Sonos Inc. (NASDAQ:SONO)

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  • curtis: selling $sono at 17, taking 13%. Have a feeling this is a good time to trim winning trades today
  • curtis: Good Morning: Pigs get slaughtered. Like rise in market and want to ring bell on some profits selling 1/4 of $ARM at limit of $72 selling 1/2 of $SONO at $18 selling 1/3 of $DHI at $160
  • curtis: @BarryC (good morning from Fort Myers FL). Helped Dad do his 2021, 2022 taxes. Yeah he didn't file 2021 or 2022. But, he was happy that it got done. (84). Picked up $ELF while waiting 25 minutes at Wells Fargo to deposit a check. It took them 25 minutes to deposit a IRA RMD. Needed a manager that was on break. My mom and I were the only people in the bank. Liked the action in $OLLI yesterday. Would take 1/2 off at $80. $SONO hit 17 yesterday. up 13% from buy point. Limit sale at $18 for 1/2 of postion (20%) On way to Airport for cold weather again.
  • BarryC: @curtis $ELF $OLLI $SONO GM!! 👌👌👌
  • curtis: $SONO moving up . Limit order at $16 on additional shares, in case it goes to 8 day.
  • curtis: ...
    $SONO still moving very slowly higher. Their sales will be big for black friday. Some items on website were unavailable at times.

    Big news: Brazil to join OPEC.

    X community notes show that Joe Biden's tweets are being fact checked. This is en ...
  • joelsg1: @curtis $SPY $DXY $SN $SONO $TSLA $F Cybertruck bed is 51x72, what bike do you have? Also, friend was at event yesterday and drove it, all they had was beast mode, super fast 0-60 in 2.6 sec., 4 wheel steering, air suspension, super quiet, he couldn't track all the electronic bells/whistles. Mid-level AWD 4.1 sec, $79.9 less the $7500 credit coming before delivery. Beat the F-350 diesel towing. Musk said it'll fit typical 20-foot garage. I want it.
  • curtis: @BarryC (Happy $PLTR rebound Wednesday). $SN is moving $SONO starter eeking small up.
  • curtis: $SONO sonos Arc arriving today. Pink Floyd 4K Going to add starter position today.
  • Henry: @curtis $SONO That's a heck of a run in a month. I used to own this stock before it plunged. It went from the 40's to having a 9 handle. Looks like it needs a rest to me. I like their products.
  • curtis: ...
    Second stock looking at is $SONO. Sonos.
    Ordered the sonos ARC soundbar with two ECO 300 speakers. This is peer youtube recommended over the bose. Chart looks like it is maintaining its breakout. May want to add starter and wait for a bit of a pu ...
  • Henry: $SONO sold in pm after earnings the other day and this thing dropped like a stone
  • Henry: $SONO Beat but forecasts less than last year, I sold in ah for tiny gain.
  • Henry: $SONO back into this old favorite
  • Motorman: @Henry $SONO Bought on the drop after ER, held it. Painful at times. Now through 50 day. ER Aug 8.
  • Henry: $SONO Schmeissed on bad guidance
  • Henry: $SONO in premarket it went from $15.3 to 16.7. Could be a 59 minute dead cat bounce
  • shoredriver: $SONO...splat....likely little to no
  • vitoB: @shoredriver $SONO...i actually like this here. no debt and takout candidate for anyone who makes yell at it boxes...shorts could press or cover, i bought some after hours at 17 and will buy more around 16.75...thats the plan. we'll see
  • vitoB: @vitoB $SONO ur right on this one
  • Henry: @vitoB $SONO They still have a lawsuit against GOOGL pending
  • vitoB: @vitoB $SONO second wind. above vwap
  • MongosPawn: $SONO Starter taken.
  • vitoB: @Henry $SONO ..yes..the number was lower, but still active litigation
  • MongosPawn: $SONO Stopped out for a 1% loss.
  • vitoB: $SONO gettin killed gonna take a spec order at 17 lets see on getting filled
  • scottrades: @vitoB $SONO geeeez
  • vitoB: @scottrades $SONO crazy..did get my fill at 17, expect the shorts will have to cover. no debt would be a good buyout but just a position that will morph into a 59er tomorrow
  • DAN: @vitoB $SONO The chart of $SONO -- it's what an earnings miss looks like. 8-(
  • Henry: $SONO busy with other things today. The stock traded 1mil shares higher than average today. Might this be the start of the short squeeze. Happy weekend. Enjoy the coronation.
