobert: $AER nh WEEKLY breakout $90/$100 $70 interim target close $AL $50 acquired $75 longer Pullbacks $60 interim Jet leasers rule the space Technicals and fundamentals The rest will play catch up for trades but these are fundamentally strong No stinking bailouts
  • bRobert: $IYT WEEKLY high base at swing high speed bump $320/$380 targets 35% is juicy Look for outperformance in a top down approach $ARCB has already outperformed 100% run from a recent 50W bounce $55 in July $150 target 33% $R $135 target 55% $GM $100 target 60%+ $AER $100 Close to 50% $AL $75 50% $YELL spec $20 80% Actually $30 long term
  • bRobert: $AER BOOM $100 stock Best in the space nh $AL #2 $50/$75 70%
  • woodman: $AER lifting off the runway. Weekly breakout.
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER the only way to fly for a long time $100 Book it $AL #2 $50/$$75 the leasers RULE the air space Same in Heavy equipment $HRI $URI
  • bRobert: $AL BOOM Hit that $50 target I posted months ago PROFIT ZONE $75 next after some backfilling LOPNG with $AER The best in the air Eventually other non renters will catch up but I love strong fundamentals and a STRONG WEEKLY CHART No contest
  • bRobert: @debeers $HRI \ $AER #1 $90....$100 $AL #2 $50/$75 jet leasing Very robust earnings /revenues without a stinking bailout 50 - 70% upside
  • bRobert: $AER $AL breakout retests ................BUY THE BOUNCES #1 #2 in the air 50 - 70% upside is juicy
  • bRobert: $AER breakout to nhs The only way to fly $90...$100 target 50% upside still Outstanding fundamentals and weekly technicals WEEKLY breakout Retest BOUNCE 3 year base Pinch breakout close to the 20/50/200W = powerful move expected those moving averages are limber and loose Ready to be STRETCHED
  • bRobert: $AL The only way to fly trade #2 Clsoe to a WEEKLY breakout Multi year base Pinch close to the averages all just below GREAT set up like $AER $50/$75 targets 60%+
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $AER What an opportunity last week on that pullback.. Oh well....." To $AER is human "🤷‍♂️
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY PINCH breakout Multi ear cup base Retest BOUNCE No airline looks like this Best in the air $90....$100 $AL #2 The y try harder WEEKLY multi year base Daily Reversal A step behind AER $50/$75 $MLM recap Outstanding WEEKLY breakout move On volume $450/$500 targets LOOK for a pullback Retest $VMC Same as MLM $220/$250 $ROAD weekly breakout $43/$50 Pullbacks
  • Pokersmith: GE Sells Air Leasing Unit, Bringing In More Than $30 Billion General Electric's ($GE) huge sale of its aircraft-leasing unit, called GECAS, is complete, delivering more than $30 billion of cash and assets the company can use to keep paying down debt and restructuring its operations. GE is receiving about $24 billion in cash, $1 billion in debt instruments, and a 46% stake in the aircraft lessor AerCap($AER) , which bought the business. It's another step in simplifying GE's operations that will make the company more complicated to understand for a little while.
  • bRobert: $AER. WEEKLY breakout Retest........BOUNCE. Best in the air. $90......$100. target Strong tea leaves and. fundamentals. High growth. $AL. #2. Bullish WEEKLY. set up $72 Leasers rule the air In heavy equipment Renters have. led. $HRI $URI.
  • bRobert: $IYT EXTENDED daily close to high base target Coming in Healthy profit taking due in many names Big Cup base IYT is far from done longer term Fresh WEEKLY breakout will see a retest than expect a strong march higher from this base to $380 area WEEKLY BREAKOUT target 35% run for IYT More for some names in the space eg $ARCB $150/$160+ 77% potential $R $125/$135 50% potential $AER $70/$90 50% $GM $65/$90 50% $F $25 target 60% Others
  • bRobert: $AER Daily/WEEKLY breakout Pullback retest Buy the bounce $70 target 1 $90+..............$100 longer term $AL #2 in the space $44 target 1 $50 with a move > 200d ceiling $70 WEEKLY breakout target $H WEEKLY flag High base $100 target $HLT WEEKLY flag after squeeze breakout $$160/170 targets $MAR WEEKLY breakout flag $190/$200 targets $DIS will work well long term W bottom daily $186 with trigger Test of 20d pullback seeing a bounce I recommend WATCHING this stock with an alert for a WEEKLY breakout > $185 $250 targets with a confirmed WEEKLY breakout Big resorts business will rebound like the hotel chains above with perky weekly breakouts Entertainment king of all medias Sports gambling kickers Long term bullish
  • bRobert: Follow the $$$ Stocks ETFs near highs and related $FAS $160 target close $200/$220 longer term $XLF $GUSH $XOP $CLOU Pullbacks to add $XME related setting up Very bullish $TECK $FCX $STLD $NUE\ $XLF $SIVB $950 $BX $150 $GS $420/$500+ others $HD nh $380 target 1 Machinery setting up $HRI $URI $AGCO even $DE WEEKLY bases $ZS $CRWD $CRM $OKTA $320/$350 to start $400 longer term $SQ WEEKLY breakout will roar Patience without a big commitment Alerts $IYT $AER nhs $70/$90...$100 $AL $75 $TA $60 - $90 $R $125 $ARCB $150
  • bRobert: $AER WEEKLY breakout nh $70 soon $90.....$100 longer Big WEEKLY base Pinch breakout in motion Pullbacks $AL #2 WEEKLY pinch $50/$75 target 80% upside is huge Leasers rule in jets
  • bRobert: @bRobert $BX $TAN $AVGO $TXN $ARCB $DE Low risk entry here $400 - $600 targets Stop just below Add in scales $AGCO AFTER earnings $$160/$250 targets $URI after earnings $400/$500+ targets $AL Low risk high reward $50/$75 targets $AER Buy a pullback bounce $70/$90 targets ......$100 $FCX Own it $47/$80 targets WEEKLY breakout target
  • Pokersmith: ...