  • Henry: $SONO marginally more exciting than watching grass grow came within 10 ₵ of a new high yesterday (since it's fall from grace in November)
  • Henry: @scottrades $SONO at last
  • scottrades: @Henry $SONO Hallelujah. Let's see how it closes
  • kenb: @Henry $SONO earnings soon, Wed May 10 after. Nice to see it getting some attention again.
  • scottrades: Looking to Swing $QLD $MARA $SONO $NKE $BITO and $NET into next week.
  • scottrades: $SONO just chilling here @Henry... HOD
  • scottrades: @scottrades I'm currently holding $SHOP $FSLY $SONO and a few $TSLA shares.
  • Henry: $SONO boring. It looks like it wants to consolidate here for a while.
  • scottrades: @Henry $SONO I have some right now. Small. Good base being built.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY /$QQQ Nice reversal $UUP Here’s the problem $IBB Holding the 8EMA $GLD Holding the 21 EMA $SLV Above the MAs $GDX still in consolidation $XLE In a range $TAN Holding the 200 Day $ARKK Upside reversal $ARKF Above the MAs $AMZN Strong today $TSLA Watch tomorrow. $MSFT Fine $DKNG Go Oilers! $SHOP Still in trend $V Cup building a handle $CRM Working $HUBS Clean slope $IBP Great volume this week. $BLD Close to the highs $XOM Earnings coming up $TDW Above all the MAs $INTU Tax Season $WING In trend $HEI Around the 50 Day $COIN Near the 50 Day $SONO Going sideways above the MAs
  • Henry: $SONO has announced Sonos Pro, a music service for commercial establishments. up a dime today.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/$QQQ Trend is up, but choppy $UUP Still in a Downtrend $GDX In consolidation $SMH Holding the 50 Day $XLE Going sideways $ITA Near the highs $IBB Building a Flag $XLC Building a short base $TAN Higher Low $BLOK Mentioned in the pod $AAPL Right at resistance. $MSFT Sideways, Earnings on the 25th $V At resistance $SHOP Long $DKNG Breaking out $COIN Back to the MAs, watch your size $INTU Watch 448 $FSLR Earnings on the 27th $ARRY Watch 22.65 $SONO in trend $MBLY Mentioned by Dan $NET Base building $FSLY Good volume $DIS At the MAs $LMT New weekly high $AXON Working $HEI Through the 50 Day on volume
  • vitoB: jon forte sent me on a rabbit hole, based on his online learning piece. $LRN $TWOU $CHGG $COUR $UDMY ....$TWOU i think this is in one of K Woods funds some of the smaller players are gonna get bought.....also found this $OLO... this looks like a $SQ $TOST category...looks like a nice short squeeze... just like $SONO im in a small starter here. ...$UNG gettin lighted and this is gonna sell some, but above 7 should clear way for a test of the 50d, which it hasnt hit since Dec 22
  • scottrades: $SONO Back holding the 8EMA @Henry
  • vitoB: at 20.20 ill take a stab at that $SONO squeeze
  • scottrades: @vitoB $SONO It's back to the 8-Day..
  • natural: @vitoB $SONO Grabbed a few $20.50 calls for next Friday. Low IV makes 'em attractive.
  • Henry: $SONO Added at 20.7
  • LFYoda: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $GLD $SLV $GDX $SMH $ARKK $ITB $XLE $USO $BLOK $AXON $BA $BABA $META $RMBS $AMD $ON $ALGM $COIN $MARA $RIOT $HUT $EXTR $SONO $FND $NOW $TXRH $GOLD $AEM $RGLD Scott, video was helpful. Love the in depth analysis.
  • scottrades: ...
    Currently Holding: $COIN, $ON, $ALGM, $EXTR, and $SONO (thanks to @Henry for this one)

    Let’s have a great day!

  • Henry: $SONO up another 1% is both an inside week and a double inside month.
  • scottrades: @Henry $SONO Decent amount of Short Interest as well
  • Henry: @scottrades $SONO 10% and 7 days to cover
  • scottrades: @scottrades $ON $ALGM Also out of $SONO
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY / $QQQ Awaiting CPI $GLD Above the 8EMA $SLV Highest Level since May 2022 $GDX Same $SMH Consolidating $ARKK Under the 50 Day $ITB Above the MAs $XLE / $USO Flagging $BLOK Blockchain ETF Bitcoin - Breaking out $AXON Above the MAs $BA Above the MAs $BABA Flag $META Trending $RMBS Still above the MAs $AMD Watching today’s high $ON Took Profit $ALGM Took Profit $COIN Extended $MARA Added to the ATL $RIOT Monster $HUT Running into some supply $EXTR Pullback to the 8EMA $SONO High Short interest $FND Watch 99.50 $NOW Earnings April 26 $TXRH New High $GOLD In consolidation $AEM Running into resistance $RGLD Extended above the 8EMA
  • BarryC: BTW, Here is my Watchlist BUTTTTTT UNLESS Volume is GOOD to Great, I'm not that enthused at the moment. $APPN, $ARKK, $ARRY, $ASAN, $BBAI, $BEKE, $BRZE, $CARZ, $DKNG, $DOCN, $FLNC, $FSLY, $GBTC, $GLD, $HTHT, $IONQ, $IOT, $KTOS, $LI, $MBLY, $NEM, $NET, $NVTS, $OIIL, $PATH, $PD, $PLTR, $PSX, $PYXS, $RBLX, $SNOW, $SONO, $SPOT, $TCOM, $TECK, $TGTX, $TSLA, $U, $VIPS, $VLO
  • Henry: @scottrades what do you think of $SONO They came out with new, higher priced versions of their speakers.
  • scottrades: @Henry $SONO I like this setup, Henry. Clear support at the 21 EMA.
  • BarryC: Good Morning, Sorry I dropped the ball yesterday with not being timely posting my Watchlist yesterday. I've just got some personal stuff goin on and got side tracked. Just to be clear, this is my Watchlist NOT a "go out and buy tomorrow list". I will post any action IF I take one. Hope everyone has a Great Day!! :-) $ABNB, $ALGM, $ARKK, $ASAN, $BIDU, $BOTZ, $EB, $EDU, $GBTC, $HTHT, $KTOS, $ON, $ONON, $PLTR, $ROKU, $SLAB, $SONO, $SSTK
  • Boone.ruth: @BarryC $ABNB $ALGM $ARKK $ASAN $BIDU $BOTZ $EB $EDU $GBTC $HTHT $KTOS $ON $ONON $PLTR $ROKU $SLAB $SONO $SSTK Thanks Barry. looking through the list this am
  • Motorman: $SONO a trade, missed ER. back to June Low and moving off of it. Stop LOD
  • bill52: @Motorman $SONO Agree. starting to tighten up just under the vwap. started a small spec position to see what happens. if a solid move above the vwap, will add.
  • Henry: $SONO A Steve Grasso stock earnings est $0.06, actual a big 0 Their press release had this ominous statement: "Due to the uncertain and evolving macroeconomic backdrop, the timeline to achieve the Company’s previously issued targets of $2.5 billion revenue, 45-47% gross margins and 15-18% Adjusted EBITDA margins is being extended beyond FY2024 " Satisfied customer but np
  • traderbren: @Henry $SONO - not surprised as they were weighted to the Put side going into earnings. NP.
  • kbrowe: $SONO Non-GAAP EPS of $0.26 beats by $0.09, revenue of $399.78M beats by $48M. Up 22% AH. Playing prudent in this market, so I sold 1/2 before ER. Will be watching the morning open with the other half of this long term holding.
  • bRobert: $SONO breakout daily $35+ target np Just watching Breakout retest in the cards Higher long term potential $45
  • kbrowe: @bRobert $SONO Sonos Inc. will replace Chart Industries in the S&P SmallCap 600 on Wednesday, March 30
  • Geewhiz: @gtr89 $GTLS $EQT $LNG $SONO replacing $GTLS in S&P 600 while $GTLS joining S&P 400. $SONO fairing much better on the news
  • gtr89: @Geewhiz $GTLS $EQT $LNG $SONO Thanks
  • nchamberlain: Anyone holding $SONO into earnings?
  • bRobert: @nchamberlain $SONO Why? this thing COULD test $20 H&S top weekly No edge over earnings or more precisely the reaction to earnings
  • kbrowe: @nchamberlain $SONO yes, but bought way below with enough cushion to ride it out. Last time they reported, they had great sales numbers, but mentioned supply chain disruption and some products on backorder. They can sell them if they can get the parts. There is also the IP ruling win against $GOOGL, but that could take a long time to go through the justice system to bear any fruit.
  • nchamberlain: @brobert @kbrowe $SONO Interesting. Thank you both!
  • kbrowe: @rythm $SONO yes, that is all true on the daily, however zooming out to the weekly shows a different picture. It is has slowly drifted down just under the 50 week and $30 level as support. Been consolidating since Feb 2021 and is at the low end of the trading range. For a new low risk position, you could start with a small position with a stop just below Friday's low.
  • rythm: @kbrowe $SONO got it. Thank you.