    Topping the week's calendar was a massive $21 billion offering from AERcap Holdings($AER) to help fund the Dublin- based company's acquisition of General Electric's (GE) aircraft-leasing business. Cruise line Carnival (CCL) also was back to tap the ...
  • AndStars: @Pokersmith $AER #CheapMoney Good article. Thanks for posting!
  • Auto: $TSLA $SNAP $AER $ANTM $MTCH $PYPL $SEAS added sit back and enjoy the ride
  • bRobert: $aer. Monthly reversal in motion. $100 $70 daily high base interim. Long. Bear in the space
  • bla00109: @Auto $TSLA $SNAP $AER $ANTM $MTCH $PYPL $SEAS --- Which one? I'm confused by your message.
  • Auto: @bla00109 $TSLA $SNAP $AER $ANTM $MTCH $PYPL $SEAS added to all I'm long all of them from way below
  • bRobert: $AER. I LOVE this BIG. CUP. like WEEKLY. base. Pinch breakout HUGE. upside $70. - $90.......$100. targets. 50%. Long from below. EARLY in this move. $70. Daily C&H. like base target. soon. Best in the space $AL. is. #2. $47.50 with WEEKLY flag. trigger > 50WEEK $72+. WEEKLY breakout. target 75%. potential. Not. too shabby. Does. #2. try harder?
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $AER hopefully eventually, the cup runneth over. long
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $AER Powerful set. up. Bermuda. triangle 20/50/200w. just. below. The rubber bands are. loose. The Bollinger. bands are tight. and beginning to expand. Big. base. at the. highs Blue skies are nice for long flights
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $AER fasten your seat belt
  • bRobert: $IYT. Swing high Speed. bump. and extended Expecting. a pullback in this and other extended names. eg. $R. $90.Small high base interim target acquired. WEEKLY. breakout. Looking for. retest......BOUNCE. $100/$130. targets. $ARCB. WEEKLY breakout Flag. $125/$150+. potential. Very bullish on the sector. IYT. WEEKLY. Bullish base. Tightening consolidation above the. 20/ 50W Looking for. a $100. WEEKLY breakout move to $380. $320 interim. Proxy for the space. 40% upside. Best of breed members will get you more Trains Trucks Cars. Planes (weakest for now Leasers Stronger. eg. $AER ). ...... Services for. all.
  • bRobert: $AER. Breakout. Look for the pullback. $70/$90+
  • Auto: $TSLA $AER $F HTZZ added early staying late $MILE 59er working
  • Pokersmith: Bullish Engulfing Day....see $AER....looking to take flight
  • Pokersmith: @Pokersmith $AER @bRobert fave, fyi
  • chrismibs: $AER Holding up well into the close; closing in on 6 month high
  • Pokersmith: Bonafide break-out on the weekly ( @bRobert stomping grounds ) on beaucoup volume....see: $AER
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $AER $70 target 1. Daily cup. base $90. longer. WEEKLY multi year cup like. pinch. breakout. just above 50/200w Long. Best in the space. Technically and fundamentally.
  • bRobert: @wanda1616 $SNOW $SIVB $BX $SHOP I left enough bread crumbs. Many long term trades. have exploded higher . eg. $CAR. $SIVB. $HD. $FAS $GNRC $AER. early breakout. Very high targets. others. Many setting up. $SQ. $AGCO. $FCX. $GVA.$65+. $ACM. $75/$100 WEEKLY. bases. getting ready for major moves Close to support. $SQ SQ. SQ WEEKLY. setting up. for Monster move. Just a piece will do until a confirmed WEEKLY breakout Then HOLD ON
  • bRobert: $aer 70/$90+. Best in the space $alb &300 . Ev gas $fcx. $45/$75 $R 125 . $ARCB $150 $nail. Reversal base building. $120 to $160. $zs $350. $320 interim $crwd $okta $crm same Pullbacks
  • bRobert: $AER C&H like daily $70 WEEKLY $90+ target 50% upside is huge Best in the space $GVA Tight WEEKLY consolidation This is the chart that tells the story $65 target with pinch breakout 50% $ACM same $75/$100 $MLM Consolidation over Big base $520 WEEKLY breakout target Others will work
  • bRobert: $AER. Strong. DAily/WEEKLY. base. C&H LIKE. Close to nh. $70/$90+ $AL. #2. will follow $50/$75. Leasers. rule Same in. heavy equipment. $HRI. #1. $200. $URI. #2. $400/$500
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Stock Price $93.99
Change 0.18%
Volume 230,684

AerCap Holdings N.V. provides aircraft leasing & aviation finance services. Its activities also include aircraft asset management, corporate services, remarketing of aircraft, collecting rental, maintenance payments & monitoring aircraft maintenance.

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