  • champ: @rythm $SONO...HOD.... I did take a position, off of your post, right after the open, at $34.63...because this looks like it should start a nice earnings run....ER on 11/17/after/confirmed.
  • champ: $SONO...this might grow legs...see @kbrowe Info post.
  • kbrowe: $SONO mentioned in Barron's this weekend as a potential winner, should get a pop Monday morning on the news. ER Nov 17. Has been drifting down from great ER last quarter. Own a position from below, and am looking to add on the news and a potential r ...
  • rythm: @kbrowe $SONO I just reviewed and the chart is pretty choppy and below all averages. Thoughts on this ?
  • DAN: @kbrowe $SONO This is an awesome post, @kbrowe. Thanks for sharing that stuff. Very very useful. 8-)
  • kbrowe: $SONO getting some attention. Could reverse the downward trend. Holding from below. Greenlight's David Einhorn reveals in new letter to investors that he's upped his position in $SONO "to a size that makes it worthwhile to discuss." Says they've owned it for about a year. We'll discuss that and more when he joins me exclusively today at Noon on @HalftimeReport
  • Henry: $SONO David Einhorn talking about it on Halftime
  • kbrowe: @Henry $SONO it got a little pop on the mention, however he said they have great management, cost efficient, and he is looking at their IP with potential lawsuits that they might have in the future, similar to their favorable challenge to Google. Holding from below.
  • Wykeman: $SONO Nice volume
  • traderbren: $SONO - like a magnet, the gap has filled on the downside from yesterday's gap up. Happy I sold my calls into the pop yesterday. Let's see if it can re-set here. NP
  • Carpe_Diem: $SONO - Sonos shares are trading higher after a US International Trade Commission judge, in a preliminary ruling, found Google infringed on five of Sonos' patents. Also, Jefferies upgraded the stock from Hold to Buy and raised its price target from $43 to $50.
  • Henry: @Carpe_Diem $SONO I'm out, it's going down for now. I don't want to give back the gains
  • kbrowe: @Carpe_Diem $SONO I am looking at a longer term holding with a cost basis way below, and am holding. Looking to add when the profit takers have finished selling.
  • Carpe_Diem: @kbrowe $SONO - We have a gap and I wouldn't be chasing here.
  • kbrowe: @Carpe_Diem $SONO not chasing, watching to see if it can hold above $41 as a new support level. Basically seeing if it will start trading in a new box above that support. If it starts closing the gap to the downside, then will be stopped out.
  • greenpatrol: @Mpower27 $SONO $GOOG The answer, I think, is that humans tend to under-react to new information that significantly changes the odds.
  • kbrowe: $SONO Federal judge rules that $GOOG DID infringe on $SONO patents, released AH. $SONO up 5% AH. Holding from below and on my Monday morning watch list.
  • wanda1616: @kbrowe $SONO $GOOG GOOG hasnt budged
  • kbrowe: @wanda1616 $SONO $GOOG I didn't think so. This will play out for a period of time, and some lump sum or license fees settlement will be reached. $GOOG is sitting on a pile of cash, so I don't think this will have much of an impact on them. But, it's a huge win for $SONO and that will be the one to watch.
  • kbrowe: @kbrowe $SONO $GOOG headline news on CNBC Fast Money, and very bullish on $SONO talking about licensing fees having to be paid, especially with the huge number of speakers $GOOG has already sold. What ever license fees get paid, it will include both past and future sales of any speaker $GOOG sells. That will be a huge number. And there was talk about $AMZN could also be in their sights for infringement based on this decision. I'm not a lawyer and don't understand the patent details, but stock price will gap up Monday morning and be looking to add.
  • Henry: @kbrowe $SONO $GOOG $AMZN I posted on Wed evening that Grasso was calling this to happen. He expects 70 million in licensing fees for 20 years. My son tells me Sonos is developing their own Alexa. I don't know anything about who developed what technology, but if AMZN has infringed on their patents, there a lot of Alexas and dots to license. He didn't give a lot of credibility to the projections he heard of $100 a share. I'd take $75
  • Mpower27: @kbrowe $SONO $GOOG Maybe it's a huge win, I'd assume that $GOOG can appeal this ruling. Per CNBC "Friday’s ruling is subject to review by the full ITC, scheduled for Dec. 13 according to the commission’s website." No idea how often the full panel override a judge's ruling although I would expect that they mostly likely uphold them. Currently $SONO is up 12% on solid volume but if this was such a massive win shouldn't the move be bigger? One to watch for sure.
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Stock Price $11.59
Change -2.93%
Volume 1,924,910

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